
The all-rounder in the history of calligraphy is no less than Wang Xizhi, and the beauty of the book is a mess!

The history of Chinese calligraphy has a history of more than 3,000 years, of which there are countless popular figures, many wizards, many influential people, and each era has its outstanding representatives.

Calligraphy is not a single technique, it does not mean that you can write well, you can be called a calligrapher, the level of a person's calligraphy achievements, of course, the word must be written to a certain level, but more importantly, its "self-internal skills" and "character external skills" cultivation.

The all-rounder in the history of calligraphy is no less than Wang Xizhi, and the beauty of the book is a mess!

Many people do not know what is "character internal skills" and "character external skills", which is an important criterion that determines the level of your calligraphy style, poetry skills, literary skills, and even painting skills can be called "character internal skills".

For example, the understanding of nature, the understanding of philosophy, and the understanding of traditional arts other than calligraphy, such as musical rhythms, etc., belong to the "external work of words".

These connotations are enriched, and the style of your words will certainly not be bad. Today we introduce an all-rounder in the history of calligraphy, the comprehensive level is no less than Wang Xizhi, and his words are beautiful!

The all-rounder in the history of calligraphy is no less than Wang Xizhi, and the beauty of the book is a mess!

Throughout the 3,000 years of calligraphy history, when it comes to his achievements in calligraphy, he is the highest, and his comprehensive strength is not inferior to Wang Xizhi! He is Zhao Ziang.

Zhao Ziang is an all-rounder, a person who has cultivated "character internal skills" and "word external skills" to the extreme, and it is difficult for others to look back on him. We say that his comprehensive strength surpasses Wang Xizhi, which is exactly this aspect, not in the single framework of calligraphy.

The all-rounder in the history of calligraphy is no less than Wang Xizhi, and the beauty of the book is a mess!

Learning calligraphy, as long as you are willing to work hard and be willing to work hard, in terms of calligraphy techniques, you will reach a not low height, but the connotation and style of your words, this is difficult to improve by diligent study and hard work.

Zhao Ziang legend has it that when he was 5 years old, he had copied Zhiyong's "True Grass Thousand Character Text" 500 times, and his calligraphy was already famous for a while when he was a teenager. It can be seen that in terms of calligraphy techniques, Zhao Ziang has already achieved considerable kung fu at a very early age.

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