
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only

author:Qingtan theory

"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister!

Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, which not only provokes Sino-Russian relations, but also threatens to sanction China. After not dumping in China, I started playing new tricks again. A few days ago, Roach, an economist at Yale University in the United States, claimed in an interview with the US media CNBC that only China in the world can influence Russian President Putin, and he also said that China has a "trump card" in its hands. Previously, german political scientist Sander Schneider also held this view in an interview with German television. In this regard, Huang Chuangxia, a veteran pro-green Taiwan media person, said in a Facebook post today that the United States is really a high-handed move: "killing", China and Russia are tied together.

However, Sun Daqian, a former Kuomintang deputy, did not think so, pointing out that the United States claimed that it would not actively mediate the Russian-Ukrainian war against China and consider offering sanctions, and that the United States itself was unwilling to come forward to bend the charge, but wanted to charge China hard, and it was clear that it wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to repair China and strike at China's economic strength.

Sun Daqian said bluntly that the biggest winner of the Russo-Ukrainian war is of course the United States, a Russo-Ukrainian war that sacrificed Ukraine; destroyed Russia; implicated China; and dragged down the European Union even more, and the United States, which was the least affected, once again became strong again because of a war that occurred in someone else's home.

In addition, Xiong Jiu, a well-known American political scientist who participated in the drafting of the "Taiwan Relations Law," believes that the biggest enlightenment of the current Ukrainian crisis to Taiwan is not to believe the lie that "taiwan has something to save the United States."

As can be seen from the Conflict in Ukraine, the United States is typically uneasy and kind: I resolutely "do not send troops" when you fight your war; war chaos and refugees are the affairs of your Russia, Ukraine, and Europe, and I send my war wealth! Such an American, you still believe? #俄方: Will not ask the United States and Europe to lift sanctions ##外媒: Ukraine's foreign minister severely criticized Germany ##Western sanctions on Russia affected more than 30,000 Chinese students #headlines

"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only
"Killing" China, the United States is really sinister! Russia attacked Ukraine, and the United States launched Western sanctions against Russia and forced many countries to take sides. The same is true for China, not only

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