
Zang Kejia's mathematics is white paper, the composition is only three sentences, why was he admitted to Shandong University?

author:Historical Society

"Some people are alive and he's dead; some people are dead, he's still alive." This is the words in the work "Some People" by the famous contemporary poet Zang Kejia, who wrote many poems in his life and was known as a peasant poet. However, Zang Kejia is also a serious student of partial subjects, the mathematics is white paper during the exam, and the composition is only 3 sentences, why did Shandong University admit him?

Zang Kejia's mathematics is white paper, the composition is only three sentences, why was he admitted to Shandong University?

In early October 1905, Zang Kejia was born into a small landlord family in Weifang, Shandong Province. Both great-grandfather and grandfather had earned meritorious titles, my father had graduated from the School of Law and Politics, and both my grandfather and father loved poetry. At the age of eight, my mother died. Although his grandfather was serious and did not dare to approach him, as long as his grandfather recited a poem, it seemed to become another person, and his grandfather taught him to read ancient poems from an early age. Because of his young age, he did not understand the meaning of poetry, but he memorized it well.

When he was about eight or nine years old, Zang Ke's family entered a private school to study. Due to the misfortune of his family, he had the opportunity to play with the children of poor families, thus knowing the misery and bitterness of peasant life, laying the groundwork for his subsequent creative path. At the age of 12, he went to the village's junior primary school. During this period, Mr. Li often sighed: "My greater China has a glorious history of thousands of years, and now I am being oppressed by little Japan!" The authorities have repeatedly tolerated it, resulting in the death of the country, and 40,000 million people will become slaves of the country! Zang Kejia often listened quietly from the sidelines, and in his young heart there was the seed of hatred of imperialism, which stimulated his patriotic feelings.

Zang Kejia's mathematics is white paper, the composition is only three sentences, why was he admitted to Shandong University?

In 1919, the May Fourth Movement broke out. Zang Kejia, 14, and his classmates followed a college student to propagate anti-Japanese ideas in the local area, inspecting, registering and sealing, and confiscating Japanese goods. Due to the death of his father, who suffered from lung disease, he took a year off from school. In the process of "high and small" learning, he was influenced by new ideas and his horizons became broader. He has liked ancient Chinese since he was a child, so his Chinese language scores have always been among the best, and his compositions are often praised by teachers. However, his mathematical and other science grades were somewhat unsatisfactory. He was not at all interested in these subjects, which led to his ups and downs when he applied for the National Shandong University, which is now Shandong University. When he took the exam, Zang Kejia's math paper was blank on it, and there was no answer. He, who is usually good at Chinese composition, even wrote only three sentences during the exam: "Life always chases the illusion, but whoever sees the illusion as the illusion, he will sink into the bottomless sea of suffering!" ”

Zang Kejia's mathematics is white paper, the composition is only three sentences, why was he admitted to Shandong University?

Unexpectedly, after the chief examiner Mr. Wen Yiduo saw Zang Kejia's composition, he thought that he had an independent thought, so he gave his composition a score of 98, and also proposed to the hospital to admit this rare talent. In this way, he was admitted to Shandong University and became a student of Wen Yiduo.

Zang Kejia's mathematics is white paper, the composition is only three sentences, why was he admitted to Shandong University?

Later, the Zang Ke family was persecuted by the reactionaries and fled to the northeast. Here, he recorded his life in the Northeast with poetry.

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