
"Peasant poet" Zang Kejia died of illness at the age of 98, leaving behind 4 children, what is the current situation

"Some people are alive and he is dead; some people are dead, he is still alive..."

In 2004, Zang Kejia died. This treasure-like old man, this star-like poet. He devoted his life's efforts to the party and the people, and he made the mainland's literary cause go further. He used the most simple words to tell the true feelings of the world, and he used the most exquisite ideas to compose a bright future.

Without fear of dangers and obstacles, spread the revolutionary spirit

Zang Kejia was born in 1905 in Zhucheng, Shandong

Small and medium-sized landlords

In the family. Zang Kejia's grandfather had obtained a certain meritorious name during the Qing Dynasty, which made Zang Kejia come into contact with such things as literature at a very young age.

Shortly after the Zang family was born, his mother died. The misfortune of life and the decline of his family gave him more time to contact the poor families around him and understand the lives of the poor, which laid the foundation for his future

Simple and sincere

The style of writing.

At the age of eight or nine, Zang Kejia went to private school, where he studied many famous ancient chinese poems, thus opening his literary path. In 1923, he was influenced by the new ideas of the May Fourth Movement and began to be exposed to the writing style of new poetry. In 1929, he published his first article

"Silence in the Evening Forest"

He was then admitted to national Qingdao University, where he studied under Wen Yiduo. In the decade that followed, he published several works of poetry, such as


wait. These poems of practical significance profoundly reflect the dark social realities of the time. As a result, he also became the founder of mainland realist poetry, and Zang Kejia was known as a "peasant poet".

In 1938, he followed the party organization to the front line of the War of Resistance. Here he risked being bombed by enemy aircraft

Personally went to the front line to interview the report

He led the comrades of the cultural and labor troupe to the deep mountains to cheer up the guerrillas. He even

He personally participated in the Battle of Suiju

, felt the cruelty of war. In the harsh revolutionary environment of the time,

It was he who inspired people to fight bravely and fight tenaciously with articles praising the light.

After the victory of the War of Resistance, he continued to write. In the tense situation at that time, he disregarded his own safety and published a number of articles promoting the spirit of the party, which once attracted the pursuit of the Kuomintang. In order to avoid arrest, he fled all the way, even to Hong Kong.

But this can not dispel his courage to create, even if he sacrifices, he must contribute his strength to the party and the people.

Although suffering is encountered, it will not change the brilliant life

Poetry Journal

For the first time, the Chairman's eighteen poems were published. This caused a huge sensation in the field of literature at that time.

However, during the special period, he suffered innocent injustice and persecution and was sent to a cadre school to study. During this time, he was insulted and forced to stop his creative work. But fortunately, he did not give up.

"Suffering nourishes man, swallow the curse and turn it into power."

With this belief, he survived all his suffering.

After the end of the special period, he was rehabilitated and returned to Beijing to create literature. After returning to Beijing, he wrote his feelings and experiences over the years into poetry and prose. He has published poetry collections such as "Falling Red" and prose collections such as "Poetry and Life". In these valuable works, we see Mr. Wang's optimistic and positive attitude towards life and his expectations for a better life in the future.

Although the years are twilight, the light is still brilliant

This is Zang Kejia's evaluation of himself. In his later years, Zang Kejia once again ushered in the peak of literary creation. He placed his hopes and visions for the new era of socialism in his works. These works, which embody the painstaking efforts of Mr. Lao, have been published successively, and have been translated into many editions and exported to all over the world. They will be passed on from generation to generation with the spirit of the old gentleman.

In 2004, Zang Kejia died of illness at the age of 98.

The current situation of the four sons and daughters

After the death of Mr. Zang Kejia, people began to pay attention to his descendants. The Zang family had four children, two sons and two daughters. They are the eldest son Zang Leyuan and the second son Zang Le'an,

The eldest daughter Zang Xiaoping and the second daughter Zheng Suyi.

These four children have all grown up around the Zang Ke family, and they all have extremely deep feelings for the old mr. Zang Ke family. Father's words, deeds, deeds, and deeds are all there


Influence them. And what is extremely rare is that they have inherited the old man's extremely high literary skills, which makes them all follow the old man to the road of literature.

Eldest son Zang Leyuan

The eldest son, Zang Leyuan, was born in August 1929.

He is the most outstanding of the four children. He is a famous philosopher on the mainland,

He founded the Department of Philosophy of Shandong University in one fell swoop and made it an important discipline. In the more than fifty years of teaching philosophy, he has worked hard to educate people, written books and lectures, and sent many constructive philosophical talents to the mainland.

After retirement, he still did not forget his party membership, strictly demanded himself, and tirelessly devoted himself to the cause of education. Not only that, he also actively participated in public welfare undertakings and actively helped

The younger generation

Learning and development. In 2014, as an outstanding retired cadre, he went to Beijing to receive a cordial meeting with the chairman.

The second son, Zang Le'an

The second son, Zang Le'an, grew up and learned foreign languages, and after completing his studies, he went to the Central Radio Station to work as a professional

Translation reviewer

One post. He immersed himself in translating foreign literary works and contributed a lot to the development of literature on the mainland. And he has thus become a famous translator in the mainland.

Eldest daughter Zang Xiaoping

The eldest daughter, Zang Xiaoping, was born in May 1949 and has a relatively low profile, with little news coverage.

。 But no matter where she is, she must have exerted her full strength to contribute to the literary cause of the mainland.

Second daughter Zheng Sue

The second daughter, Zheng Suyi, with the surname of her mother Zheng Man, is the youngest child in the family. She received her father's literary teachings from an early age and had a high talent for literature.

Growing up, she followed in her father's footsteps and became a poet and writer.

She has worked for the Chinese Writers Association and published many excellent works. At present, she is compiling the complete works of her father with her second brother Zang Le'an. They hope to pass on the spirit of their father through their own efforts.

The life of mr. Zang Kejia is

Relentless pursuit of light

A lifetime. No matter what kind of difficulties and obstacles, he always has hope and fearlessness. He has worked tirelessly and written countless touching articles with the most simple words. he

Love and hate

With the sharpest verses, he said many warning quotes.

Although the old man has passed away, through his brushstrokes, we still seem to be able to see the period of that year

Ginger Iron Horse

The revolutionary years. Today, we have grown up with the spirit of the old gentleman, and we understand more and more how precious happiness is now.

We will

Live up to the old man's hopes, live up to the old man's wishes

, continuous hard work, hard work, and strive to create a better future. I believe that the spirit of the old man will be passed on to the new generation forever and will never be indelible.

Text/Shi HaiGuanfu

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