
Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

The importance of lung health is self-evident, and only when the lungs are functioning well can the body successfully complete oxygen inhalation and carbon dioxide exhalation. Therefore, for lung health, we must pay full attention to it.

So if you want to effectively know whether your lung function is maintained normally, are there any tips for you to conduct preliminary tests?

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

As we all know, the role played by lung function during breathing has always been very huge. Therefore, if you want to easily distinguish whether the lung function is maintained well, you only need to take a breath holding measurement in time.

Usually, as long as the breath holding time can be maintained for more than 30 seconds, then there is no need to be too nervous. On the other hand, if the breath holding time is shorter than 30 seconds, it is necessary to pay more attention to it and determine in time whether there is a slight abnormality in lung function.

So if you want to do a good job of lung maintenance as much as possible and actively stay away from lung lesions, what should you do?

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

1. Active exercise

Maintaining good exercise habits has always played a very critical role in the lung maintenance process. Because through active exercise, it can very effectively promote blood circulation and enhance lung function, which is very beneficial to stay away from lung diseases.

Therefore, in the usual work, it is recommended that everyone must develop a good habit of active exercise. Usually, it is best to set aside 30 to 60 minutes a day for proper physical activity.

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

2. Eat more lung-nourishing foods

In order to effectively ensure the health of the lungs, it is also necessary to carry out dietary therapy in moderation. Common cough and phlegm in life, lungs and fire foods mainly include sydney pear, loquat, white radish, white fungus, honey, etc., for friends who are full of fire and often cough and phlegm symptoms, it is advisable to eat more such lung foods.

3. Keep away from cigarettes

Smoking is harmful to human health is the common sense of life that most people know from childhood, especially for lung health, people who smoke regularly, the incidence of various lung diseases will be significantly increased.

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

This is mainly because cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances and are more carcinogenic. Therefore, in the case of long-term smoking, it is easy to cause serious lesions in lung function.

Therefore, if you want to really do lung maintenance, you must actively stay away from cigarettes. And whether it is direct smoking or inhaling second-hand smoke, it is very undesirable.

For this point, smoking enthusiasts must pay more attention, especially after the age, if you continue to let the smoking habits go unchecked by chance, it is easy to induce serious lung disease.

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

4. Stay away from high pollution environment

Whether the air quality of the living and working environments is maintained well or not, the impact on lung health can be described as huge. Therefore, in the face of high pollution environment, everyone must actively stay away. Otherwise, in the case of inhaling bad air for a long time, it is easy to lead to a significant increase in the incidence of lung lesions.

Want to know how healthy your "lungs" are? Doctor: This action can be self-tested, you may wish to try!

The above is an introduction to the knowledge related to lung health. First of all, if you want to simply determine whether the lung function is maintained well, you can choose to perform a breath holding test in time. If you hold your breath for more than 30 seconds, you don't have to be too nervous, otherwise you must be vigilant.

Secondly, for lung maintenance, we must pay more attention, such as in ordinary life, we must remember to actively exercise, eat more lung food, stay away from cigarettes and stay away from highly polluted environments.

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