
Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Why is it always the three-star pile that is injured

Everyone believes that the person who is most harmful to cultural relics should be a tomb robber. In fact, the destruction of cultural relics can not only be imposed on the cultural relics themselves, but also projected onto the history and culture behind the cultural relics.

and the brick kiln factory to grab the site of the archaeological team

In November 1980, the cold wind whistled, but the area around Moon Bay in the northwest of Guanghan City, Sichuan Province, was in full swing. The migrant workers digging the soil for the brick kiln here are immersed in the joy of a fifty cent a day wage. In those days, the money was already a huge sum.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Sanxingdui excavation site

On this day, in the midst of the roar of a piece of machinery, the migrant workers who were working hard suddenly heard a noisy shout, which was so loud and exhausted that it broke through the billowing smoke from the chimney and burrowed into everyone's ears: "The homecoming group and the treasure digging team have entered the village again!"

The treasure digging team and the homecoming group are the names of the local migrant workers for the archaeological team in Sichuan Province. In their eyes, isn't the archaeological team digging treasure? Perhaps the temptation to dig for treasure is much greater than the lump of earth in front of them, or maybe they remember the treasure digging that happened decades ago in this land. So they didn't have time to slap the mud all over their bodies, and flocked to the excavation site of the archaeological team to see what kind of treasure the archaeological team could dig up.

But after a few days, they saw disappointing results. In addition to the piles of rubble and rubble, the imaginary gold and silver jewelry and the like are missing, not even a single piece of jade.

This made them a little discouraged. Some people began to complain that they had dug up several less soil in the past few days and lost several dollars. Others, in a tone of anxiety and regret, pointed out that the archaeologists should hire a few bulldozers, because it would be more painful to work that way.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Sanxingdui archaeological site

However, the archaeologists just squatted on the ground, still unhurriedly digging with a small shovel, drawing on the paper with a pen and stroke. This made the onlookers feel bored and scattered. For them, the brick burning of the brick kiln factory is still continuing, or it is more realistic to dig a few more squares of soil and earn a few dollars.

The archaeologists are even more mixed, because if it were not for the brick factories and bulldozers that are entrenched here, perhaps the ancient cultural site under their feet would not have suffered so much damage.

On the one hand is the destruction of backward primitive means, on the other hand is modern scientific archaeology. These two seemingly incompatible images go hand in hand on this ancient site, competing with each other. However, seeing that the scale of the brick kiln factory was getting bigger and bigger, and the chimney was increasing, the archaeological team had not found the legendary treasure pit. Following this momentum, it may only be a matter of time before the archaeological team loses the battle against the brick and tile factory.

Earth-shattering reversal

But on July 18, 1986, things took a 180-degree turn.

In July 1986, thanks to the "joint efforts" of the brick kiln factory and the archaeological team, the land had been dug to the ground and devastated. In order to burn bricks, the leaders of the brick kiln factory set their sights on a slope less than 15 meters from the archaeological team's excavation site. However, when the migrant workers sent to dig the earth raised the pickaxe in their hands and smashed it hard, with a crisp sound, a great archaeological discovery that shocked the world also kicked off.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Samsung pile Yuzhang

Inside the pit cut open by migrant workers, a piece of jade about 20 centimeters wide and about 14 centimeters long is lying there quietly, which has been broken into several pieces. Then digging down, a dozen more exquisite jade objects came out. A few migrant workers did not care about the danger, and on the spot, you scrambled to grab me, and the scene was suddenly chaotic.

The archaeological team that learned the news soon arrived, and after some investigation, the archaeological team realized that this may be a terrible archaeological discovery. With the approval of the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the local government, on July 18, 1986, the armed police cleared the scene, and the archaeological team officially took over the wasteland called Sanxingdui.

The pit is not large, five meters long and five meters wide, and is a rectangular burial pit with a large mouth and a small bottom. Archaeologists named it Crater One. After several days and nights of struggle by the archaeologists, the excavation work has made a major breakthrough, and a large number of jade, ivory and bronze objects have been unearthed in total, with a total of more than 400 pieces.

There is a fish here

By the time the artifacts in the treasure pit were almost cleared, it was already late at night on July 23rd, and the huge discovery satisfied the archaeologists, but they did not expect that the surprise had just begun. At two o'clock that night, a villager who was helping on the construction site suddenly ran over and said, Teacher, you see that there is a fish here.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Golden wand pattern

Archaeologists ran over to see the "fish" shining with gold under the glow of the lights. Use the bamboo skewer in your hand to gently remove the dirt and bone residue from the surface. The first thing that catches your eye is a realistically carved fish, followed by a bird that flutters its wings. With the action of the experts, the curved yellow object gradually revealed its true appearance. Archaeologists are a bit on top of each other, and it looks like gold! At this time, the villagers asked the teacher, is this gold? The expert realized that the villagers were nearby. So experts say it's copper. The villagers asked: Why doesn't copper rust? Experts say that if you look at the long green rust, it is called bronze, this is called brass, it is not valuable! He said and covered it with soil with his bare hands.

After the villagers were opened, the expert carefully dug out this belt-like thing. Later, it was found out that it was a gold belt, but a wooden gold-clad scepter, which had been completely carbonized due to the long time, and only the gold skin remained

The whole cane is 1.43 meters long and weighs 463 grams of gold skin. At one end of the gold skin, there are three very exquisite sets of patterns carved, such as people, fish, and birds. This staff is noble and solemn, and was immediately named "Golden Scepter", which was later "the first staff in China".

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

The full picture of the golden wand

Unconsciously, the time came to August 4th, the excavation of the First Pit came to an end, and the official announcement was completed. The brick and tile factory resumed work. Because the amount of information unearthed this time is so huge, experts began to sort out this information. As a result, on the same day, the spirit of the cultural relics appeared again, and the workers of the brick and tile factory came to report, and we dug up another head.

Heads were dug up

Archaeologists arrived quickly. It turned out that thirty meters southeast of Pit No. 1, migrant workers dug up a bronze human head. So the armed police entered the scene again, and the excavation work restarted.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Bronze longitudinal mask

Under the tireless struggle of the team members, the magical bronze masks, exquisite jade objects, and sparkling gold objects began to be unearthed one by one. According to statistics afterwards, a total of 439 bronzes and 131 jade tools were excavated from pit no. 2, in addition to a pit full of ivory.

This is the Sanxingdui cultural relics including the bronze sacred tree we know, the bronze Erector and the bronze longitudinal mask.

Curiously, these artifacts have either been damaged or burned, and there are many cattle, sheep, mussel shells, and human bones in the pit. There are various indications that 3,000 or 4,000 years ago, a strange "burning sacrifice" ceremony was held here.

The excavation of Sanxingdui No. 1 and No. 2 sacrifice pits has unveiled the mystery that has shrouded the history of the ancient Shu Kingdom for thousands of years. The British "Independent" wrote that the discovery of Sanxingdui is of greater significance than the discovery of the famous Chinese Terracotta Warriors, so Sanxingdui is known as the "ninth wonder of the world".

However, although the excavation of Sanxingdui clarified many major historical problems, it also left people with countless difficult puzzles.

A mystery that needs to be solved

Where is the origin of the Sanxingdui civilization? What kind of ethnic group does the bronze figure belong to? How did the ancient kingdom of Sanxingdui die out, and many of the mysterious symbols engraved on the artifacts of the excavated golden scepter were written or clan emblems? Is it a picture or some kind of religious symbol?

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Bronze Da Li Ren

Is the largest bronze longitudinal mask a human? What exactly does the huge bronze sacred tree symbolize? What did the bronze grand man take in his empty hand? Bronze head without a trace of expression, why wear a gold mask? Why is there a Golden Scepter? Why are there countless giant tusks? How did the shells of the Indian Ocean come from? Why is there not a single writing left in the site, nor is there a single skeleton left?

The Sanxingdui culture derived from the precious cultural relics unearthed by Sanxingdui not only makes experts rack their brains, but also causes huge controversies and conjectures in society. But as time goes on, these mysteries have beyond logic on the Internet.

Answers that go beyond logic

There are too many of these various statements, so let's talk about them according to the categories that everyone is interested in:

Let's start with gold.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Gold mask

Where did the large amount of gold unearthed in Sanxingdui come from? The most widely circulated claim on the Internet is dog head gold. The reason is that the ancestors of Sanxingdui had no way to smelt gold, nor did they have the ability to mine gold, which was all dog head gold that was picked up. The ancestors took advantage of the strong malleability of gold and knocked on the dog's head gold to create these miraculous gold tools.

Every sentence of this statement is flawed. The first point is that there is no way to melt gold, according to the melting point of gold is 1064.43 ° C, while the charcoal found in Sanxingdui burns at a maximum temperature of 900 ° C. Therefore, sanxingdui people can cast bronze, but they cannot smelt gold.

The reason why this argument does not hold water is precisely that sanxingdui people can cast bronze.

The main component of bronze is an alloy of pure copper, tin or lead. That is to say, to cast bronze, first of all, pure copper can be smelted. Pure copper has a melting point of 1083 ° C, which is higher than gold. Therefore, the Sanxingdui people, who can smelt bronze, naturally also master the temperature and technology of alchemy.

In addition, archaeological findings have proved that the gold nuggets unearthed in Sanxingdui are all cast into blocks after the natural financialization. Unearthed gold leaf gold masks, etc., are hammered into flat gold skin by gold nuggets, and then made by deep processing such as grinding and carving hollowing.

So where does all this gold come from? It was once recorded in the ancient mainland document "Huayang Guozhi" that the ancient Shu kingdom produced jade, gold and silver. The ancient Shu region was also one of the earliest regions on the mainland to develop and use gold. After metallographic testing sampling and chemical composition analysis, it can be inferred that the gold ware of Sanxingdui is likely to be smelted from gold mines in the northwest and surrounding areas of the Sichuan Basin, and is not processed from the large pieces of dog head gold that netizens say.

Let's talk about bronze.

There is such a saying on the Internet, which is widely circulated - bronze people are as big as eyes, and they are aliens at a glance, and the Sanxingdui civilization is also brought by aliens! This is again an absurd statement, but it has many supporters on the Internet. The following picture is also the main argument for the "Sanxingdui civilization alien theory" that is widely loved by science fiction novelists.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?


Let's say that the brain hole of this netizen is really big, and everyone thinks that the bronze mask itself is strange in shape, and it is not surprising. But we need to know that as sacrificial objects, these bronze statues use surreal shapes. At present, many scholars tend to think that these bronze statues are not pure human faces, but an image of the unity of man and god, and the exaggerated facial features are precisely to strengthen their divinity.

Also in the "Huayang Guozhi", even the prototype of the bronze longitudinal can be found: "The silkworm bush of the Marquis of Shu, whose gaze is longitudinal, was first called the king." "Look, the outstanding performance of the eyes by the Sanxingdui bronzes is precisely to show the Shu people's worship of the silkworm bush, the ancestral god with the longitudinal eye as the main feature.

So, don't say anything about aliens, the coffin boards of silkworms are almost impossible to cover.

Let's talk about jade.

I don't know when it began, and the folk saying that many jade artifacts in Sanxingdui began to spread.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

This theory is generally based on the story of Yin Daocheng's father and son discovering jade in 1929, and rendered on this basis, drawing the conclusion that the number of Sanxingdui jade artifacts circulating in the folk is amazing, and the folk collections far exceed the collections in the system.

And in fact?

Sanxingdui jade pit was first discovered by the farmer Yan Daocheng father and son in the Republic of China period, when there was indeed a part of the jade that was lost outside, but the number was very limited, and it was also some conventional forms such as jade bi and jade zhang, and a large part of it was later purchased and collected by some cultural institutions at that time.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Yu Chun donated by Yan Daocheng's descendants

Since the founding of New China, every cultural relics unearthed on the site of the Three-Star Team has been obtained through formal archaeological excavations strictly managed by the state, and it is absolutely impossible to spread to the people. So if you see the so-called three-star pile of jade in some antique markets, don't care if it's a jade tiger, don't take it seriously, you really lose.

In addition to the above statements, there are other such things

Sanxingdui text

It is the Yi script,

Descendants of the Sanxingdui people

In the Sword Pavilion, the state concealed it

Sanxingdui research

Sanxingdui civilization

From West Asia, Egypt, and even the continuation of sumerian civilization, etc., these claims involve all aspects of Sanxingdui, and so on.

Of course, these statements have also been refuted by the official Sanxingdui Museum, in order to debunk the rumors, the Sanxingdui Museum even did not hesitate to blacken itself to prove its innocence. Since the black into such a museum, it is really rare.

Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?
Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?
Alien civilizations? Is there a hidden reason for the state to stop digging? Why is it always Samsung Pile that gets hurt?

Ha ha


It is said that of every ancient site discovered, the most valuable is the cultural relics excavated. In fact, the history behind each cultural relic is the truth that is most worth pursuing. These truths, which are lost in the dust of history, are priceless treasures of civilization.

The excavation of a large number of cultural relics is only the initial stage of archaeological work, and the cracking of various puzzles and the telling of civilization legends require long-term academic research and analysis in a down-to-earth manner.

At present, the excavated area of Sanxingdui is less than one percent of the total area, and according to the current progress, it will take at least a full hundred years to complete the excavation of Sanxingdui. So we don't have to rush to find answers, because this is an ongoing archaeological excavation that may surprise new discoveries every day, and we have enough reason to believe that many of these mysteries will always be revealed one day in the future.

Looking forward to the early arrival of this day.

Reference: Yue Nan: The Kingdom of Heaven: The Amazing Story of Sanxingdui and the Jinsha Ruins, published by the Commercial Press

Zhao Dianzeng, Lin Xiang, Li Shaoming: Sanxingdui and Bashu Culture, Bashu Book Club

Liu Shaohun: Exploration of Sanxingdui Culture, Kunlun Publishing House

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