
How much does it cost to do a three-generation test tube in Thailand?

Modern society brings a lot of invisible pressure to people's life and work, resulting in a variety of incurable diseases in the process of pregnancy that cannot be properly conceived. Many people think that going to Thailand for test tubes is expensive, it is indeed a little expensive, but if you can conceive your favorite baby, what does it matter if you are expensive?

How much does it cost to do a three-generation test tube in Thailand?

How much does it cost to go to Thailand for three generations now?

The third generation of test tubes has a single cycle of about 170,000-200,000 yuan. Some embryos cannot be transferred after biopsy, and the total cost of re-retrieving eggs is about 200,000 yuan.

The third generation of test tubes is also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, or PGD technology. It is for people with a history of genetic disorders, chromosomal abnormalities, and recurrent adverse pregnancies. Therefore, not only to promote ovulation, but also to perform microinjection in the plasma of a single sperm follicle to inseminate the egg, and after the embryo is formed, it is cultured into a blastocyst for biopsy, and only after there are normal transferable embryos can be transferred. If there are no transferable embryos, it is necessary to re-induce ovulation, so it is very expensive.

Third-generation IVF can improve the ability to conceive, and if there are chromosomal abnormalities, it is also possible to do third-generation IVF, as for how long the process takes, it depends on each person's specific situation.

It is recommended to first go to the yi hospital to do color ultrasound monitoring follicles, if the follicles are mature, you can take L, after the egg retrieval, in vitro fertilization, and then embryo transfer.

The advantages and disadvantages of third-generation IVF are as follows:

1. Advantages: Embryos are optimized through such techniques. If a woman has a recurrent miscarriage, normal embryos can be selected through PGS technology to reduce the possibility of miscarriage. Couples with familial genetic diseases can eliminate abnormal embryos through PGD technology and transfer normal embryos into the body to ensure a healthy fetus;

2. Disadvantages: This technology intervenes more, and cells must be removed from living embryos, which can cause damage to embryos. Therefore, the indications of the third generation are more strictly controlled.

How to choose a Thai hospital?

1, must have formal qualifications, whether public or private, qualification is the foundation;

Choose according to your physical condition and needs. If there is a problem of infection or a family with a family genetic history that needs to do the threshold of three generations, you can inquire about the reputation of the yi hospital, and how many successful cases with the same symptoms as their own comparison and selection;

How much does it cost to do a three-generation test tube in Thailand?

Want twins, can Thailand's third-generation IVF hospital make it happen?

Twins, every family wants, but not everyone can give birth, so they have to hope for test tubes, many people go to Thailand to want twins, can it be achieved?

Because IVF is used to aid in pregnancy, the process of embryo transfer can be controlled artificially and can certainly be done.

But we must know that not every woman is suitable for having twins. The ability to give birth to twins depends on the size of the mother's uterus and endometrium.

Don't be motionless to do IVF, go to a twin, don't advocate. Because once you enter the IVF program, there will be many twists and turns, not only to use a lot of drugs, but also to have some complications. Twins have many more complications during pregnancy than singletons. Some mothers have small uterus and are not in good health, and even if such mothers are pregnant with twins, doctors may advise such mothers to reduce the number of twins, because in this case, pregnant twins may threaten the mother's health.

However, as long as the physical conditions permit, the doctor will choose to transfer two embryos into the womb, if both embryos are successfully implanted, then it is a twin, if one of the embryos does not implant successfully, then it is a single child, but compared to natural conception, the probability of IVF twins is higher than that of natural conception.

There is also no 100% success rate, IVF is a long and complex conditioning process, the need for both husband and wife to have enough confidence and patience, with the advice of infertility doctors to accept each step of treatment, ivory tube itself has a certain success rate, there is also a failure rate, so it is said that regardless of the birth of twins and singletons, it is best to go with the flow.

Can IVF twins have a vaginal birth?

If the fetal position is normal, the body size is appropriate, the B ultrasound data are relatively normal, the mother's age is not more than 30 years old, and after the doctor's evaluation, it is considered that it can be a normal birth, it is possible to choose a vaginal birth.

How much does it cost to do a three-generation test tube in Thailand?

If the mother's natural delivery process has uterine contraction weakness or waiting time is too long, the doctor will appropriately use some yao to accelerate childbirth to increase uterine contractility and shorten the course of labor.

Although artificially assisted vaginal delivery is slightly more difficult than natural childbirth, with the help of a doctor, most women can give birth smoothly.

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