
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list

After the baby is 6 months old, the baby should be supplemented with iron in time, so I usually make some meat floss for the baby and eat it together in the supplementary food.

Why should babies eat pork floss

From a nutritional point of view, if you choose pure meat with low salt and low sugar

Pine, almost the highest protein content of snacks, because of the characteristics of the meat itself, the iron content of meat floss is also relatively high, can help the baby to supplement iron in an appropriate amount, to prevent iron deficiency anemia. Whether it is in porridge, rice or noodles, mixed with the right amount of meat floss, the baby may fall in love with eating staple food, and can't stop at all

When buying finished food supplements for babies, I believe that many mothers like me will worry about food safety, in fact, the most important principle of food selection is

1. The ingredients are simple

Food additives should be avoided as much as possible, although some additives are allowed in countries

2. Pea flour

Pea flour is added to many meat pines, which is stated in international standards:

The starch content in meat pine products must be less than or equal to 2%, that is to say, for small babies, excessive intake of starch is not a good thing, and it should be carefully selected

3. The sodium content is as low as possible

Choose low-sodium pork pine products and avoid excessive salt intake

In the end, I chose for the baby to enjoy and the sea otter home, pure meat floss, good taste, you can refer to the choice ~

6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list
6 popular baby meat pine reviews, polishing the eyes deep grill ingredient list

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