
In everything you do, effort is most important, including love

Recommend to you a new book "Fun in the World", written by Cai Lan, one of the "Four Talents" of Hong Kong. At first, I was attracted by the cover sentence "I play the world, not the world playing me", curious about what this dashing old man could write, and then I compiled this excerpt, which condensed the wisdom of the 80-year-old man's life.

Author: Cai Lan

Overall: New one

Book List: Fun in the World

In everything you do, effort is most important, including love

First, survival

1. The most important thing a person needs to save in his life is the cost of telling the truth. Young people do not have great ability, you face your colleagues and superiors, how can you casually give people a look? Obviously, when you encounter people and things that don't look good, you only have to be obedient, you have to be a little hypocritical and smooth, and after establishing considerable self-confidence and persuasion, you have the ability to tell the truth.

2. There are three ways for migrant workers to go. One is to endure, so mediocre to live a life. The second is to leave, the owner does not fight, hit the west family, but this kind of people who are used to escape will become addicted, and there will be no good results in the future when they fight one family after another forever. Finally, there are those who prepare for the back road while fighting a war, and this kind of person has more opportunities to get ahead than others.

3. There is no contradiction between conscientiousness and elegance, because if things are not rigorous, there is no condition for being dashing. A messy life is not called dashing, it is called chaos; deal with your own affairs, lay a good foundation, and then you can be dashing. Successful people are qualified to be described as dashing; and success is no fluke, there must be hard work behind it.

Second, life

4. The most feared person in my life is the kind of negativist who sighs long and short and does not actively improve his life. In contact with such people, the energy is easily sucked dry. Who hasn't encountered difficulties? Those who have a superficial appearance are only optimistic on the outside. The question is how you face the dilemma. The more you mind the eyes of others, the more unhappy you become. Who do you live for?

5. It doesn't matter if I don't like that I'm not serious, I still live happily. Everyone has their opinions, don't pay attention to them. It doesn't matter if I count as an idol or not, idols are created by immature people, and after maturity, they don't obsess over idols and change to appreciation. Appreciation is acceptable, and I appreciate a lot of people. People who are willing to self-study and enrich themselves, I appreciate.

6. When I was very young, I already knew to do my best and be happy in everything I did, even if I wasn't happy, not to let people know. But unhappiness doesn't happen very often, because my own personality doesn't care much anymore. Of course, I will still meet people who make me unhappy, I will definitely, if I have not met, I will not be happy, I will not deeply experience the feeling of happiness.

7. Buddhist stories teach people that you have been deceived and are a debt that should be repaid in the last life. It is better to deceive people now than to deceive people in old age. By the time you get older, the blow is even greater. It is a blessing to be young and suffer this robbery. I don't like to hear this story, I still feel that I have to take revenge, and when I have the opportunity, I will retaliate with a tit-for-tat. Don't think that if you always treat people well, you will definitely get good rewards, and being good to people is an act of "sending", not for "receiving".

3. Men and Women

8. Man can never be looked upon, and I am a man who is absolutely judged by his appearance. Appearance is not only appearance, but also with eyes and conversation, as well as many small movements. This way, it is more accurate to see people. People with roe deer eyes, not much better, sneak a glance at you when talking to you, and don't know what bad idea to play, these people have to avoid, the farther away the better.

9. Good men must have had a good time, bad men from the beginning to the end, to remedy the ugly, the only way is to be humble, to make up for the clumsiness, or, they have achieved something in their career, and as time goes by, they become more and more pleasing to the eye, and the appearance can be accepted.

10. I meet a lot of beautiful women, talk to them for an hour, and immediately know what their mother likes, what cosmetics she uses, and what car she loves to drive. Their whole lives seem to be condensed in this short hour, and there is no topic to talk about anymore. Of course, in some cases, you don't need a lot of topics.

11. Spirituality is that you do not look stupid, there are many changes in your eyes and expressions; after contact with you, her feelings change a lot, not lifelessly thinking about the same thing, every time you talk to her, she has a different posture to attract you, these are called spirituality.

12. It is good that a woman is a little erudite. Associating with erudite women can increase a lot of insight. Good women are always not old. Strangely enough, a forty-year-old woman looked only thirty years old. They are very attractive, young in mind, with large breasts and generous clothing. Vulgar women get old fast, wear makeup and dress up faster every day. Desperate for a facelift? Worse!

Fourth, love

13. I feel more and more that beauty and ugliness are not a problem. More ugly people are hopelessly ugly. As long as there is a cute personality, being cheerful and open-minded, even if people are ugly and physically mutilated, there are people who love. Diligence can make up for clumsiness, and happiness and humor can save ugly. I think that effort is the most important thing in everything I do, and that includes love.

14. True love cannot be explained, only felt. Once in contact, it is out of control, and everything can be abandoned, even parents and brothers and sisters, just for each other, do everything. True love is blind and easy to consume. The power of love decreases again and again until you can no longer have such feelings. At this time, you will not be miserable, but you will not meet true love again.

15. When the relationship begins, everyone does not know each other, and after a long time, the shortcomings slowly emerge. But it is not bad, good naturally produces bad, there must be pain in love, otherwise there is no sweetness, this is relative. When love is blind, nothing can be seen, then there are advantages! Not blind is not love.

16. Confession has only three possibilities: she gives you the opportunity to reject you but continues to be friends with you, or breaks off friendship with you. It's better to get things resolved and the truth out, than if you were secretly suffering. Fate is not something as simple as you can wait and come. You can already know her, does not mean that you have the fate to become a couple.

17. When I was young, I loved a very beautiful woman. She said we were together and only allowed to be happy. I promised to take her to Brazil, Venice, Barcelona, to any place where there were big carnivals. Then she got sick and left me. After she died, I took her ashes, and every time there was a carnival, I threw one away for her, and now, only the last one remained.

5. Marriage

18. Living together is an unending struggle to see who is strong in the end. The average person cooperates very well, sometimes the woman wins, sometimes the man speaks louder. At first, because of their youth, they were all strong, but later they became softer and softer, and they also became the so-called old husbands and wives who accommodated and tolerated each other, although extremely unreasonable, they were also inevitably helpless.

19. It is a matter of course that feelings have faded. Any feeling, over time, will fade. Heaven and earth are always made up of novels and movies to deceive people. Because such a thing cannot exist, it is particularly appealing to sing. Most of the white-headed and old partners are forced to be helpless, and the superficial scenery is just a matter of time. What couple doesn't live by arguing over trivial matters?

In everything you do, effort is most important, including love

Sixth, friends

20. The simplest and original basis of a gentleman's friendship is to treat others with sincerity, so that there will always be new friends and new emotional developments. Gradually, opportunities will come to you.

21. I don't deliberately offend anyone, and I don't want to hurt anyone, but if someone still thinks I've offended them, then I can't do anything about it, and I won't pay attention to it. It's like saying that if you accidentally step on a pile of on the road, then you just have to rub your shoes clean on the ground, and you won't find stones to throw that pile of shit!

VII. The World Chapter

22. Everyone's life, the way of life is very simple, travel is to let you see how others live, and then incorporate their strengths into their own lives.

23. The beauty of a place is not in the scenery, but in the people. With TV and movies, what monuments have not been seen? The information on the computer network is more detailed than you have seen, of course, the experience is different, but it affects your impression of this place, which is a local person.

In everything you do, effort is most important, including love

VIII. Money

24. I love to spend money and enjoy. Even my ability to spend money is far beyond the ability to make money, but you must know that what I have today is not half a windfall that I suddenly get by real estate or speculation, all of which is earned by the continuous payment of youth to the present, with labor.

25. The stage of disregarding money for ideals has happened in my life, but not much. But more money one zero less zero has no change in daily life, money is just an affirmation of others to you, I am a vegetarian, I need this affirmation.

9. Interest

26. In eating, drinking, and having fun, you see life more thoroughly. I'm not a happy person myself, but I feel like I can get it in culture, reading, traveling.

27. To read is to do learning. Stupid teachers teach, of course, you can not listen to him, but when you meet a good teacher, he will show you a way to go. Not meeting a good teacher is completely fate, and not meeting a good boyfriend or not meeting a good parent is exactly the same, uncontrolled, and no one can complain.

28. There are two kinds of wealth: one is money, and the other is to cultivate interests and accumulate life experience. For me, the latter is more important than the former. What others say is that there will be no guarantee in the future, but what are they afraid of? Living in the moment and enjoying it to the fullest is not a regret-free life?

10. Open-mindedness

29. No one can bind your mind. Occasional indulgence is a good thing. But to indulge, first learn to clean up. Will not clean up, is not qualified to indulge. Indulgence that cannot be contained is an instinctive impulse. The indulgence that will be packed up is improvisation.

30. If you want to be open-minded, you must first work hard when you are young, do everything, learn everything, and do not complain. The more you learn, the more you have confidence. In case the current job is gone, it is also reliable to make a living with other skills. Knowing that they will not starve to death, people are naturally high and naturally open-minded.

Bloggers: Xinyi, Fudan MBA, bachelor's degree in China Transmission; former editor-in-chief of Hurun TOP30 Financial New Media, interviewing hundreds of business leaders; now focuses on individual development research and education.

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