
The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

The 55th Black Festival has officially opened, and at present, except for the mystery shop, which has to wait until the 1st to go online, other activities have basically been launched. Among them, the activity of protecting the star and designating the hero's combat power is the player's favorite, because it can directly increase the ranking rank and the glory combat power. In addition, the mysterious shop is also about to open, Zhang Liang and Dharma's legendary skin are in this mysterious shop, if you draw a 50% discount, Dharma's legendary skin is still worth buying, after all, Dharma is also this high-grade skin.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

Then Yu Ji's Star Legend is expected to be online this year, due to the need for 300 Purple Star Coins, so if there are players with the skin of Yunniang Que Ling, they can now start preparing Purple Star Coins. What is going on, let's take a look at it together.

The 3 heroes of the Black Festival do not lose their combat strength

There are quite a few activities in this black festival, and the activities that are completely welfare include the Rose Treasure Cabinet, the direct sale of heroes is all limited, the five rows are not restricted, and the five-five oath treasure house and the activities that do not drop the stars and do not lose the combat power. These activities do not require players to charge money to spend anything, as long as they play the game can be experienced.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

Among them, the activity of not dropping stars is the most liked by players, after all, most players are mainly playing rankings, two star protection and one star opportunity, which is equivalent to giving the player three stars, and there are three more stars for no reason, and the players are still quite happy. For some players who want to impact the hero's combat power, the activity of designating the hero's combat strength is more fragrant.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

Now use the designated hero to play the ranking, you can get the opportunity not to lose the combat power, each player can specify three heroes, every day will refresh the number of times the battle power can not be lost. If you want to play a brand for your best hero, this is a very good opportunity.

The legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is online

This time the Mystery Shop has two Legendary Skins, both of which are skins of the Saint Seiya series. However, among these two skins, Dharma's Leo is more worth buying. The reason why this skin is worth buying is because Zhang Liang will soon have a new skin online, this skin is also an e-sports skin, and the purchase of skin will also get a coupon return, which is a semi-free skin, so there is really no need to buy this Aries now. However, Dharma, there will be no high-grade skin in a short period of time, so this Leo is indeed the best choice.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

In addition, the epic skin has Li Bai's Millennium Fox, this skin is also a regular customer of the mystery store, and he has him every time the mystery store opens. This skin joined the mystery store this time, if you draw a 50% discount, it is still worth buying, because Li Bai's skin is more cost-effective.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

And it is said that this skin will also usher in a new Xingyuan skin, some netizens broke the news that Li Bai will get an event battle Order Xingyuan, just like the Xingyuan skin warned by Dianwei Blue Screen. The quality of the Star Element skin is still quite high, and it is also very easy to obtain, as long as you spend 18 yuan to open the advanced event order.

Prepare 300 Purple Star Coins

Finally, Yu Ji's star legend has been determined to be online this year, and some bloggers have already broken the news, and this star legend will be online before October this year at the latest.

The 3 heroes of the Kaihei Festival do not lose their combat strength, and the legend of Dharma and Zhang Liang is 50% off, and 300 purple star coins are prepared

And if you want to get this skin for free, then from now on, you have to start accumulating Purple Star Coins. After all, 300 purple star coins is not a small number, a day to get a purple star coin, the remaining nearly half a year can accumulate more than a hundred purple star coins, then this skin out of the want to start is easier.

Kerr has something to say

Don't waste the activities of opening the black festival without dropping stars and not dropping combat strength, these days there is time to play two more games, more stars, and more rushes to the hero's combat strength. Dharma's Leo is still worth buying this time on the mysterious store, and the quality of the skin is still very good. Yu Ji's star legend is still quite high from the perspective of the situation that has been exposed, so this skin is still very worth starting.

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