
It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people

It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people

With the development of information technology, the circle of friends has become a place for people to socialize and entertain their emotions.

Different people have different views on the circle of friends.

Some people like to treat the circle of friends as a diary, as long as they have any ideas, they will record it in the circle of friends. In their view, sending a circle of friends is not to show anything, but to record life.

Some people like to show off in the circle of friends, as long as they have any achievements and how much money they have made, they will show them to their friends, in order to gain the envious eyes of others and increase their own face.

Some people don't like to send a circle of friends, and they don't like to look at the circle of friends, completely making themselves an outsider. This, it is a bit strange.

In the eyes of many people, people who send circles of friends are more normal. And those who do not send a circle of friends seem to be a little unsociable, just like an outlier.

In this regard, we may wish to think about a question, compared with people who like to send a circle of friends, are people who do not send a circle of friends really an outlier?

It turns out that those who do not look at the circle of friends and do not send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people.

It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people


The first type of person: people who are indifferent to the affairs of others.

A few years ago, when the circle of friends first appeared, people would feel that the circle of friends was particularly fresh, and people couldn't help but swipe the circle and punch in the circle of friends every day.

However, after doing this kind of thing a lot, I believe we will have a feeling, that is, it is particularly "boring". Looking at other people's lives is not interesting. Let others see their own lives, there is no need.

Mr. Yang Dai has said that the world is your own, not someone else's.

In order to make ourselves free and dashing, we become indifferent and indifferent, with no interest in the affairs of others, as if we did not know them.

In fact, this is really the truth. You look at other people's circle of friends just to gossip about what other people have lived. And you send a circle of friends, just to fit in. In fact, there is really no point.

Living your own life, ignoring what others have done, not caring about yourself, and hanging high may be the "solitude" life that modern people are more and more yearning for.

There's nothing wrong with being alone. This is a gradually mature state of life.

It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people


The second type of person: people who don't want to cause trouble.

I've seen one thing before.

Mr. Liu, who is with him, especially likes to brush the circle of friends, either here to give people praise, or leave traces there, anyway, mixed with people in the circle of friends is particularly familiar.

Once, he forgot to give his old leader a thumbs up. The old leader was directly angry, thinking that this boy did not know how to be a man, and he did not even have the heart to fear the leader. So his boss tripped him up.

Slowly, Mr. Liu found that today's circle of friends has long become a veritable shuluo field, in addition to endless comparison and calculation, there is no comfort and freedom in the past.

After suffering losses, Mr. Liu also reflected on what he had done and let himself leave the circle of friends, and from then on no one would please or offend.

After a year, he suddenly found that his life was much freer, and there were many fewer right and wrongs to provoke, and there were no past troubles and social conflicts, so that people could live comfortably and smoothly.

Sometimes, the circle of friends will cause you unnecessary trouble. Therefore, it is also a kind of wisdom to stay away properly.

It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people


The third category of people: people who don't want to be tied down.

The circle of friends is not so much a social circle as it is a vanity fair. All people will be busy in the circle of friends for the sake of face and self-vanity, and they don't know why.

There is a friend Lao Zhang, who sighs life in the circle of friends every day, even if he can't think of any content, he puts on a look of "saying sorry for the new word".

I asked Lao Zhang, you insist on sending circles of friends every day, what is the purpose of it?

Lao Zhang said: "I am used to sending circles of friends, and I don't want to disappear into the vision of others." No way, as soon as I have time, I think about what circle of friends to send, and I am completely bound by the circle of friends. ”

Bind a person, as long as he does the same thing every day and can't put it down, that's fine.

For example, he likes his relatives every time, but the relatives do not give him likes. In this way, the relationship between people will be contradictory, and our emotions will be easily affected by the circle of friends.

Those who do not send circles and do not look at circles are precisely because they see through the essence of interpersonal relationships and do not want to be bound, so they are far away from the circle of friends.

It turns out that people who don't look at the circle of friends or send the circle of friends are nine times out of ten the following types of people


The fourth type of person: the person who pleases himself.

I like the saying that instead of pleasing others, please yourself.

Someone has done such a study, people who like to mix in the circle of friends, the vast majority of them hope that others can value themselves. Therefore, they live in the eyes of others.

Living in the eyes of others is not a good thing, but the beginning of a new round of pain.

Let's say you send a circle of friends that you hope the object or a loved one can see. However, they didn't like you, and they didn't even leave a trace, as if they had blocked you. So, what would you think?

Ordinary people will feel that the other party must be bored with themselves, so they think about it.

Behavior like this is still a little wishful thinking. You know, if we always care what other people think, then how do we live the rest of our lives?

Pleasing others and expecting others is a kind of naivety. Only by pleasing oneself and expecting oneself is that it is a kind of wisdom.

Wen/Shushan has deer

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