
The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

In today's world, everyone has different criteria for choosing a mate. Some people think that choosing the other half must depend on the family conditions of the other party, and some people think that it is necessary to look at a lot of hard indicators that are not in place. Of course, there is no right or wrong in everyone's mate selection criteria, only the right fit.

But from an astrologer's point of view, the most important thing about being a partner, I think, is emotional stability. Many people think that they may have very good external conditions and a good image. They work well and earn a lot, but their emotions are quite unstable and extreme. Living around such a person, you will feel trembling.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

Today we talk about the signs that do not casually anger others from the perspective of the astrolabe, such people are emotionally stable, and they will solve problems when they encounter problems. In my opinion, this kind of talent is really trustworthy people.

Solar scale + sun and moon positive phase

From the perspective of the Sun sign alone, among the twelve zodiac signs, Libra's temper is relatively good. In fact, such people are better at being patient, and they will be better at discharging emotions in their hearts. They know how to comfort themselves, so they will choose to back down on many issues.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

Therefore, this kind of person is a good personality, a good temper, and rarely takes the initiative to lose his temper or jump like thunder. Don't lose your temper at the slightest thing, make people around you feel uneasy and counter-terrorism. However, if a sun falls on a person in Libra, but the astrolabe appears in the sun and Mars. From a superficial point of view, it is also possible that they behave normally outside, but will be very grumpy at home.

However, if a person whose sun falls on Libra is in the middle of the West Gate, there is a positive phase of the sun and the moon, it is best to arch phase and hexagram phase, this type of person must be stable in their inner emotions, and their temper is very good, they will not easily lose their temper, and they will also be very good at discharging emotions, and even help others to alleviate emotional internal friction.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

This type of person is more emotionally stable, and they are more inclined to solve problems when they encounter problems, rather than being trapped by this problem. Although the sun sets on Libra boys are somewhat indecisive, it has to be said that their temper is really good. In particular, the inner emotional self-consistency brought to them by the Sun moon positive committee will make them exert greater energy in their feelings.

Golden Moon Phase + Martian Scale

If we want to see from the astrolabe what a person's temper and disposition are, then the first thing to look at is Venus and the moon. Why isn't the first important one mars? Because if individuals are like the sun, the moon, and Venus, if they land in a very easy-going position, then even if there is a strong Mars, their temper must not be a little bit.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

So when a person has a positive position of Venus and the moon in the astrological chart, it means that it is easy for them to get a positive emotional feedback emotionally. That is to say, in the feelings of such people, in interpersonal communication, they will not drill the horns, will be more open-minded, and will not be so extreme in dealing with the problem of feelings.

Therefore, when such people encounter problems, especially when they encounter emotional problems, they are more inclined to solve problems. Especially when Mars lands in Libra, it means their Martian energy is weakened. Although Mars falling in Libra is a Martian landing line position, it will reduce their mobility.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

But at the same time, Mars falling on Libra will make their temper become softer, they rarely go to face to face with whom, it can be said that as long as the Martian Libra people are not forced to the end, they rarely tear their faces with each other. However, Martian scales have minefields, and once this principle and bottom line are involved, then once they erupt, the consequences are quite serious.

But they are easy to compromise on some small things in life, and they will not lose their temper excessively, nor will they make others find it difficult to do. With the positive direction of the golden moon and Mars, people like Libra must be emotionally stable and worthy of trust.

The constellation that does not casually anger others, emotional stability, and solving problems is worth trusting

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