
When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people

When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people

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In life, showing weakness seems to be an act of too much weakness, and everyone wants to show a very strong look, thinking that by doing so, life will be smoother and can win the respect of everyone.

But in fact, at any time, a person can properly learn to show weakness in order to live this life in peace. Especially in old age, don't pretend to be omnipotent anymore. Unfortunately, some old people, it is easy to make a mistake, that is, they trust their children too much and will let them know everything about themselves.

Although the children have the closest blood relationship with themselves, we have also seen a lot of real news, your giving and giving, in the end may not get the love you deserve.

Uncle Guo regretted some of his original decisions, he was now almost seventy years old, and life was not easy.

He had three children, two daughters and a son.

In Uncle Guo's time, the concept of son preference was very serious. Despite the poor family conditions, there will still be several more children.

For the love for his son, no matter what he wants Uncle Guo to pay, he is willing. He does not deny that he also has a patriarchal mentality, but in life, he also tries his best to give his two daughters the help and love they need.

When they got married, the bride price given by the man's family, Uncle Guo all returned to his daughter, and also posted 100,000 yuan to decorate the house for them.

When his son went to college, Uncle Guo would give at least 3,000 living expenses every month. He himself is not willing to spend money, a coat can be worn for more than ten years, and even the shoes have been broken several times, and he is still reluctant to change into a new pair.

When his son was about to get married, Uncle Guo also took out most of his savings to prepare a bride price and a wedding room for him.

When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people

As a father, Uncle Guo felt that he had done his best, hoping that when he was old, he could get the filial piety of his children. Uncle Guo has a monthly retirement salary of 5,000, and although his wife is only more than 2,000, these funds are already very rich for them.

When he was about sixty years old, Uncle Guo's health was still very good. His relationship with his son is also very good, he trusts him very much, how much savings he has, Uncle Guo has never had anything to hide from his son.

But I didn't expect my sincerity, but in the end it became a hidden danger.

The son knows that Uncle Guo has a lot of savings, and every time he is short of money, he will look for him to help. For a while, his son was fascinated by investment, but it all ended in failure, and the money he borrowed with Uncle Guo was never repaid.

Later, the son could not even repay the mortgage, he could only pretend to be pitiful, and Uncle Guo gave him the salary card with a soft heart.

When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people

With the increasing age, Uncle Guo's physical problems have become more and more serious, especially after the death of his wife, his life has become even more difficult.

When he had no money to eat, he could only ask his son for it, but his attitude was very cold, and he had a very disgusted expression. Several times, because of gout, he went to the hospital, and if it were not for the neighbor's help to pay for the medical expenses, he would probably not be treated in time.

The two married daughters either have to go to work or take care of their children, and there is no time to take care of Uncle Guo.

He looked at an old man in the same ward, his children were working in other places, but he had money, he could hire a nurse, and he ate and dressed well.

At that moment, Uncle Guo felt regret and sadness, if he hadn't been so stupid, he wouldn't have been honest with himself. Although they are their own children, but human nature can not withstand the test, in the eyes of the children, Uncle Guo's efforts, but should be, they have never been grateful.

Uncle Guo cried and said to the old man in the same ward:

"What I regret most in my life is that I told my children how much I had saved, and now I am living so desolate in my old age, and the original family affection is also realistic, I really did not expect it." 」

In old age, do you want to tell your children about your savings? His words sounded an alarm bell for many people.

When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people

Affection is also very realistic, do not put all your hopes in your old age on your children.

Yamada Soki once said: People will meet many people in their lives, but there are very few truly beautiful encounters.

Whether it is love or affection, in fact, there will be regrets, and when you have no available value, you will see how disappointing human nature really is. Affection is realistic, and if you want to live better in your old age, you should not trust your children too much.

Uncle Guo is a bitter lesson, when he was lying on the hospital bed, none of his three children had ever come to take care of him, and he had no money on himself. This biting chill must be the most painful. If he had known that family affection would have been so realistic, he would not have told his son how much he had saved.

Because of his excessive trust, he will lose everyone. Maybe some elderly people are lucky enough to give everything to their children, and when they are old, they can get the intimate care of their children.

But there are huge hidden dangers in pinning their lives on others, and those who are too selfless are mostly unhappy in their old age.

So, no matter how good your relationship with your children is, remember to keep a little of your own little secrets, especially savings, so that they know a little bit, because people's hearts often can't stand the test of money.

When people are old, do they have to tell their children about their savings? The 70-year-old's answer reminds many people


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