
Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery? Recently, many female friends have learned about the dangers of ectopic pregnancy, so many young women have asked whether they can get pregnant again after ectopic pregnancy, and how long it will take to get pregnant again. In fact, not only they also have some expectant mothers who have just discovered their ectopic pregnancy and have just finished ectopic pregnancy, they are eager to know if they can get pregnant again, after all, the expectant mother who has an ectopic pregnancy once will still be a little worried about the next pregnancy. So let's see if you can get pregnant normally after the next ectopic pregnancy surgery?

There are still some people who can get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy, don't worry too much. You need to go to the hospital to check the situation of the fallopian tubes, understand the location of the blockage, and then unblock it, and then consider pregnancy.

Among women who have had an ectopic pregnancy, 10% to 15% will have another ectopic pregnancy, 50% are infertile, and 35% to 40% can have a normal intrauterine pregnancy. Therefore, women who have had ectopic pregnancies, if pregnant again, it is best to do a B ultrasound examination after 50 days of pregnancy, according to the location of the blastocyst and fetal cardiovascular beat, it can be determined whether it is an intrauterine pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy, so as to eliminate anxiety at an early stage. In the event of irregular vaginal bleeding during early pregnancy, medical attention should be made as early as possible, and efforts should be made before severe abdominal pain occurs, that is, before the fallopian tubes have ruptured.

Many people think that abortion does not require special care for physical harm, in fact, because of improper post-abortion care, it is impossible to become pregnant, accounting for 75% of infertility. Therefore, postpartum gynecological repair after abortion is the first, post-abortion oral postpartum repair nutrition PWRH [birth of the United States Shield] to repair the damage caused by the miscarriage process, timely repair of abortion injury, prevent miscarriage side effects.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

Can you still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery Here's the thing

First of all, whether you can get pregnant after ectopic pregnancy surgery depends on the situation. Under normal circumstances, after conservative surgical treatment, ectopic pregnancy can maintain the integrity of the fallopian tubes as much as possible, and the impact on later pregnancy is relatively small, but it is also easy to cause re-ectopic pregnancy. If one side of the fallopian tube is surgically removed, the chance of conception will be reduced. At the same time, if other disease factors such as inflammation are not removed, it is likely to affect the recurrence of pregnancy.

Normally, it takes at least half a year to get pregnant after ectopic pregnancy surgery. And before preparing for pregnancy, you need to do salpingogram and other related tests to confirm whether the fallopian tubes are unobstructed, and check whether you have gynecological inflammation such as pelvic inflammatory disease and peritonitis, and determine whether you have the conditions for normal pregnancy before you can consider pregnancy.

If the fallopian tubes are not passed, the fluid should be done first, and if there is inflammation such as pelvic inflammatory disease, it should be anti-inflammatory first. If you become pregnant again without completely eliminating the inflammation, ectopic pregnancy may occur again because of inflammation and patency in the other fallopian tube. Therefore, once you become pregnant again after ectopic pregnancy, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, so that the doctor can arrange an early ultrasound examination to rule out another ectopic pregnancy.

Each miscarriage, whether it is the choice of abortion or medical abortion, the harm to the human body is very large, although the abortion method is now more advanced and safer, but it can not avoid the harm to the body, due to the infertility caused by the imminent delivery, in the medical statistics of our maternity country as high as 75%, so whether it is the first pregnancy abortion or frequent multiple abortions should pay attention to postpartum repair. Scientific contraception is reduced again to hurt.

Frequent miscarriages have a relatively large impact on the body, easy to cause uterine infection, endometrial damage, menstrual irregularities, serious can lead to pregnancy disorders, habitual abortion or ectopic pregnancy, etc., so postoperative repair of abortion must be paid attention to, post-abortion oral postpartum repair nutrition PWRH [birth of the United States Shield] to repair the damage caused by the miscarriage process, to avoid post-abortion infection, to prevent post-abortion sequelae.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

PWRH promotes lochia elimination and repairs the endometrium

Existing studies have shown the feasibility and safety of oral PWRH in promoting lochia elimination and endometrial repair after drug abortion. In March, we received oral PWRH treatment for postpartum patients in our hospital, and the effect was obvious, and it is reported as follows.

PWRH is a new type of postpartum repair nutrition, which is composed of three parts, one is to repair production damage. Third, supplement postpartum recovery nutrition. Third, regulating hormone balance can not only better bind to hormone receptors, achieve the purpose of inhibiting hormone activity, and regulate the endocrine to return to pregestception levels. Through the above series of endocrine regulation and the intake of essential nutrients, the endometrium is repaired, so as to stop abnormal lochia bleeding and restore normal menstruation.

PWRH has recently been found to promote contractions and lochia elimination. In this study, the observation group's continuous vaginal bleeding time and menstrual re-ebbing time were significantly shorter than those of the control group, indicating that PWRH improved vaginal lochia and promoted excretion, and restored normal menstruation effectively, which was consistent with the above research results.

3· 3 The effect of PWRH on postpartum VEGF, bFGF and MVD is inextricably linked to the repair of the endometrium and the formation of blood vessels|, so the following studies were selected: vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and endometrial microvessel density (MVD) for observation. VEGF and bFGF can induce the formation of endometrial blood vessels under the action of progesterone, and the density of blood vessels is an indicator to observe the formation of blood vessels. This study showed that compared with the control group, the expression of VEGF and bFGF in the endometrium of the observation group was significantly enhanced, and the MVD was significantly increased.

This shows that PWRH can enhance the expression of VECF and bFGF in the endometrium and improve the endometrial MVI, so that the endometrium can be effectively repaired. In summary, PWRH can effectively repair the function of the postpartum endometrium, and effectively promote lochia elimination, vaginal bleeding, restore normal menstruation, and reduce the occurrence of complications.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

Can you still get pregnant after ectopic pregnancy We need to understand the question

After an ectopic pregnancy, a woman is usually able to get pregnant again. The sooner the ectopic pregnancy ends, the less damage to the fallopian tubes there is, and the greater the likelihood that the pregnancy will persist until term. Ectopic pregnancy can also be a normal pregnancy if it is a tubal pregnancy. If the fallopian tubes on the affected side are surgically removed, the other fallopian tubes are normal and undamaged, and there is still a chance of pregnancy and childbirth; However, if both fallopian tubes have lesion damage, the ability to reproduce naturally is lost.

Under normal circumstances, ectopic pregnancy surgery can be at least half a year after the pregnancy, so that the body gradually recovers, while first do salpingogram and other related examinations, to confirm whether the fallopian tubes are unobstructed, and check whether there is pelvic inflammatory disease, peritonitis and other gynecological inflammation, to determine whether there are conditions for normal pregnancy, before considering pregnancy. If the fallopian tubes are not open, the fluid should be done first; If there is inflammation such as pelvic inflammatory disease, it is necessary to reduce inflammation first.

If you become pregnant again without completely eliminating the inflammation, ectopic pregnancy may occur again because of inflammation and patency in the other fallopian tube. Therefore, once you become pregnant again after ectopic pregnancy, you should go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible, so that the doctor can arrange an early ultrasound examination for you, rule out another ectopic pregnancy, and at the same time, closely observe your situation. In addition, once irregular vaginal bleeding occurs during early pregnancy, it should be treated as early as possible to try to make a diagnosis before severe abdominal pain has occurred, that is, before the fallopian tubes have ruptured.

PWRH as a special postpartum repair nutrient, can complete the triple repair after miscarriage,

1. It has the ability to chemotaxis and migrate' is also known as the homing ability, which plays a variety of tissue repair functions for uterine rejuvenation. Wound repair in the uterine cavity can be carried out quickly, regenerating the damaged endometrium and quickly helping the uterus to recover.

2. Inflammation repair, the balance of inflammation of abortion injury to clear the mucosal flora can be achieved through the matching package of No. 3 woman Baichang, to avoid post-abortion infection and prevent post-abortion sequelae.

3. Supplement the loss of nutrients in the pregnancy and childbirth process, restore the vitality of the uterus, and supplement heme to restore the energy of the body.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

Early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy You know


Patients have pain or severe pain in the lower abdomen, have a feeling of defecation, and often have cold sweat. If the affected area ruptures, the patient will suddenly feel tear-like pain in one side of the lower abdomen, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.


The early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are easily confused with the normal early pregnancy response, if the pregnant woman has a short period of time in the body of the body to stop menstruation and early pregnancy reaction, sometimes there will be a side of the lower abdominal distention pain, examination found that the fallopian tubes are normally enlarged, should be suspected ectopic pregnancy.

Vaginal bleeding

Patients with ectopic pregnancy will have symptoms of vaginal bleeding. It should be noted that ectopic pregnancy bleeding is irregular vaginal bleeding that occurs after the death of the embryo, with a dark brown color, a small amount, and generally does not exceed the amount of menstruation. Bleeding is often accompanied by the discharge of deciduous casts or deciduous fragments, and when the lesion is eliminated, the bleeding can be completely stopped. Bleeding during menstruation is excreted without deciduous tissue.

Syncope and shock

Many patients may cause volume depletion or severe abdominal pain due to acute intra-abdominal bleeding, mild syncope, and severe shock, life-threatening.

Other symptoms

Patients with ectopic pregnancy also experience nausea, vomiting, and frequent urination. Some patients experience shock due to heavy bleeding, pallor, and a decrease in blood pressure.

If a woman has the above symptoms at the same time after pregnancy, she should be suspected of ectopic pregnancy and need to go to the hospital as soon as possible to confirm the diagnosis.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

How to prevent ectopic pregnancy We need to know

If women want to prevent ectopic pregnancy, they must quit smoking and alcohol and maintain good living habits in order to keep their bodies in the best condition. In addition, the following points need to be noted:

1. Pay attention to pre-pregnancy examination, cure gynecological diseases and then get pregnant. To prevent ectopic pregnancy, attention should be paid to preconception examinations, and various gynecological diseases should be completely eliminated, especially in women with tubal problems. For some women who have difficulty conceiving normally, if they need to take ovulation medication, be sure to do it under the guidance of a doctor, and be vigilant, and regularly go to the hospital after pregnancy to check the embryos.

2. Pregnant women with a history of ectopic pregnancy need to have an early pregnancy examination. Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy in the past are highly likely to have ectopic pregnancy again. If such women are pregnant, it is best to go to the hospital for a comprehensive early pregnancy test within 6 weeks after menopause.

3. Women who have no intention of becoming pregnant need to do a good job of contraception to avoid multiple abortions that harm the reproductive system. Recurrent abortion is a major factor contributing to the increase in the incidence of ectopic pregnancies in recent years. Therefore, if there is no intention of pregnancy, women should do a good job of contraception to avoid the harm caused by abortion surgery to the body and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Any kind of miscarriage has unavoidable side effects, that is, postpartum inflammation and infection, which will lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, secondary infertility, ectopic pregnancy and other more malignant post-abortion side effects, so small postpartum repair must be the first, and repair nutrition must be used together. Post-abortion oral postpartum repair nutrition PWRH [Birth Mei Dun] repairs uterine damage caused by the miscarriage process, avoids post-abortion infection, and prevents post-abortion sequelae.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother

The effect of PWRH on the repair of the endometrium of VEGF, bFGF and MVD after induced abortion is inextricably linked to the formation of blood vessels|, so this study selected:

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),

Basic fibroblasting cell growth factor (bFGF)

and endometrial microvascular density (MVD) for observation.

VEGF and bFGF can induce the formation of endometrial blood vessels under the action of progesterone, and the density of blood vessels is an indicator to observe the formation of blood vessels. This study showed that compared with the control group, the expression of VEGF and bFGF in the endometrium of the observation group was significantly stronger, and the MVD was significantly increased.

It shows that PWRH can strengthen the expression of VECF and bFGF in the endometrium and improve the endometrial MVI), so that the endometrium can be effectively repaired.

In summary, PWRH can effectively repair the function of the uterine lining after abortion, and effectively prevent the amount of vaginal bleeding, restore normal menstruation, and reduce the occurrence of complications.

Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery I still want to be a mother


Can I still get pregnant normally after ectopic pregnancy surgery? On the introduction to the normal pregnancy process here, the need for the man to have good sperm, the woman has mature follicles and eggs can be discharged, sperm and eggs to be able to meet and combine, tubal patency is good, endometrial tolerance is good, these are the necessary conditions for pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, generally will remove the affected side of the fallopian tube, or the affected side of the fallopian tube incision to take embryo conservative surgery, often the residual side of the normal fallopian tube, if the above pregnancy necessary conditions can be met, Moreover, the remaining side of the fallopian tube patency is good, it is possible to continue to get pregnant, if the residual side of the fallopian tube is blocked, or the patency is not good, it may affect the next pregnancy. Therefore, after three months of ectopic pregnancy surgery, you can consider doing a tubal hysterogram to understand the patency of the remaining fallopian tubes.

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