
Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

Pay attention to Amaojun, the game thief is happy~

Hello everyone, I'm Amaojun explaining.

I believe that everyone has a martial arts dream in their hearts, when they were children, they were eager to become a hero, walk the rivers and lakes and fight righteousness, but when they grew up, they found that the reality is not so, but they can be realized in the game, and when it comes to martial arts games, it has to mention "Sword Man World 3", which is one of the better martial arts mobile games at present, and has recently updated the version of the content.

Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

The recently updated Hidden Sword Mountain Villa can be said to have been welcomed and recognized by many players, and many players have also directly blown up this newly added sect, the Hidden Sword. As one of the classic sects in the world of swordsmen, Tibetan sword disciples have two forms, light sword and heavy sword, but it is not an easy task to experience the happiness of the combination of two swords, so how can they exert the greatest power?

Relatively speaking, the hidden sword is more inclined to the sensitive attack combat type, the operation space is very rich, which mainly comes from the form switching between the light sword and the heavy sword, the early use of the light sword form, when the sword intention reaches 100 values, you can switch to the heavy sword form, get skill immunity and strengthening effect. That is to say, we need to pass the light sword as soon as possible, superimpose various effects, and then enter the epee state for skill output.

Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

As an output-type character, then our first choice is to add points to naturally damage skills, while taking into account the cooldown time of the skills, the two can play a greater role. In the order of adding points, it is recommended that the normal 1234 be added in order, and then learn passive skills after the active skills are learned.

Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

When entering the battle, first hit the howling moon, inflicting sustained damage and deceleration on the enemy, then use the luan back to carry out a breakthrough attack, followed by the caged crane, limiting the enemy with the effect of stun and blocking light skills, and then using the evil to control the enemy between the storage range. Then, according to the skill cooldown time, flexibly use, the sword meaning is stacked to 100, at this time into the epee form, the sequence of combos is luan counterattack flying, moon fall stun, star armor and lingyun damage.

Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

In the choice of cheats and protectors, cheats are preferentially recommended for offensive cheats, Zixia Shengong is good, Tianshan Liuyang Palm can also be; defense cheats can also be selected, getaway and pulp washing essence are easy to use. In terms of protectors, Yang Yingfeng's strength resistance, Yan Kang's critical strikes, Yin Tong's attack power, Xuan Zhao's and Xiao Ai's critical strikes were all very good.

Swordsman World 3: The New Gate Sect Tibetan Sword Wants to Combine Two Swords? That's not easy, you have to learn all this

Such a skill combination, combined with a certain degree of proficiency, can basically give full play to the advantages of the hidden sword, so that it can be invincible in the game.

The above, is the entire content of this issue of game information, if you feel that there is a gain, ask for likes and comments, ask for forwarding, and the most important thing is to point a big attention! I'm Am Maurien and we'll see you next time!

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