
Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

author:Chinese Society of Artificial Intelligence

Nine years of grinding a sword, AI pioneers gathered to try their edge. From November 29th to December 1st, the "9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Ceremony and 2019 Chinese Intelligent Industry Annual Conference" sponsored by the Chinese Engineering Intelligence Society will be held in Suzhou. At that time, the Society will award 81 achievements.

With the continuous deepening of intelligent technology, artificial intelligence is booming around the world, and a large number of AI technology pioneers continue to emerge, who have vigorously promoted the development of artificial intelligence with high-quality scientific and technological achievements. Since the establishment of the "Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award" in 2011, the award has become the highest honor hall for commending and encouraging scientific and technological practitioners and enterprises in China.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

In order to fully implement the innovation-driven development strategy, implement the national "New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan", through the recommendation and selection of outstanding intelligent scientific and technological achievements, effectively mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the majority of intelligent science and technology workers, commend the scholars and experts who won the 2019 Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award, promote the empowerment of artificial intelligence technology in various industries, vigorously enhance the level of intelligent scientific and technological innovation and industrialization development in China, and accelerate the construction of a world artificial intelligence innovation center and application highland, From November 29 to December 1, 2019, the Chinese Engineering Intelligence Society will hold the "9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award Ceremony and the 2019 Chinese Intelligent Industry Annual Conference" in Suzhou. We sincerely invite you to visit this year's award ceremony and join us in this grand event.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

Dong Qi is a senior engineer, assistant director and member of the Science and Technology Commission of the Intelligent System Research Institute of the China Electronics Research Institute. At present, he is the executive deputy chief division of the first UAV cluster major demonstration and verification project of the whole army, the deputy chief engineer of the UAV "swarm" key project of the Science and Technology Committee of the Central Military Commission, the secretary of the Air Force Artificial Intelligence Equipment Application Professional Group of the Ministry of Equipment Development, the member of the Youth Working Committee of the Council of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics, the member of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autonomous Control Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, the member of the Cluster Intelligence and Collaborative Control Committee of the China Accusation Society, the member of the Young Scientists Club of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, and the IEEE Member. In 2019, he won the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

Biography of the winners

Dong Qi, graduated from the Department of Automation of Tianjin University in 2017 with a doctorate degree in control science and engineering. In 2019, he completed the postdoctoral work of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Engaged in the theoretical and technical research of swarm intelligent unmanned systems, he is now a senior engineer and assistant director of the Institute of Intelligent Systems of the China Electronics Research Institute, and a member of the Science and Technology Commission. In 2018, he was selected into the "China Association for Science and Technology Young Talents Entrustment Project", in 2018, he won the "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of the Chinese Institute of Electronics", in 2018, he won the "IEEE/CSAA GNCC Best Posted Paper Award", and twice won the "Top Ten Scientific and Technological Progress of the Electric Power Research Institute". He has presided over projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China Youth Science Foundation and the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, and participated in more than 20 key projects such as the Key Projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the New Generation Artificial Intelligence Major Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, the Science and Technology Committee of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of Equipment Development. He has published more than 20 academic papers, applied for 20 national invention patents and national defense patents, and published 1 monograph. He was the executive chairman of the Young Scientists Forum of the "Future Intelligent Aerospace Technology Development" of the China Association for Science and Technology, and the chairman of the sub-forum of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (ICIRA) "Swarm Intelligence Unmanned Systems". At present, he is the executive deputy chief division of the first major demonstration and verification project of the UAV cluster in the whole army, the deputy chief engineer of the UAV "swarm" key project of the Science and Technology Committee of the Central Military Commission, the secretary of the Air Force Artificial Intelligence Equipment Application Professional Group of the Ministry of Equipment Development, the member of the Youth Working Committee of the Council of the Chinese Society of Aeronautics, the member of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Autonomous Control Committee of the Chinese Society of Automation, the member of the Cluster Intelligence and Collaborative Control Committee of the China Accusation Society, the member of the Young Scientists Club of the Chinese Institute of Electronics, and the IEEE Member. He is the winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award in 2019, and the following is an interview report of Dong Qi.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

What theoretical and technological breakthroughs have you made in the research results of this award?

I am mainly engaged in research on swarm intelligence unmanned systems, such as swarm behavior control of unmanned aerial vehicles, focusing on applications, but I have always attached importance to the research of swarm intelligence unmanned system theory.

In terms of theoretical exploration, I mainly focus on the autonomous collaborative control of multiple agents in the UAV cluster. The U.S. Department of Defense's UAV System Roadmap 2005-2030 divides the autonomous control levels of drones into 10 levels. Among them, the "fully autonomous cluster" is set as the highest level of autonomous control of the UAV, and my research is to solve the problem of how to make the UAV achieve fully autonomous cluster control. Recently, some innovative work has been done in the precise formation control of UAV clusters, and for the first time, the UAV cluster precision formation control algorithm based on the limited time theory is proposed, which will effectively improve the formation accuracy and reconstruction ability of the UAV cluster at the theoretical level.

In terms of engineering applications, it is mainly for the major needs of the country, based on the major projects currently being researched, and the goal is to realize the autonomy and intelligence of the UAV cluster. He has participated in the largest fixed-wing UAV swarm flight test in China, and successfully verified a number of key technologies such as aerial assembly and formation control of UAV swarms. Completed the air series delivery and modal conversion test of the first folding wing UAV in China, broke through the negative angle of attack mode conversion and control technology of the UAV, laid the leading edge in the airdrop technology of China's UAV cluster, and demonstrated the innovative achievements of the technology for the field test of the two vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission of China.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

What are the current practical applications of your and your team's research results?

The research results of our team are mainly focused on the military field, and we are committed to creating the most advanced intelligent unmanned combat equipment. It is also involved in the civilian field, for example, the first batch of major projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China "New Generation Artificial Intelligence" undertaken by us are the group intelligence stimulation and convergence research on the "bee swarm" multi-agent, "bee swarm" is a physical form of representation, can be unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned vehicles, unmanned ships, etc., our research results will be applied to urban security, emergency rescue and other fields.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

As a researcher, how do you think technology can do better in connecting with consumer demand and market demand?

Technology is our "housekeeping skill" in research.

First of all, the premise of docking with consumers and market demand is that the technology is excellent.

We scientific researchers must recognize the essence of technology, what problems this technology can solve, whether we have the ability to develop the desired technology and products, the positioning should be clear and accurate, and the docking should be realistic.

Secondly, it is still a demand-oriented problem, not only to solve the needs of the current country, but also to sit on the "cold bench".

The basic theory and common technology is the main theme of scientific research, the source of scientific and technological innovation, but also the foundation of major scientific and technological achievements, pay attention to the research of common technologies, docking can not float on the surface, general talk.

Wu Award Winner 丨 Dong Qi: Winner of the 9th Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Youth Award

In your opinion, is there a lack of talent training in domestic artificial intelligence at present? What kind of knowledge structure do they need?

Talent has always been scarce, no matter what field. Artificial intelligence as an emerging technology, China started and developed relatively late, talent is certainly scarce, we need universities to cultivate more high-level talents in the field of artificial intelligence.

I believe that artificial intelligence is a typical "cross-specialty", which needs to be multidisciplinary and complementary, highlighting mathematics and computer science, covering information, electronics, control, etc., and applied to big data, vision, aerospace and other fields. Therefore, it is necessary to have a very broad reserve of knowledge, but to exert precise force at a certain point.

Message from the winners

Artificial intelligence, there is a lot to do, to do something, some do not! I hope that the development of artificial intelligence can benefit the entire human race and benefit the vast space of the universe!

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