
Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

Pay attention to Amaojun, the game thief is happy~

Hello everyone, I'm Amaojun explaining.

Speaking of the diamond consumption activity in the glory of the king, most players must still remember, after all, the diamond consumption activity in the early years is a relatively fixed large-scale event in the glory of the king, and it is also welcomed and expected by players. However, that is already a very early thing, and today's diamond consumption activities have completely changed their taste, and it can be said that they are becoming more and more perfunctory, which is really not interesting.

Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

Diamond consumption activity in the last time, in fact, has begun to change, in the last diamond consumption activity, the official will be a significant reduction in the reward, originally at least able to stably exchange 10 skin fragments, now only able to get 2 skin fragments, the official reward directly shrunk 5 times, it caused a lot of player dissatisfaction.

Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

Probably in order to appease the dissatisfaction of some players, so the official added 4 epic skins to the event, namely Captain Cao Cao's Ghost, Li Yuanfang's Summer of Dreams, Sable Cicada Christmas Song and Liu Chan Gentleman Panda, all of which can be exchanged directly in the Shard Shop, but the probability is very low, only 0.05%, and it is limited.

Ah Maojun originally thought that the last activity was enough to cut, but he did not expect that this time it would be more intense, and the official was simply cutting out of a new realm.

Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

This time in the diamond consumption event, the skin fragments that can be exchanged remain the same, still up to 2 skin fragments, but in the skin rewards given, there have been some changes, last time there were 4 epic skins, this time there is only one epic skin, in addition, there are 4 brave skins, although the number has increased by one, but the quality is greatly reduced.

Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

The rewards of the 5 skins given this time are the epic skin Liu Chan genius goalkeeper, the brave skin Zhen Ji hua hao human, the Houyi Alpha squad, the Ah Ke love care and the Dharma great inventor, although the latter two are the same as the epic skin in terms of price, but they are genuine brave skins, the same probability is still 0.05%, and still follow the setting of the limit in the last diamond consumption activity.

Glory of Kings: Diamond Consumption is online again! The rewards are getting more and more choppy? This set of roads is really six

Such a comparison will find that this so-called diamond consumption activity, not only completely inferior to the rewards given before, or even up to the rewards given last time, according to this trend, the next time the diamond consumption activities are online, I am afraid that the rewards given will be worse, either continue to reduce the number of skin fragments, or continue to reduce the grade of the skin given.

The above, is the entire content of this issue of game information, if you feel that there is a gain, ask for likes and comments, ask for forwarding, and the most important thing is to point a big attention! I'm Am Maurien and we'll see you next time!

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