
Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

The new season of the king has been opened for a few days, and the next new skin should also be exposed immediately, after all, the current king has a new skin a week.

Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid; Speaking of SiKong Zhen, the hero, he also once entered the skinless village, because Sikong Zhen has only one companion skin since the launch so far, and they can catch up with the old village chief. However, just recently, there are rumors that Doi Kongzhen is about to get a new skin, and it is designed according to the Golden Lightning.

Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

Full of the feeling of lightning and thunder, after all, this design is also very in line with the hero of Sikong Zhen, and secondly, Sikong Zhen's new skin of lightning is said to be epic quality, because the direct sale skins of the king are basically epic, and the legends are less, and the braves are fewer. In fact, the appearance rate of Sikong Zhen's high rank is still quite high, so the epic skin is reasonable, and it is said that Sikong Zhen's new skin of this lightning epic is about to raid.

Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

Crazy Iron new skin handsome explosion; Crazy Iron is a warrior hero, high-quality skin is not much, so the official immediately intends to release a new skin for Crazy Iron, and now has the first exposure display, it looks full of street cool redheaded juvenile style, weapons are also the symbol of Wild Iron Hammer,

Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

It feels more modern, the name is said to be a street boy, which is also very much in line with the appearance of the exposure image, the background story is based on the future street clutter, but the main content of the crazy iron incarnation hero. Overall, the new skin of the wild iron is also handsome, and the special effects should be biased towards deep red.

Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

Garo smiled; Garo was a shooter hero, and the skin he got was a good shooter, much better than the old village chief. However, it is currently said that Garo is about to win this year's Dunhuang series, and even the well-known bloggers of the king have revealed that Garo's new Dunhuang skin is said to be designed according to Dunhuang Kiln Cave 602, and the image will also restore the Dunhuang murals. The quality should remain epic, as the Dunhuang series is partly epic skins. Because of this, Garo also smiled appropriately. For more of the latest game information of Glory of Kings, please pay attention to Rego Games: Game Ray.

Glory of Kings: Sikong Zhen Lightning Epic Skin Raid, Crazy Iron New Skin Handsome Explosion, Garo laughed

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