
Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

In just a few days, Tesla has opened two rounds of price increases, and the cumulative price increase of the Model Y entry-level after-drive version is nearly 30,000 yuan, which is not less for a 300,000-yuan SUV. Tesla sounded the horn of electric vehicle price increases, BYD's full range of models rose by 3,000-6,000 yuan, Xiaopeng Automobile raised prices of more than 4,000 yuan, SAIC Volkswagen, Nezha, Weilai, Euler, AION and most other new energy vehicle companies have followed up.

Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

At the same time as the increase in oil prices reached a new high, the "price increase tide" of trams made people exclaim that they could not afford to drive.

Driven by raw materials and supply and demand, the price increase of new energy vehicles is a big tide

Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

Source: CCTV Finance

The price increase of new energy vehicles is mainly driven by two reasons. The direct reason is the soaring cost of raw materials, the data show that since last year, the price of raw materials for new energy vehicles has been bullish all the way, and the comprehensive quotation of the battery-grade lithium carbonate market in recent days is as high as 500,000 yuan / ton, you know, the price of lithium carbonate at this time last year was only 50,000 yuan / ton. The price of battery raw materials has risen nearly ten times in one year, and it is no wonder that new energy vehicle manufacturers have collectively adjusted prices. Some institutions calculate that due to the impact of battery costs, the cost of bicycles in some high-endurance models has risen by more than 10,000 yuan.

Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

Secondly, the supply and demand relationship in the new energy vehicle market also stings the price-sensitive nerves of electric vehicles. In 2021-2022, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles will achieve rapid growth, and the current delivery of new Tesla orders is far away, and new energy vehicle manufacturers such as Xiaopeng Automobile and GAC AION are also facing a production capacity gap. Driven demand, shortage of raw materials and chips, various factors have exacerbated the imbalance in the new energy vehicle market.

Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

When the price rises, the tram will not be fragrant?

The price increase of new energy vehicles will inevitably cause a balance between supply and demand in the market, so is it worth buying new energy vehicles? In this regard, the editor believes that the tram price adjustment will not have a substantial impact on demand. First of all, compared with the rise in oil prices, the increase in new energy vehicles is relatively moderate, and the current domestic 95# gasoline price has generally entered the 9 yuan mark, and the cost of fuel vehicle travel has soared. From another point of view, the current policy benefits of new energy vehicles are obvious, the green card is not limited, the provincial purchase tax, the charging pile promotion policy, etc. Considering the timeliness of these policies, many families will still choose new energy vehicles for the second car.

Tesla leads, the collective price of new energy vehicles increases, this may just be the beginning?

Moreover, the consumer psychology of the Chinese people has always been to buy up and not to buy down. In previous years, Tesla's repeated price cuts have triggered an uproar in the automotive industry, and now the collective price increase of trams has directly dispelled the idea of waiting for the party to hold currency to buy. After this price adjustment, some families may begin to seriously consider buying a car.

Write at the end

The development of the new energy vehicle market will inevitably not be smooth sailing, from barbaric growth, to the gradual loss of dividends, and then to wash away lead, the development of electric vehicles will go through a lot. However, from the perspective of consumers, whether it is short-term or long-term, new energy vehicles will play an important role. What do you think about this?

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