
Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

Source: Beautiful River Oil

In the past few days, the weather in Jiangyou has become warmer, wearing warm flowers, waking up quickly, it is time for "Spring Drunk Speech".

"Spring Drunken Speech"

Don/Li Bai

If the world is like a big dream, is it a waste of time? So I was drunk all day and lay down in the front.

In front of the court, a bird and a flower sing. When is this? Spring Breeze Warbler.

Sighing with emotion, he leaned towards the wine. Hao Ge waited for the bright moon, and the song was already forgotten.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

"If you have a big dream in the world, you will live a life?" Both Taoists and Buddhists regard life as a dream, believing that life is nothing but an illusion, and that only the "Tao" that nurtures all things and is the destination of all things and the "Dharma" of Pudu sentient beings are real and eternal. Therefore, Li Bai was often drunk and drunk, and he wanted to leave this dream-like life in the midst of drunkenness.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

Li Bai expresses his alienation from reality through drunkenness, and at the same time, in the drunken haze, he discovers a new world with new eyes and fully enjoys the fun of life. When Li Bai woke up from his drunken dream, he felt that the annoying earthly world had become extremely peaceful: "Before I woke up, a bird sang. Borrowing this time, the spring wind is flowing warblers. "In the pre-court flowers, there was a small bird chirping, and it turned out that spring had arrived.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park Spring Scene Real Shooting

It turns out that there are still such birds and flowers in the world, and the beautiful scenery of spring is bright. This beautiful state is not so much a gift from nature as it is a manifestation of Li Bai's state of mind. He didn't see it before he got drunk, but now when he woke up drunk, he suddenly found that it was precisely because Li Bai's state of mind was calm after being drunk that he would find a beautiful realm that he had not discovered before in the quiet and tranquil spring light.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

This discovery of Li Bai, like a philosophical epiphany, suddenly led him into an unprecedented philosophical realm, which was an otherworldly world where all human worries and troubles ceased to exist. Here all the insults are forgotten, only the aesthetic contemplation, the peace of mind.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

Li Bai was very happy about the sudden arrival of this drunken realm of enlightenment, and he felt that he had not had this state of mind for a long time, so he sighed again and again. He wanted to let this state of mind last longer, afraid that he would wake up prematurely and return to the cruel real society, tormented by all kinds of worrying things, so he had to drink a few more drinks. "I still lean on the wine", drink until the middle of the moon. He sang wildly about alcohol, enjoyed himself, and reveled in a carefree world for a long time.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

Li Bai's poem is deeply influenced by Tao Yuanming's "Drinking" poem, which can also be said to be "a work of imitation pottery", but it maintains Li Bai's own style, writing "fluently and smoothly", not as calm and indifferent as Tao Yuanming, only in the moment of intoxication, some of Tao Yuanming's shadow, once he fully wakes up, he will return to the bold and open Li Bai.

Spring blossoms, come to Li Bai Poetry Cultural Industrial Park, while admiring poetry, while enjoying flowers ~

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