
How to choose the time of conception

Doing things should be done with a plan, choosing the most favorable time for eugenics to conceive, which can be called "planned conception".

The following points are available for reference.

First of all, pregnancies of advanced age (over 35 years old) should be avoided, according to medical statistics, women over 35 years of age have children, and the incidence of deformed children is higher.

Secondly, it is not advisable to conceive in the case of certain diseases, such as acute infectious diseases, tuberculosis and fever diseases in one of the men and women. Because this period may affect the quality of sperm and eggs and the development of fertilized eggs.

If the woman suffers from heart, liver and kidney diseases and her function is abnormal, she should temporarily contraceptive herself and conceive when she is in good function. Cardiac and renal dysfunction can cause fetal growth retardation, low body weight, and premature birth, which can lead to heart and kidney failure.

If pregnant, not only makes the disease worse, but also makes the treatment difficult, because some drugs have teratogenic (shape) effects, to find a way to treat both maternal diseases and preserve the best of both worlds, sometimes it is difficult to do.

It can be seen that the health of parents is the foundation of the health of future generations, and only under the premise of the health of both parties can we consider having children.

Third, avoid the influence of some unfavorable factors on conception and fertilized eggs. As the saying goes: "do not enter the room after drinking", there is a certain reason, the adverse effect of alcohol on germ cells, so that the quality of the fertilized egg declines, this kind of child physical strength, mental retardation, known as "Sunday baby", refers to the Sunday holiday couple binge drinking and pregnant.

Newlywed Yan'er, raising a glass of tincture, and not contraception, is obviously unwise. For some reason, one of the spouses is taking medication and it is not advisable to conceive. For oral contraceptives, pregnancy can be obtained 3 to 6 months after discontinuation.

Finally, a good fertile environment should be created. The weather, the place, the mood of both sides, etc., should be comfortable and coordinated. The ancients even regarded wind, rain, thunder and lightning as a taboo for sexual affairs, although there is ignorance and superstition, but people's physiological and psychological response to natural changes is subtle, and a good environment is always beneficial and harmless. As for the year, month and time of pregnancy, it is pure nonsense to be able to choose men and women, and to predict nobility.

How to choose the time of conception

(Image from the Internet)

How to choose the time of conception

The whole network has the same name~

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