
Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

Hello guys, I'm Ma Xiaojiao.

The new version of Hearthstone introduces a new keyword, "Bottoming Out", where one of the three cards at the bottom of the deck is placed at the top of the deck. In order to better play the role of bottom-up, Hearthstone designers in the new version gave each class a "so-and-so of Asara" card, these cards will be played after a "sinking card" will be placed at the bottom of the card library, with the bottom of the quick draw of the hand, you can play a very powerful effect. So, the question arises: are these sinking cards good or not? This article will give them a rating.

S-Class: Demon Hunter, Thief

The betrayer of the Demon Hunter's Aisara can raid the field and ensure the early rhythm. The sunken betrayer can be used as a means of killing in the middle and late stages, and can also be used to solve the scene, and the effect is better. Due to the retirement environment of core cards such as the Elidare Judge and the Actor Relay, the Demon Hunter's late killing ability is greatly reduced, and the betrayer can just make up for the damage. Although the Demon Hunters did not yet have a stable means of bottoming out, they had a low-cost entourage to extract from the Bottomless Abyss. Theoretically, a set of cards can be constructed to rub blood in the early stage and kill in the middle of the card.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

The Thief's Isara's ship has three highlights: one is the stealth stable station, only losing one hand AOE. Second, the sunken ship is automatically released when it is drawn, and after exploring the bottom, it can draw cards normally while laying the field, and the rhythm is full. Third, the pirate system promoted by the thief in the new version makes me very optimistic, two issara's ship with the bottom to summon 8 pirates, can help us trigger the special effect of hook teeth as soon as possible, with the opponent's cards to defeat the opponent.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

A: Druid, Knight, Shaman

The garden of the Druid's Isara is a hand buff spell, while a large part of the druid's scene relies on spell summoning, plus there is no bottoming entourage itself, and the benefits are relatively small. However, the sunken garden can be used as a low-cost Buff, which may be able to play a good slashing effect. Alternatively, a new version of Hearthstone's Druid can directly change its mind and follow the gameplay of the Minions Shop, and if neutrality can also introduce more Bottom-Quest Companions, the effect may be good.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

The Knight's Isara's Moongazer is a very good spectator, and the high attack power combined with the Holy Shield will bring a lot of pressure to the opponent. The sunken moongazer not only retained the Holy Shield, but also obtained the effect of replicating its own war roar, which was just able to match the knight's Buff (Holy Shield) system, could Beauvar re-emerge?

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

The shaman's Isara's scroll is unpretentious, and it is impossible to say where it is strong, mainly because I am looking forward to the new version of Hearthstone to promote the three series of sass. The sunken scroll can be replenished with each of the three series spells at one time, which can just match the glow of Aisara, maybe it can have a very good program effect, and also let the shaman play in the later stage have more resources and more possibilities.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

B Level: Mage, Warrior

The mage's Isara's scavenger body has no highlights, and the sunken scavenger can be quickly started with another new card trench surveyor, helping the mage quickly replenish a large number of mechanical followers, which is undoubtedly a major core of the new version of the mechanical method. However, the cost of these two cards is more awkward, and the rhythm is not too good. Moreover, the current quality of mechanical followers is also relatively general, and whether the mechanical method can be formed is a problem.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

Is the Warrior's Aisala's Trident a small axe exploded? The Sunken Trident can deal 2 AOEs to all enemy minions after attack, which is equivalent to a boosted sweep per turn, or clears the field while punching the face, and can also be used to create injured targets, which is very versatile. However, the role of 2-point AOE in the middle and late stages is indeed not large, and the actual combat effect is likely to be similar to the warrior DK skills of that year, which can only be regarded as a giveaway.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

C Level: Hunter, Priest, Warlock

The last three cards made me a little confused, the hunter's blade leopard body was unqualified, worse than the old card. Moreover, after retiring a part of the cards of the big brother system, this is new, can not be put together out, let us play the full body? To be honest, I can only hope that the giant retinue of the one-handed hunter is a very strong beast card, otherwise I really can't understand what beast would be better with this card.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

The priest is also outrageous, and the year of the griffin core series has produced fools, resulting in no matching system of silence and heartfire. The fool has retired from the environment, you make such a card out? It is not appropriate to use it as a means of returning the other way to the other. Judging from the pastor's current situation, dare to be silent and then copy the retinue on the other side, and if there is no ridicule, he will be killed directly, or honestly solve the scene!

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

This version of the Warlock's Fishman system is 80% unplayable, the speed is too slow, and the core Buff cards are contradictory, and it is difficult to find a balance between the scene, the hand and the Buff, and even if it can be found, it is even more difficult to do. In short, it is very strange, and you may have to wait until the mini series to make up the puzzle to play.

Hearthstone: The new version of 10 "sinking cards" has been announced, who is strong and who is weak, at a glance!

The above is my personal opinion on the new version of Hearthstone's sinking card, leave a message to tell you your opinion~

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