
"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

It is often said that there are two things in the world that cannot be hidden, one is coughing, and the other is that I love you.

When you fall in love with someone, from the heart to the eyes to the action, it is impossible to hide. Can't help but pay attention to him, often think of what he said, when he doesn't appear, there is always a bit of failure...

Want to see him, want to be with him, even if you don't say anything quietly... Full of joy is also rejoicing.

Mr. Goethe said that love is difficult to hide, it is hidden in the heart, but it is easy to leak from the eyes.

In "The Rest of Your Life, Please Give More Advice", Gu Wei likes to go to Lin Zhi School, which starts from the gentleness that flows from his eyes.

Excellent as Gu Wei, is the best doctor in gastrointestinal surgery, young and handsome and high-valued. He has always been known as the "Golden Boy" with Gao Hun in the same department, and Gao Hun's appreciation for him is also undisguised.

But when Gu Wei looked at her, there was no difference between her and ordinary colleagues, and even deliberately avoided.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

Why is Gao Huan so good, and Gu Wei also belongs to the door, both are doctors and like-minded, but Gu Wei chose the seemingly ordinary Lin Zhi School?

Some people say that TV dramas can of course not be grounded, and the screenwriters can arrange how to act, but in fact, after analyzing the difference between Lin Zhixue and Gao Huan, you will understand that Gu Wei's choice is actually very correct.

First, Lin Zhixue directly attacked Gu Wei's heart and led him out of the trough and predicament.

IN THE TV SERIES "Ode to Joy", Guan Sui'er has a crush on Zhao Qiping, and she was once confused, why would someone like Dr. Zhao, who has a clean wind and excellent and beautiful life, like Qu Xiaoxiu, who does not understand anything and does not even have a common topic?

She thinks Dr. Zhao should prefer a woman like Andy. However, what she did not understand was that the profession of doctor had to go through a high degree of tension and inner entanglement, and although Qu Xiaoxiu could not understand it, she could bring Dr. Zhao to another relaxed world.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

On knowledge, on experience, on interest, on family lineage, even on appearance... Maybe Lin Zhixue is not Gao Huan's opponent.

When Lin Zhixue first met Gu Wei, he was struggling with his teacher who had not been able to save himself, so he could not face the operation directly, and even had the idea of transferring to a department to do scientific research, and submitted an application.

In the face of his behavior, in Gao Huan's view, the failure of the operation is normal, the past has passed, there is no need to blame herself, she believes that Gu Wei sacrificed his future and career is irrational and unconscious, but he does not see the real needs in his heart.

Gu Wei is a genius doctor, has been living under the aura since childhood, rarely suffered defeats and blows, and happens to be his most respected teacher, how can he say that he will let go?

However, after Lin Zhixue heard about it, he took the blow that his own scum often failed, and easily punctured Gu Wei's defenses, making him realize that he was just an ordinary person, and failure was normal.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

Second, Lin Zhixue is simple and optimistic, lively and interesting, and she and Gu Wei belong to complementary personalities together.

Lin Zhi School is a junior in college, and her life is simple and untainted by the complexities of the world. In her view, failure is because she has not worked hard enough, and if she wants to succeed, she must continue to pay.

She accidentally broke Gu Wei's gift to the ball, Gu Wei said "broken is broken", but Lin Zhixue repaired it with gauze and gave it to him. This move reflects her optimism about life.

And this mentality also happens to be what Gu Wei needs as a doctor. His life is relatively dull, and he can't finish dealing with patients every day, and he can't do unfinished surgery, and he will also be affected by the mood of patients and their families.

Therefore, he needs an optimistic and positive attitude towards life to guide himself and not to be controlled by emotions for a long time.

Lin Zhixue cried when he wanted to, and laughed after crying, and this feeling involuntarily made him yearn.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

On the other hand, Gao Huan's liking for Gu Wei is something that everyone can see. But Gu Wei deliberately kept his distance from her, and she was not unaware. When Gu Wei was at the lowest point, she didn't care about ideas.

It wasn't because she wasn't good enough, but her way of doing things and style was not what Gu Wei admired.

Both have too serious personalities, as Gu Xiao joked that "there is one of you cold enough in the house, and now there is another (Gao Huan)", two cold people together, it is difficult to burst out of the spark.

Although Gao Huan has been following the route of Gu Wei's parents, it is clear that Gu Wei is a man who is not at the mercy of others and will not be kidnapped emotionally.

Rumors in the hospital about his relationship with Gao Huan, and his reliance on nepotism, have made him feel obviously uncomfortable. However, Gao Huan never debunked rumors for him in this regard, but allowed rumors to spread wantonly.

Leaving aside anything else, just to rush this point, Gu Wei could not be with Gao Huan.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?

There is never a first-come-first-served relationship in love, only the fitting and the unsuitable.

Although Gao Huan is a very good woman, she and Gu Wei are not in tune with each other in many ways. It can be said that the Gu Wei she knows is, to a large extent, only a superficial phenomenon, and has not really entered his heart.

She cared about Gu Wei's ideals, but she didn't understand Gu Wei's inner world and couldn't resonate with them. The high coldness of her personality, and can not let her put down her body, like Lin Zhixue, so she and Gu Wei are doomed to not be able to come together.

And Lin Zhiyi is young, can be stress-free and unscrupulous, and speaks wherever he thinks. Innocent and simple, she effectively attracted Gu Wei's attention and brought different feelings to his dull world.

The high-risk profession of doctors requires some colors to adjust, and Lin Zhixue's empathy happens to be an important factor in filling the gap in Gu Wei's heart, and it is natural for him to be emotional.

Gu Wei never had the concept of mendi, in fact, his inner world was also simple and kind, and he belonged to the same kind of people as Lin Zhixue. They can come together, and it is very appropriate to paraphrase that phrase:

As long as that person is you, it doesn't matter if you're a little late.

"Please give more advice for the rest of your life" Why doesn't Gu Wei love Gao Huan, but he likes Lin Zhi school?


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