
Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup

Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella)

Hello everyone! I'm Zhan Ji.

Monthly bosses are one of the main sources of survival resources for this game: Monthly Coins, Gold Emeralds, Gem Shards, gear precision cores.

A few days ago, I promised my friends in the live broadcast room that I would summarize the main lineups of the current version of the monthly boss.

Let's take a look at the details of these lineups, if there is any omission, we are also welcome to leave a message to add.

This summary is divided into hero part and lineup matching details, this part is a novella, mainly talking about the lineup matching details, the basic configuration of heroes Please refer to the previous part.

Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup
Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup

Lineup 1:

Scarecrow + Aquaman + Jasmine + Silver + Red Shepherd + Diana / Kilborough

Core output: Scarecrow

Core Auxiliaries: Aquaman, Jasmine, Hilve

Chariot: A five-car heavy-duty or one-car cutter

Scarecrow used to be the hero with the highest single output of the monthly boss, but he was more limited and was a pure PVE hero. A single 14-star Scarecrow paired with the core auxiliary hero mentioned above can hit about 4-6 billion damage. 16-star talent will be much higher in damage (14-16 billion), but at the same time the level of assistance is also higher.

Scarecrow + Taki + Aquaman + Jasmine + Silver + Diana / Kilborough

Core output: Scarecrow + Taki

Taki is paired with a single scarecrow lineup because Taki's general attack can extend the enemy's purifiable debuff and control effect for 2 turns, and deal additional attack damage. Here, Taki can extend the Scarecrow's injury effect, making the Scarecrow's total output higher.

The purpose of upper Kelboro is mainly to protect teammates through soft control + exchange attack/descend attack, and if there are multiple assists in the lineup that cannot stand, you can go to Kelboro.

Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup

Lineup 2:

Taki + Red Shepherd (Olivia) + Aquaman + Jasmine + Silver + Diana / Kilborough

Core output: Taki

Chariot: A five-vehicle heavyweight or a three-vehicle deterrent

In this lineup, The main role of Hongmu is not to protect, but to add energy to Taki. There is no Doctor/Teresa in this lineup, Taki will always only have a general attack, when Taki's energy overflows, his general attack damage will continue to increase, and with the support of the whole team' assistance, it will reach a very high value, far exceeding the damage of the move.

Note: In this lineup, Taki Station No. 1 and Hongmu Station No. 2 position, Taki is more likely to stack energy. Position 5 can be placed on Neptune/Moss, provided that the star rating and red shepherd do not exceed 1 star.

If the auxiliary in the back row cannot stand, you can also put Taki in position 4, red pasture in position 3, or taki no. 5 and red in position 6. Position 1 puts a stand-up, and no. 2 places one with the lowest star rating.

Taki + Red Maki + Aquaman + Mosla + Taki + Hilve

Core output: Takataki

The principle is the same as the one-taki lineup above, but the double-taki can make the output higher. In this lineup, one Taki Station No. 1 position, the other Taki Station No. 5 position, Andromaki No. 2 position.

The total damage output of the Twin Taki lineup is about 18-20 billion.

About Taki's Gems: Before the gems can be broken, it is recommended to wash Taki's gems from the fast blood during the PK/expedition to a double storm when playing the monthly boss. However, after the gem breaks, the cost of washing the gem is relatively high, and it is recommended not to wash it in the case that the gold coin + gem fragments are not very abundant. But the 16-star talent is still recommended to wash into a brave sprint.

Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup

On the night Anubis was born, we ushered in another powerful lineup in the monthly boss lineup - the total damage at the top can even kill all the previous lineups!

Lineup Three:

Lie + King / Kierberu / Red Shepherd + Sea King + Jasmine + Anubis + Diana / Silver / Taki

Core output: Anubis

Core Auxiliaries: Lie, Aquaman, Jasmine, Diana/Hilve

Chariots: Five-vehicle heavyweights, three-vehicle deterrents, or one-car cutters

Some friends may wonder why Lie is an auxiliary. The reason is Anubis's 12-star talent "Eternal Hunting" - whenever a teammate amplifies a move, Anubis will perform a general attack, and must critically hit and reduce the enemy target's energy by 20 points; combined with the fierce move, as long as there is no attrition on the opposite side, it will shoot again, so that every time the teammate amplifies a big move, Anubis will attack twice.

Anubis' general attack damage is the hero's output focus, as Anubis's energy stacks, his general attack damage (including extra damage) will increase (up to 2000% attack damage for 14 stars), and critical hit damage will increase (unlimited). If you add 16 stars of talent to bravely advance, the damage value will go straight to the sky!

The requirements for Lie in this lineup are not high, and in theory, 5 stars are available, but in practice, it is better to survive 15 rounds.

When there is an important auxiliary that cannot stand, the King of the Lord or the Red Shepherd or Kerberu protects. If the whole team can stand, you can change to another hero who assists the output, for example: Taki.

The Anubis in the picture above only has 14 stars, and does not use the spirit, still hit 30 billion damage; Zhan Ji also tried a 14-star Anubis + 15 star lie + 15 star king + other auxiliaries are below 9 stars, such a lineup still hit 13 billion + damage.

Top matching state: all the staff are 16 stars, Aquaman with the Nile, the king of the spirit, at this time the sea king in the state of everyone is the same suit, gems, before the teammates and the first round is a big move to the boss snare. In this way, Anubis' attacks can have a Sea King bonus from the start.

In the case of the top match of the whole team, two hundred billion a vote is not a dream!

Monthly Boss Lineup Summary (Novella): Updated Anubis lineup

Lineup Four:

Taki + Aquaman + Hilve + Jasmine + Sakura + Aoi

Core output: Sakura

Core Assists: Aoi, Taki, Aquaman, Jasmine, Hilve

Chariots: Five-car heavy-hitting or six-car burners

In this lineup, Aoi can put the No. 1 position if she can stand. All of her teammates are serving Sakura, Aoi's star rating is not important, just stand up, mainly to stack burning damage to increase Sakura's attacks, violent damage, etc., while Taki is to extend their burning damage round. Therefore, in this lineup, Taki's gems can not wash double storms, and 16 star talents can not wash brave.

In the case of all the high stars, you can pace Jasmine, Aquaman, and Aoi to shoot first than Sakura, which can make Sakura's damage pile to the maximum.

The core auxiliary hero in the picture above has a low star rating, and the maximum damage of this lineup can hit 30 billion+ billion.

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