
Staying away from "occupational diseases" | office people are more likely to develop tenosynovitis! One trick self-test three tricks to prevent

CCTV News (Planner/Kan Chunyu Choreographer/And Yue Editing/Peng Jun): With the change of life and work style, the phenomenon of people sitting for a long time is becoming more and more common, and the incidence of cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, sciatica and other diseases has also increased, and shown a trend of rejuvenation. In 2019, the "Occupational Health Protection Action" listed cervical spondylosis, frozen shoulder, low back pain, bone hyperplasia, and sciatica as diseases that individual workers should prevent. For people with insufficient exercise time, poor posture and physical discomfort often form a vicious circle. CCTV and Shanghai University of Sport launched a series of open courses on sports health.

Dealing with computers and mobile phones for more than ten hours a day, fingers and wrists are repeatedly flexed and extended for heavy input work for a long time, do your wrists feel numb, painful, burning? Cao Bank, associate professor of Shanghai University of Sport, said that tenosynovitis is generally common in long-term, rapid and forceful use of fingers and wrist operations, resulting in tendon overextension, which is more likely to occur between 30-50 years old, and women are common in men, with a ratio of nearly 4:1. How to prevent it? How can I improve it? Poke the video and see what the experts say!

1. What are the symptoms of tenosynovitis?

Common symptoms of tenosynovitis are joint pain, bouncing, bulging, and limited mobility, most commonly in the fingers and wrist joints.

Joint pain. At first, the patient feels joint pain and stiffness, which is relieved by activity, and gradually worsens as the disease progresses.

Bounce. The flexion and extension joints are often accompanied by a clicking sound.

Drum packs. There is a bulge near the joint (e.g., the base of the thumb of the wrist) and a painful feeling of compression.

Limited joint mobility. Patients are afraid to move due to pain, and sometimes they cannot exert themselves. It is mainly manifested by the decrease in the range and range of joint motion.

2. How to self-detect tenosynovitis?

Thumb tenosynovitis test: Hold the thumb in the palm of your hand with four fingers, keeping your index finger on top and your little thumb on the bottom. In the direction of vertical downward, bend the wrist as far as possible, press down with force, and insist on it for 5 seconds, if it causes wrist pain, you may suffer from radius styloid tenosynovitis.

Staying away from "occupational diseases" | office people are more likely to develop tenosynovitis! One trick self-test three tricks to prevent

"Mouse hand" test: elbow forearm up, both wrists flexed 90° at the same time, if the thumb, index finger, middle finger and ring finger near the middle finger on the side of the persistent pain, numbness and burning, you may suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome similar to tenosynovitis.

Staying away from "occupational diseases" | office people are more likely to develop tenosynovitis! One trick self-test three tricks to prevent

3. How can the office population prevent tenosynovitis?

After a long time in the office, pay attention to arranging a small period of rest, do hand and wrist relaxation and stretching exercises. The following 3 training methods are recommended:

Stretching. Stand facing the table, hold the table with the palms of both hands downwards, keep the elbow joint straight, lean forward to feel the palmar side of the wrist joint and the back of the arm have a feeling of stretching; the back of the hands and hands are supported at the table, the fingertips are backward, keep the elbow joint straight, and maintain the maximum sense of stretching.

Staying away from "occupational diseases" | office people are more likely to develop tenosynovitis! One trick self-test three tricks to prevent

Wrist strength exercises. Palm up, hold the dumbbell, bend the wrist joint upward at a uniform speed, and then slowly relax back to the original position; palm down, hold the dumbbell, flex the wrist joint upward at a uniform speed, and then slowly relax back to the original position, according to their own practice can appropriately increase the weight of the dumbbell.

Staying away from "occupational diseases" | office people are more likely to develop tenosynovitis! One trick self-test three tricks to prevent

Grip exercises. Hold the grip ball, slowly increase the strength, hold the grip ball for 5 seconds, and slowly relax.

When practicing the above movements, 3 sets of 10 times a day, each time for 5 seconds.

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