
"District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition": Eclectic and law-abiding and innovative

On February 25th, the "District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition" sponsored by the Guangdong Chinese National Culture Promotion Association was officially exhibited at the Lingnan Association Exhibition Hall on Ersha Island. The exhibition exhibits more than 100 qianyun calligraphy works and will last until March 27.

Ou Qianyun (1938-1998), also known as Bai Yan, was born in Guangzhou in April 1938 in Nanhai, Guangdong. After graduating from high school in 1957, he studied medicine with his father. Amateur self-taught calligraphy, starting from cursive calligraphy throughout the famous relics of the past, and then learning the seal of the seal to line the various bodies, integrating Han Jian, Wei Stele, and Zhang Cao pen in the present grass, strong and flexible and full of changes.

Calligrapher Ou Qianyun's photo of his youth

Integrate the three and unite into one heart

"This exhibition has two meanings: for people outside the calligraphy world, you can see what calligraphy is and what is real cursive; for people in the calligraphy world, this is a work of genius, even unlearnable, so it is not for everyone to imitate and copy, but it has enlightening significance and understand what innovation is." At the opening ceremony, Chen Yongzheng, honorary chairman of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association, said that how Ou Qianyun's calligraphy has achieved such an achievement, on the one hand, there is a very good atmosphere of calligraphy art around him, on the other hand, it is inseparable from his extensive knowledge.

"This is a calligraphy artist whose reputation is inundated and needs to be re-recognized and deeply studied." In the 1970s, the poet and calligrapher Mr. Tong Shaobi predicted: "In the future, Ou Qianyun will be the first cursive calligraphy in Lingnan. Today, Chen Yongzheng, honorary chairman of the Guangdong Calligraphers Association, positions the district qianyun cursive as "the first person in Guangdong in a hundred years." Cartoonist Liao Bingge once specially created a statue of Ou Qianyun and gave a five-word poem: "Three large and small circles, three absolute books and medical fists." When it is an extraordinary thing, it is still in the cloud diving. The poem uses the "Three Absolutes" to summarize Ou Qianyun's achievements in calligraphy, medicine, and martial arts.

Liu Sifen, former chairman of the Guangdong Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and president of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, said that the district can absorb the strengths of all the people and can make breakthroughs and innovations, and the style is very strong. His works reflect the distinctive Lingnan calligraphy style and inherit the majesty of Guangdong's traditional culture. Now when many people mention the "innovation" of calligraphy, they feel that they can do anything, and as a result, they have created a lot of "jianghu qi", and we should not go along with these things. The calligraphy of Ou Qianyun is an innovation that truly absorbs the spirit of traditional culture and calligraphy, and is "shouzheng innovation", with passion and personality.

In this exhibition of works, it can be seen that Ou Qianyun calligraphy is rooted in temperament and talent, and his learning is not only one family, no method, eclectic, eclectic, and one heart, and he can further study and integrate calligraphy for medicine, easy learning, and martial arts, which is still legendary. Ou Qianyun taught himself calligraphy starting from cursive writing, and then learned Zhong Xuan and Chu Suiliang's various posts, and then learned to follow the various styles of seals. Especially good at cursive writing, quite influenced by Wang Duo and Peng Ruiwei, the style of writing is majestic and strange, the changes are flexible and have a childish meaning, which is very distinctive.

"District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition": Eclectic and law-abiding and innovative

Ou Qianyun works

According to Chen Yongzheng's recollection, Ou Qianyun often repeated the poems of the same content three times before his death, and several pieces of calligraphy, without a word being the same, which shows his strength and ambition. In terms of calligraphy concepts, Ou Qianyun advocated innovation, and before his death, he said that he was original and original in his view of thousands of posts, and called himself "the Picasso of contemporary books". He once said: "Picasso studied the ancients when he was young, and his skills were extremely profound, and I was the same." After laying a good foundation, we will continue to innovate. Like Picasso, I constantly deny myself and keep innovating. For the phenomenon of the book world, Ou Qianyun has every strange theory, with "the good book is more bad, he can make a good book at any time, and the bookmaker must be a mediocre", "Habit is the natural enemy of creation, reproducing others and reproducing himself, are failures", Yu book world characters are unscrupulous.

"Calligraphy works are cultural products formed by the combination of factors such as the talent, realm, understanding, cultivation and skill of the calligrapher, and the process by which we appreciate the calligraphy works is the process of appreciating and evaluating the above comprehensive qualities of the calligraphers through their works." Enjoying the "District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition" is a process of surprise, surprise and realization.

"District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition": Eclectic and law-abiding and innovative

Calligrapher District Lurking Cloud

Adhere to the inheritance and encourage each other to know each other

This is a thinker who, in a special historical period, adheres to the traditional cultural position and has a cultural responsibility. At a time when traditional Chinese culture was under attack, Ou Qianyun, Liu Jun, Chen Yongzheng, Liu Sifen, Liang Jianjiang, Liu Sihan and a group of young lingnanians adhered to the inheritance, discussed the old learning, and passed on the poetry and books until the future.

In the 1960s and 1970s, Ou Qianyun was more focused on the study of calligraphy, and he and a group of young colleagues were dissatisfied with the tradition of the book world, and then innovated and changed, learning from the Wang Duo style of Wang Duo, who was different from the book world at that time and was highly respected in Japan. Among them, Ou Qianyun and Chen Yongzheng are activists. Their works attracted different opinions at the time, but they knew each other, held each other's arms, and were confident and willing to be on the edge on the road of inheritance and innovation. In a banner written in 1992, Ou Qianyun wrote: "Anger and anger, long-term liver and spleen, sprayed on paper, fragrant and fragrant, is called Yingqi". From the content to the calligraphy, this work combines his lifelong conceit and unambitiousness. Six years later, he died of liver cancer. What is even more valuable is that among the several people in the same way at the beginning, there were some masters of art, there were similarities and differences, and they were able to support each other in life and death, to enlarge their unfinished karma, and to realize their unfulfilled wishes. It can be said that the art industry knows each other and does not change until death.

In 1998, when The District Qianyun was critically ill, the Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and the Provincial Book Association hosted the "District Qianyun Calligraphy Exhibition", and Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House published his collection of works. In 2000, Ou Qianyun's personal calligraphy exhibition was exhibited at the Guangdong Museum of Art, and after the exhibition, more than dozens of Ou's relics collected by deceased friends were donated to the Guangdong Museum of Art free of charge. More than 20 years later, the special exhibition of District Qianyun Cursive Was held again in Guangzhou, based on the 1998 exhibition, which comprehensively enriched the content of the works. It is worth mentioning that on the occasion of this exhibition, Chen Yongzheng, Liu Sifen and other members of the Ou clan worked together to carefully compile the "Art of Cursive Writing of Ou Qianyun", which comprehensively presented the calligraphy works of Wild Grass, Chapter Grass, Present Grass and Grass in various periods of Ou Qianyun's life. This book also fully reflects the ancient road hot sausages of the predecessors of Guangdong academia who cherish and support each other.

"District Qianyun Cursive Art Exhibition": Eclectic and law-abiding and innovative

Text/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Feng Qiuyu

Photo/ Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Feng Qiuyu

Video/Guangzhou Daily, New Flower City Reporter: Feng Qiuyu

Guangzhou Daily New Flower City Editor: Cai Lingyue

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