
The "me-oriented" reading method of Zang Kejia's language learning method

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Zang Kejia's "me-oriented" reading method

This is a reading method that places special emphasis on independent thinking in the selection of books and the study of books.

"Reading, me." Zang Kejia, a famous contemporary poet who served as the editor-in-chief of the poetry journal > and the secretary of the National Writers Association, once summed up his reading methods clearly and broadly into three points:

First, when selecting books, we must "take me as the mainstay."

Books, the first question encountered is what books to choose. Zang Kejia believes that it should be "mainly based on me." He said: "The books I read are extremely wide-ranging, and I want to touch them all, and I also enthusiastically read some discussion articles in newspapers and periodicals." But despite this, he still has a center for reading. "I am engaged in literary and artistic writing, and the purpose of reading is to enrich and enrich the spiritual world and to improve my creative ability." Proceeding from this clear goal, his reading was "mostly based on ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary and artistic works." Among his many literary and artistic works, he mainly read books about poetry. He said: "Not only are the bookshelfs used for daily use mainly poetry, but also the ones I pile high on the side of my pillow are all classical poetry and poetry." It can be seen that Zang Kejia's selected books have three clear levels:

Emphasis - Classical poetry and poetic theory, because he wrote poetry:

The sub-emphasis is on ancient and modern Chinese and foreign literary and artistic works, because he is engaged in literary and artistic creation, generally dabbling in - once the history of the subset, the hundred families of the sons, ancient and modern Chinese and foreign miscellaneous books, and even some discussion articles in the newspaper are also read. For the poet enriches himself with a wide range of knowledge.

These three levels have all achieved "self-centeredness".

Second, to appreciate, we must "take me as the mainstay."

Zang Kejia described his reading scene in this way: "Lying in bed at night, a lamp shines on me, reading a few poems, reading a few words, concentrating, tasting and appreciating." The one who has my heart draws a line with a pen to make me admire a good sentence, circle a single circle and a double circle, or write it on the head. At this time, my heart, with the heart of the ancient poets, not only resonated, but also exchanged emotions. When it comes to moving places, the heart flutters for it, the light shines for it, the heavens and the earth are contoured, and the spirit is uplifted. ”

His criteria for appreciating good works are "those who win my heart" and "those that make me admire", and never forget himself. Let go of your eyes, draw independently, and never follow the clouds. He said, "Picking up people's teeth and wisdom is like asking Hanako to ask for scraps, which is meaningless and should be ashamed." "Even if Li Du's poems have essences, there is no lack of mediocre works", "No matter how great a writer is, he is not a word." "I also often read collections of poems and poems by previous and contemporary experts, most of which are good and beneficial to me." However, due to the different positions and views of each person, the trade-offs are different. In short, no matter whose works he appreciates, he insists that "he has his own evaluation standards in his heart."

Third, look at the notes, and be "mainly me."

There are many commentaries on ancient poems, and there are also many commentaries. Zang Kejia believes: "Some annotations, the experience of the original work is not deep enough, or even misunderstood. When I look at the commentaries and explanations, I am the main one, and the good ones follow them, and the bad ones change them. ”

This is very important for young people. Young people who read ancient poems often use annotations and commentaries on Wenjing, but those who are keen to write commentaries and commentaries are due to their own positions and rules. The knowledge is different, and the results of the research are not all correct. This requires us to examine independently when reading the commentary and reading the commentary, and choose to be quiet.

Zang Kejia's criteria for "taking me as the mainstay" to read the annotations are two points: "One is long-term life experience, and the other is more than fifty years of creative practice", which is naturally also strung with Marxist-Leninist literary and artistic theory. From the perspective of one's own ability to live and write, there is the basis of "taking me as the mainstay": with the theory of yi literature and art as the leading, there is also the soul of "taking me as the karma".

Although young people do not read much, they should not forget the "me for a living" reading method. Feeling like Lu Xun said, "Use the brain marrow, let out your vision, and take it yourself!"

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