
Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine! Synopsis of The Sunshine... Luhansk region, 2

author:Mingyue ascended the stairs

Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine!

Synopsis of The Sunshine · · · · · · ·

  Luhansk region, May 2014. The Novozhilov family stumbled upon themselves in the midst of various events in Luhansk. Vlad Novozhilov was a participant in the war in Afghanistan. He knew what war was, and had seen enough war horrors in his time that in principle he did not even want to touch a weapon. In some cases, he saw only one way out — to leave the country. But you can't escape war, the borders are closed. In order to save his family, he will have to make difficult moral choices.

#Russia ##Russian Movie##Azov Camp##Luhansk#Neo-Nazi##新纳粹亚速营 #

Mingyue comments: It can only be said that this film is simply a "god prophecy", and in 2021, it predicted the outbreak of the Russo-Ukrainian War and the collapse of the neo-Nazi Azov battalion! Those who sympathize with Ukraine, do not know how to feel after watching this film?

Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine! Synopsis of The Sunshine... Luhansk region, 2
Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine! Synopsis of The Sunshine... Luhansk region, 2
Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine! Synopsis of The Sunshine... Luhansk region, 2
Now watch the 2021 Russian movie "Scorching Sunshine" Douban score 8.1, after watching who still sympathizes with Ukraine! Synopsis of The Sunshine... Luhansk region, 2

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