
Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

Filing is when pregnant women establish their own booklets in the hospital, that is, pregnancy files, which record the basic information of pregnant women and all the information about the pregnancy process. After pregnancy, pregnant women must first go to the local hospital to file before they can give birth to a check-up and delivery.

This article introduces pregnant mothers to the filing time, filing process, filing registration precautions, reference for filing obstetric examination costs, and hospital production environment.

Conditions for the filing of the Air Force General Hospital

1) Mother and child health manual and B-ultrasound fetal heartbump.

2) Archiving objects: At present, only military personnel and their families are accepted.

Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

Pregnancy documentation process

1) Hang up the obstetric number for examination, make an appointment for B ultrasound, and then go to the 9th clinic on the third floor to make an appointment for filing registration.

2) Go to the community health center to apply for a mother and child health manual.

3) According to the date of treatment, go to the hospital for B ultrasound examination, you need to see the fetal heart and fetal buds, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance for the obstetric number of the same day of B ultrasound.

4) Hang up the obstetric number, see the test results, and make an appointment for 13-14 weeks of NTB ultrasound.

5) Listen to pregnant women's lessons and stamp them.

6) Do NT B ultrasound according to the appointment date, hang up the obstetric number, bring all the maternal and child health manuals and examination results, and officially file.

Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

Documentation considerations

1) Documentation requires listening to pregnant women's lessons and stamping.

2) The Air Force General Hospital needs to do two B ultrasound examinations, one to check the fetal heart buds, and one to do NTB ultrasound examination.

3) The number of files is abundant, and it is recommended to file within 12 weeks of pregnancy.

4) Obstetric examination is to hang up the obstetric number, first go to the 8 clinic to open the list, hang the expert number on Monday, wednesday, friday to 14 clinics, Tuesday, Thursday directly to the 19 clinic, do not have to wait for the big screen to call the number.

Archiving experiences shared by other pregnant mothers

Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing
Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

About filing registration

The source of the obstetric number of the empty total is relatively sufficient, and generally can be registered on the day, and the registration method is as follows:

1): Chinese the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army Air Force, registered (recommended), can be hung on the day number.

2) 114 appointment registration, excluding the number source of the day.

3) Registration at the hospital window or self-service machine (window registration is not accepted during the epidemic period).

Pregnant women's classroom

1) Beijing Air Force General Hospital needs to listen to pregnant women's lessons and stamp it

2) Attend classes before 12 weeks of pregnancy, and consult in consultation at Clinic No. 9 in advance at the time and place of the lectures; in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, attend classes at the Maternity School No. 20 in the obstetrics building.

3) It is recommended to refer to the first, third and breastfeeding courses on time, otherwise it will affect the medical certificate of the baby's birth.

Does the Air Force General Hospital support painless delivery?

The Air Force General Hospital can give birth painlessly, has an analgesic pump after caesarean section, and does not support doula delivery.

Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

What is the hospital production environment?

1) Maternity ward: The obstetric ward is divided into 2 people rooms and 3 people rooms, and there is a bathroom inside.

2) Postpartum accompaniment: Family members are allowed to accompany the bed after childbirth, and only 1 family member is allowed to visit within the specified time.

3) Waiting room: The delivery room is for 3 people, and the family cannot accompany the waiting room, but can bring a mobile phone.

4) Maternity kit: The Air Force General Hospital provides a maternity kit, which can be bought at the Materia Medica pharmacy opposite the hospital.

Beijing Air Force General Hospital filing strategy: the most new file time requirements, filing process and pregnant mothers file building experience sharing

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