
Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

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Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

Recently, the convening of the national "two sessions" has finally made people's attention and enthusiasm withdraw from the War of Ukraine and Russia.

Judging from the government work report, continuing the theme of "stability" at the Central Economic Work Conference at the end of last year, in the context of repeated epidemics and global liquidity tightening, the focus of this year's development is still "stable growth". The expression on the automotive industry is, "We will continue to support the development of new energy vehicles, and encourage local governments to carry out green smart home appliances to the countryside and replace old with new." ”

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

"Although there is not much ink, it reflects the consistency of the policy." Cui Dongshu, secretary general of the National Passenger Vehicle Joint Association, said that the withdrawal of other supporting policies after the gradual withdrawal of new energy vehicle subsidies will not be too urgent, especially policies such as purchase tax should continue to be implemented next year. "This year's expected sales of new energy vehicles of 6 million units and 5.5 million passenger cars still support the development of new energy, indicating that the policy is very strong."

While orderly promoting the work of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality and implementing the carbon peak action plan, the "Government Work Report" also said that it is necessary to resolutely curb the blind development of high-energy-consuming, high-emission and low-level projects, promote the transformation of energy consumption "double control" to "double control" of carbon emissions, improve the incentive and constraint policies for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and accelerate the formation of a green production lifestyle.

This also invisibly emphasizes that vigorously promoting the development of new energy vehicles is not only to promote consumption growth, but also to complete the sustainable development of green industries under the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". Therefore, we must continue to support the development of new energy vehicles, but also put an end to the "blind development" of low-level projects.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

As one of the pillar industries of the mainland's national economy, the development of the automotive industry has actually been the lifeblood of countless industrial developments. From the supply of chips that have been affected since the beginning of the trade war in 2018, to the economic recession and the sharp reduction in consumer desire under the repeated torment of the global epidemic, as well as the battery safety and intelligent network security that plague the industry and the outside world, all affect the attitude and view of the public on automobile consumption.

The proposals and suggestions submitted by CPPCC members and npc deputies from various industries across the country are a window for observing the industry and looking into the society, from which they can spy on the development of various industries, and also affect the formulation of the state's economic system, laws and regulations and policies to a certain extent.

Looking at the proposals and motions of cppcc committee members and people's congress deputies this year, it is not difficult to find that most of them revolve around double carbon emission reduction, construction of technical facilities, intelligent driving, vehicle regulation-grade chips, intelligent networking and other aspects.

How to develop new energy vehicles with high quality?

New energy vehicles are an important pillar to promote the "double carbon" goal, but how to develop new energy vehicles in high quality has always been an unsolved problem in the industry, such as the implementation of more clean energy applications in the automotive field, whether the contribution of new energy development to carbon emissions can be calculated, and so on.

On the eve of the two sessions, as a member of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a representative of the 13th National People's Congress, Li Shufu, chairman of Geely Holding Group, announced the "Proposal on Promoting the Application of Methanol Vehicles to Help Carbon Neutrality in the Transportation Sector", once again reiterating the importance of methanol energy to the development of new energy vehicles.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

In fact, this is the fourth time That's when Li Shufu mentions methanol cars. Li Shufu said, "The development of methanol vehicles in mainland China has a history of more than 40 years, with a wide range of production sources, a huge economic volume, and the sustainable development of the whole industrial chain. Therefore, methanol has become a new type of clean green energy recognized by the global industry and an important choice for building future green energy. ”

Therefore, Li Shufu proposed: It is recommended to comprehensively promote the application of methanol vehicles in the mainland, incorporate methanol vehicles into the development system and management of new energy vehicles, give methanol vehicles the same policy support as new energy vehicles, drive more enterprises to invest in the research and development of methanol vehicles, and accelerate the realization of carbon neutrality in the transportation field.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

According to the data, at present, Geely has methanol versions of models such as methanol heavy trucks, Emgrand, Emgrand GS, Emgrand GL, Envision, etc., but due to policy restrictions, the current market application is only in the pilot area, mainly for Shanxi and Guiyang, Guizhou.

As a deputy to the National People's Congress, Lei Jun, founder and chairman of Xiaomi, put forward the topic of "new energy carbon footprint accounting" at the two sessions. He said that under the global carbon peak, carbon neutrality target and EU carbon tariff and other trade systems, the low-carbon development of new energy vehicles has become the key winner and loser of the global competition of the automobile industry, and the completed, clear and accurate carbon footprint accounting system is the premise and foundation for the low-carbon development of the new energy automobile industry.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

For this, Lei Jun put forward four suggestions: establish a systematic carbon footprint management system to guide the low-carbon development of the new energy automobile industry as a whole; formulate carbon footprint accounting standards and methods for the whole industry chain of new energy vehicles; establish a new energy vehicle carbon footprint industry data platform; and improve the carbon footprint certification, rating and incentive mechanism.

It can be said that promoting the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry, exploring more energy possibilities, and comprehensively promoting the goal of "double carbon" are the main themes of the automotive industry in the next few years.

Improve infrastructure construction

If the implementation of "double carbon" emission reduction is a proposal for the development of the new energy industry from the macro level, then for the real new energy vehicle users, the construction of infrastructure for charging stations and substations in society is the real call from public opinion. After all, I believe that many people do not want to experience the "magic scene" of queuing up on the highway for a long holiday trip.

At the "two sessions," the construction of infrastructure industries such as new energy charging and replacing has become one of the hot topics discussed by the deputies and members.

Lei Jun, a deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of Xiaomi, brought the "Suggestions on Accelerating the Construction of High-power Fast Charging Infrastructure for New Energy Vehicles" to encourage the overall planning and deployment of high-power fast charging networks. He said that charging infrastructure is an important guarantee for the high-quality development of the new energy automobile industry. At present, the proportion of fast charging in the mainland public charging pile is only 40%, and the power is generally low, which is difficult to meet the charging needs of the majority of users.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

To this end, he also put forward three suggestions: strengthen policy guidance, coordinate and promote the planning and layout of high-power fast charging networks; establish a national innovation cooperation platform to strengthen joint research on core technologies; strengthen construction service guarantees and promote the popularization of high-power charging infrastructure.

Compared with Lei Jun's "fast charging plan", Li Shufu pays more attention to the replacement power station. He said that the power exchange mode of vehicle-electricity separation has the advantages of efficient energy replenishment and cost reduction compared with the traditional charging pile power replacement mode.

Among them, in terms of efficient energy replenishment, passenger cars only need about 1-5 minutes to change electricity; in terms of cost, the initial purchase cost of electric vehicles, power batteries account for about 40%, and the charging mode of "vehicle and electricity integration" makes the cost of the vehicle significantly higher, and in the vehicle-electricity separation mode, the purchase price of electric vehicles can be reduced by up to half.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

Based on this, Li Shufu proposed that first of all, it is necessary to speed up the clarification of the relevant provisions of the construction of substations, high and low pressure box changes, land and construction approvals, and incorporate them into the national market management standard system, and at the same time, it is recommended that the government open the resource access and support of public parking lots to effectively and reasonably optimize the allocation of land resources.

Secondly, we will further improve the relevant policies and regulations of the power exchange model, optimize the announcement regulations of the power exchange model, establish an exclusive announcement and certification system for the power exchange model, and form a separate certification of the car and the battery under the separation of vehicle electricity.

Finally, accelerate the standardization and generalization of power exchange modes. Promote the standardization of software and hardware protocols for power exchange interfaces, preset 2-3 technically advanced interface forms to formulate recommended standards; standardize the mechanism, form, and compatibility of power exchange power stations; and promote the standardization of battery packs for power exchange.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

Whether it is a power exchange mode or a fast charging mode, in fact, car companies, power battery companies and charging and replacing operators need to work together to promote it.

Promote intelligent networking legislation

In addition to charging anxiety, another major problem that plagues people's livelihood is intelligent networking. In the past year, the Anyang Tesla owner and Shanghai Weilai car owner incident brought the issue of intelligent car data security and intelligent test drive right of way into the public vision. Whether car companies can tamper with on-board data at will, how to balance the privacy and security of consumer data, and how to determine the responsibility of intelligent driving assistance systems in driving have also become important issues at the two sessions.

In this regard, Zhu Huarong, secretary of the party committee and chairman of Changan Automobile, announced the "Suggestions on Coordinating the Development and Safety of Intelligent and Connected Vehicles". Zhu Huarong believes that there are many problems in the intelligent network connection, mainly reflected in the imperfection of some laws and regulations, the lack of effective integration of data, the lack of a unified standard of the data center, the integration of people, vehicles, roads, signal systems is not enough, and the island effect still exists.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

To this end, he put forward three suggestions: improve the legal and regulatory system, within the scope of security and controllability, inclusive of the development of emerging industries; government guidance, regulatory protection, standard unification, accelerate industry cooperation, break down data barriers; reasonable relaxation of automotive data security and privacy protection requirements, the establishment of trusted automotive data circulation channels, while meeting data security requirements, promote the development of intelligent networked vehicles.

Regarding automotive data privacy and security, there are also preliminary solutions in the industry. In April 2021, caucus released the automotive data trusted depository blockchain platform, which uses the unique data tamper-proof, traceable and other characteristics of blockchain technology to provide data trusted depository services for enterprises by only relying on uploading data hashs (no need to upload any original data).

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

The issue of smart driving safety must be addressed through legislation. Deputy Zeng Qinghong, chairman of GAC Group, said: "Although the development of intelligent driving in the mainland is in full swing, the progress of legislation is seriously lagging behind, and intelligent driving cars have not yet had a 'legal identity', and road testing is difficult to advance." "Before smart cars are officially put on the road, issues such as how to define liability for accidents must be solved.

Therefore, Zeng Qinghong suggested amending articles 2 and 76 of the Road Traffic Safety Law, increasing the definition of machine drivers, division of responsibilities, etc., first realizing a breakthrough in intelligent driving legislation from scratch and from zero to one, and immediately starting to study and establish a more perfect special law on intelligent driving.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

Chen Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of SAIC Motor, also suggested that the legal status of the automatic driving system be clarified in the Road Traffic Safety Law, and the standard rules and disposal mechanisms for the division of responsibilities between human drivers and "automatic driving systems" (car companies, parts suppliers, etc.) should be formulated. At the same time, it is recommended to establish a grade evaluation and certification system and access mechanism for "automatic driving system" in the "Measures for the Administration of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Product Access".

It is worth noting that according to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone News reported on March 6, it was learned from the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress that the regulations on the management of intelligent and connected vehicles in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone have passed the "third trial" and are expected to be released within the year. This will be the first regulation in China to regulate the management of intelligent and connected vehicles.

Work together to solve supply chain dilemmas

Affected by various reasons such as the epidemic at home and abroad and foreign trade relations, chip supply became a common problem stuck in the neck of many car companies last year. The main reason is that the current import ratio of auto parts MCU is between 80% and 90%, mainly relying on the supply of foreign chip companies, and there are not many domestic enterprises that do vehicle-grade MCU products, which also exposes the shortcomings of the current mainland automobile industry supply chain.

To this end, delegates have made different proposals to solve supply chain challenges.

Among them, Chen Hong, deputy to the National People's Congress, secretary of the party committee and chairman of SAIC Motor, suggested that policy guarantees should be strengthened to promote the development of domestic large computing chip. Through policy guidance and multi-party coordination, establish unified technical specifications and standards for vehicle-grade chips, and set up a third-party testing and certification platform to actively participate in the formulation of international standard rules; it is recommended that the state take the lead in setting up special funds to encourage chip companies and automobile companies to participate together and accelerate the formation of domestic large computing chip research and development, manufacturing and application capabilities.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

In short, if you want to get rid of the shackles of foreign supply chain enterprises, you must establish your own perfect automotive industry chain.

Zhang Xinghai, deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of Xiaokang Group, also believes that in the face of the problem of "cutting off supply" of automobile chips, it is difficult to effectively regulate and solve it simply by using market means, and in the long run, we should give play to the advantages of the system and mechanism of the mainland's socialist efforts to concentrate on major events, and use the power of the state to promote the rise of the domestic vehicle regulation chip industry.

Although the state has issued a series of policies, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is also continuing to organize relevant forces to solve the shortage of automotive chips, including the establishment of an automotive chip innovation alliance, the establishment of a chip supply and demand exchange platform, the punishment of chip hoarding and price increase, etc., has achieved positive results, but there is still a long way to go from fundamentally realizing the independent and controllable development of automotive chips.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

To this end, Zhang Xinghai also suggested that the competent department of automotive chips should be set up from the level of national ministries and commissions to formulate top-level design and supporting measures for the development of the automotive chip industry, and at the same time coordinate resources and manage the research and development, manufacturing and application of domestic automotive chips to ensure the active, steady and efficient development of domestic automotive chips and achieve domestic substitution as soon as possible.

At the same time, Zhang Xinghai also suggested encouraging vehicle companies and chip companies to work together across borders and joint innovation, actively promote R&D innovation, industrialization innovation, management innovation, etc. The government has introduced policies such as R&D subsidies, tax reductions, and financial discounts to accelerate the realization of "chip on the car".

Although the development is relatively slow, in fact, the mainland's own brand BYD launched a self-made 1.0-generation IGBT chip as early as 2010, and in 2015, it applied the self-developed IGBT2.5 chip to its models, and became the first domestic car company to mass-produce self-developed silicon carbide chips in 2020.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

In terms of corporate cooperation, Geely Group invested in Core Qing Technology Co., Ltd., which developed China's first 7nm vehicle specification-grade chip; Great Wall Motors invested in Horizon in February last year; Weilai Automobile mainly invested in cambrian Xingge and Black Sesame two chip companies, and formed a core-making alliance with Ideal Automobile; Zero-run Automobile, as one of the few new power enterprises in China to switch from the security field to car-making, its self-developed Lingxin 01 chip has also achieved mass production.


As a pillar industry of the national economy, the importance of the development of the automotive industry on The impact of the development of the automotive industry on China's economy is self-evident, so every year the automotive industry inevitably becomes an important object of the proposal of the deputies and members of the "two sessions", of course, this is also related to the trend of national economic consumption, indicating the future development direction of the industry.

We have seen that new energy vehicles have become a top priority. From the general focus on tax reform in 2020, driving consumption with policies, to proposing to accelerate the power battery recycling system and improve the infrastructure construction of parking lots and charging stations in 2021, to proposing charging and fast charging in 2022, and promoting intelligent network legislation, new energy carbon footprint accounting, etc., the direction of the proposal is becoming more and more targeted and practical.

Huashan on the sword| focus on the "two sessions": how to overcome the four major barriers of energy, infrastructure, safety and core panic?

At the same time, we can also see that more and more cross-border enterprises are participating in the development and construction of automobiles in this year's bills and proposals, such as Li Yanhong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and chairman and CEO of Baidu; Lei Jun, deputy to the National People's Congress and founder of Xiaomi Automobile; Zhou Hongyi, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and founder of 360; Dong Mingzhu, deputy to the National People's Congress and CEO of Gree Electric Appliances, and Ding Lei, founder of NetEase Group, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Among them, some have officially announced that they will go down to build cars, some are willing to be behind-the-scenes heroes, and some are still holding coins. The addition of cross-border enterprises makes the prospects of the future field of new energy vehicles more difficult to speculate. However, in any case, so many enterprises offering advice will become the driving force of China's automotive industry in the field of intelligence and new energy.

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