
How to recover the ex-girlfriend's strategy and successfully save the girlfriend's heart

Love is always stumbling, just like when you broke up, you regretted it and wanted to get your girlfriend back again, what do you do? Let's take a look at the strategy of how to recover the ex-girlfriend with the editor, and the smart way to look down.

First, figure out the reason for the breakup

Many boys don't know what led to the choice to leave them after they broke up. They don't know what to do if they want to save it. Many times the girlfriend is not simply coaxed to come back, because she knows that you are not sincerely reformed, you continue to be together you will continue to make this mistake, so if you want to save your ex-girlfriend, you must find out the reason for your breakup. In this way, we can prescribe the right medicine and win in one move.

How to recover the ex-girlfriend's strategy and successfully save the girlfriend's heart

Second, take the initiative to admit your mistake to her

As the saying goes, the big husband can bend and stretch, if it is really his own mistake, he must bow his head to admit his mistake to her sincerely, not too much machismo. Only then can she feel your true heart. And the vast majority of girls are soft-hearted, as long as you coax her, she is likely to return to your side.

Girls don't accept your apology, and you must not think that she did too much, it is likely that you hurt her too deeply. Then it is even more necessary to show your sincerity to sincerely apologize to her.

Third, appropriately miss contact, look for opportunities

Don't contact her. It's hard, but any attempt to approach your girlfriend will make her feel uncomfortable and want to stay away from you. The closer you want, the faster she runs. Tip: If she contacts you, you just need to listen patiently to her opinion. Waiting for her low mood, when you need someone to care for, when you comfort her, you will have another chance. Before that, you have to find ways to pay attention to and grasp the dynamics of her life.

How to recover the ex-girlfriend's strategy and successfully save the girlfriend's heart

Fourth, make the other party happy (create a sense of anticipation)

You often overlook an important thing when you save your girlfriend, that is, to make the other party happy. The definition of happiness is twofold: what you don't do and what you can do. Don't provoke the other party to be angry, don't mention the unhappy things in the past, don't take the other party's mines, can't make the same mistake again, don't let the other party hate your face, no longer let yourself lose your temper, no longer go to the twilight... These are things you don't do. Whether you meet or not, you have to try to change, and it is also to maintain a long-term relationship after redemption.

You don't disturb each other's life first, the ex-girlfriend during the love period will let others take care of it first, plan the places that the other party wants to travel, inadvertently buy the food she likes to eat, work hard to improve the quality of life... These are all things you can do. Regardless of whether the other party is in contact with you at the moment, whether you appreciate it or not, you must be very happy, the other party is also happy, and over time, the other party will expect you to do so.

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