
How is the situation of car core shortage alleviated? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology answered 21 reporters

How is the situation of car core shortage alleviated? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology answered 21 reporters

Author 丨 Zhou Xiaoxiao

Editor 丨 Li Bo

Figure Source 丨 Figure Worm

On February 28, the State Council New Office held a press conference to promote the smooth operation of industry and informatization and improve quality and upgrade, and Xiao Yaqing, minister of industry and information technology, Xin Guobin, vice minister of industry and information technology, and Tian Yulong, chief engineer and press spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, attended the press conference and answered reporters' questions.

How is the situation of car core shortage alleviated? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology answered 21 reporters

(Picture of the press conference, picture from Guoxin)

21st Century Business Herald reporter asked on the spot: The latest data show that the phenomenon of lack of cores in the automotive industry has eased. What I would like to ask the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is, has there been an assessment of the lack of cores in the automotive industry this year? How will the industry respond this year? And what is the subsequent planning and layout around the chip industry?

How is the situation of car core shortage alleviated? The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology answered 21 reporters

(21st Century Business Herald on-site question map, picture from Guoxin)

Xin Guobin responded that since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the problem of automobile chips has become a high-frequency word in our social public opinion. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has been paying close attention to this work and will work with relevant parties to study countermeasures. Led the establishment of the automotive semiconductor promotion and application working group to strengthen the supply and demand docking between the whole vehicle, parts and chip enterprises; the implementation of the automotive "Announcement" management convenience enterprise service measures, to promote the application of alternative products; cooperate with relevant departments, investigate and deal with automotive chip hoarding, price gouging and other unfair competition behaviors, with these means and measures to enhance the chip supply capacity, and strive to maintain the smooth operation of the automotive industry.

Xin Guobin pointed out that with the joint efforts of all parties, the work of ensuring the supply of automobile chips has achieved phased results, which is reflected in the fact that since the fourth quarter of last year, the monthly production and sales of mainland automobiles have recovered to a good trend. In 2021, the production and sales of mainland automobiles in the whole year reached 26.082 million units and 26.275 million units, respectively, an increase of 3.4% and 3.8% year-on-year, ending the decline in automobile production and sales for three consecutive years. In January this year, production and sales of 2.422 million units and 2.531 million units were completed, up 1.4% and 0.9% year-on-year, respectively. It should be said that the automotive industry has a relatively stable start this year.

Xin Guobin said that from the monitoring of key automobile companies, although the shortage of automotive chip supply has been gradually alleviated, there is still a certain gap compared with the demand and scheduling plans of vehicle and parts companies. Considering that the world's major chip companies have increased the production and supply of vehicle-grade chips, new production capacity will also be released this year, and the supply capacity of some domestic chip products is also gradually improving, and it is expected that the supply situation of automotive chips will continue to improve.

Xin Guobin introduced that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will take multiple measures to maintain the stable operation of the automobile industry, focusing on the following aspects of work.

First, to strengthen the docking of supply and demand, on the basis of past work, we must build an online supply and demand docking platform for automotive chips, smooth the information channels for chip production and supply, and improve the upstream and downstream cooperation mechanism of the industrial chain.

The second is to increase production coordination. Guide vehicle and parts enterprises to optimize the layout of the supply chain, rationally schedule production, help each other, improve the efficiency of resource allocation, and minimize the impact of core shortage. Chip configuration efficiency is also very important, there are some enterprise products marketable, chip shortage impact is relatively large; there are some enterprises' products have not been recognized by consumers, so even if you get some chips, the products produced are not willing to buy, it will cause a resource mismatch for the entire industry.

The third is to improve the chip supply capacity. Further support the collaborative innovation of vehicle, parts and chip enterprises, and improve the domestic chip production and supply capacity in a safe and orderly manner. At the same time, there are still shortcomings in our application testing and evaluation system, and we will further increase our efforts in this regard this year.

The fourth is to strengthen international cooperation. Automobile is a highly international industry, we must adhere to the direction of global development, promote multinational chip companies to increase the supply of the Chinese market, increase the localization of production layout, enhance the resilience and stability of the industrial chain supply chain.

Regarding the planning and layout of the entire chip industry, Xin Guobin said that the Party Central Committee and the State Council have issued a number of policies to promote the high-quality development of the integrated circuit industry and the software industry in the new era, and the follow-up work is to grasp the implementation of this policy, promote the free flow of factor resources, create a fair and just market environment, increase the protection of intellectual property rights, deepen the division of international cooperation, and further promote the high-quality development of the industry with these measures and measures.

In August 2020, the State Council issued the "Several Policies for Promoting the High-quality Development of the Integrated Circuit Industry and the Software Industry in the New Era".

Tian Yulong introduced that this policy has put forward many very important measures for the development of the integrated circuit industry, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with relevant departments and localities, has actively implemented this policy, which has played an important role in the development of the integrated circuit industry in the mainland, especially in stabilizing the integrated circuit industry chain and supply chain, and has mainly done the following three aspects of work.

First, together with relevant departments, the "List of Duty-free Imported Products of Integrated Circuit Enterprises (First Batch)" was promulgated, and the conditions for enterprises enjoying relevant policies were announced. These policies treat domestic and foreign-funded enterprises equally, and the purpose is to support integrated circuit enterprises of different ownership systems to increase industrial development.

The second is to encourage technological innovation. It has guided the construction of a number of manufacturing innovation centers in various localities to improve the ability of technology supply, especially to accelerate the transfer and application of new technologies, new processes and new equipment and commercial development. At the same time, we will formulate relevant standards, promote the application and quality evaluation specifications of integrated circuits, further increase the application and promotion in the fields of automobiles, medical treatment, and energy, and drive the rapid development of the integrated circuit industry with applications and markets.

The third is to further create a good environment for the development of the integrated circuit industry. Give play to the leading role of capital in the industry, and guide and encourage social capital to invest in the integrated circuit industry. In particular, in accordance with a number of policy requirements, we will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and create a market-oriented, rule-of-law and international business environment. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Education promote the construction of first-level disciplines of integrated circuits in colleges and universities, build high-level microelectronics colleges, strengthen school-enterprise cooperation, and cultivate high-quality talents.

"The integrated circuit industry is an intellectually intensive industry, and it has never been seen that integrated circuits are still a highly globalized industry, which also highlights the importance of strengthening global industrial chain and supply chain cooperation." Only in this way can the industrial circles of various countries strengthen the division of labor and cooperation, and only in this way can we promote the continuous progress of integrated circuit technology and the continuous expansion of market scale," Tian Yulong said.

Tian Yulong pointed out that the mainland is the world's largest and fastest-growing integrated circuit market, providing a broad market opportunity for global enterprise development. At the same time, it is also an important producer and provider of integrated circuits, and has been making our contribution to the global integrated circuit industry. Therefore, ensuring the stability of the industrial chain and supply chain not only provides support for China's self-sufficiency, but also provides resources for global development. We continue to welcome the global integrated circuit industry to increase investment in China, carry out various forms of cooperation, and jointly contribute to the stability of the global integrated circuit industry chain and supply chain. We should also continue to provide a good policy and market environment for integrated circuit enterprises at home and abroad, treat all kinds of market entities equally, give equal treatment to domestic and foreign investors according to law, especially strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, jointly promote the innovative development of the integrated circuit industry, and maintain the stability of the global integrated circuit industry chain and supply chain.

This issue is edited by Si Chen, Intern Lin Xiying

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