
Touch Night Talk: Good spring

Touching the night talk, every day nonsense and game-related farts, ghost things, new things.

Touch Night Talk: Good spring

Write something else, next week and then "ring" (photo/ Xiao Luo)

After two consecutive "Eldon's Ring of Law" night talk weeks, we may still usher in the "French Ring" night talk week in the future... It was fun and took up most of my life and that of my colleagues. However, there are also people who are not playing, such as Teacher Feng Xinyu, who receives high-intensity spoiler discussions in the editorial department every day, which is very tragic and has now been lying flat. For readers and friends who have not played the "French Ring", the night talk in the past two weeks is not very friendly, so today there is no story of the editorial department playing the "French Ring", let's talk about the regular life and game news.

The weather in Beijing is warming, and the air smells of spring. After the cold winter nights have passed, we have a lot of new games to play in the spring. First of all, two that were already released on March 4, "Sports Car Romance 7" (some people may be more familiar with the name "GT Racing 7") and "Triangle Strategy", the former is already a famous series of games, I went to school and bought the Logitech G25 steering wheel for "Sports Car Romantic Tour 5" on the PS3... But it didn't last long. The "GT" series is different from the "Forza Motorsport: Horizon" series, its fun is mainly in the "car" and "I drive my favorite car", the scenery is not so important, and the gameplay is basically running laps on the track. A few years ago, the canonical works of "GT" and "Forza Motorsport" were bright for a while, but I did not expect that a few years later, the branch series "Horizon" of "Forza Motorsport" was thriving, and the slow work of "GT" was grinding out two generations of games.

Touch Night Talk: Good spring

"Sports Car Romance Brigade 7" looks really cool

"Triangle Strategy" I didn't find time to play, sorry! But HD-2D is really a good feature, and I will probably pick it up and play it when the game is desolated in the future... Probably.

This was followed by RPG Time on March 10. Legend of Light", a hand-drawn style small adventure game, is the kind of simple game we designed on the notebook when we were children, very interesting, the gameplay is also quite diverse, not only RPGs, but also ACT, STG, and even the part of the sound game. We'll probably write something about it next week.

In the second half of March, there was a lot of "Final Fantasy" news, first the 16th "Final Fantasy 14" national costume version 6.0, followed by the 18th "Final Fantasy Origins: Strangers in Paradise", the latter has now released a demo, a total of 3 levels, and finally a Black Knight boss. I first came across this kind of offshoot when I first came into contact with the Final Fantasy series, which was supposed to be on PSP, and I played Final Fantasy Strategy: Lion Wars, Final Fantasy VII: Core Crisis, and Final Fantasy: Discord in one sitting. A few years ago, it happened to be the empty window period of the "Final Fantasy" series of the original work, until 2009 I played the "Final Fantasy" of the "Final Fantasy" "Final Fantasy 13", bought the first PS3 version, spent 540 yuan, the next day to go to the video game store to ask, said that the amount of goods is too large, reduced to 150 yuan, of course, this is another thing...

Touch Night Talk: Good spring

Final Fantasy XIII has always been a pain in my heart... Later, it did not get through, and hastily played a few times and put it away

At the end of the month, on March 25th, there are two games at the same time, Kirby of the Stars: Nova Alliance and Ghost Line: Tokyo, of which "Kirby of the Stars" now has a trial version, and the 3D "Kirby" feels like Super Mario: Odyssey, but it is impossible to see anything in just a few levels. Kirby's new ability to "stuff your mouth and transform" stirred up some discussion in the editorial department, and Teacher Feng and I thought it was not bad, and Teacher Zhu Siqi, who loved Kirby the most deeply, did not like it very much.

The spring of the game is coming, and with it hay fever, ah, I hate hay fever... In short, enjoy the game now! I'm going to play Eldon's Ring of Law!

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