
What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

Filing is when pregnant women establish their own booklets in the hospital, that is, pregnancy files, which record the basic information of pregnant women and all the information about the pregnancy process. After pregnancy, pregnant women must first go to the local hospital to file before they can give birth to a check-up and delivery.

This article introduces pregnant mothers to the filing time, filing process, precautions for filing registration and hospital production environment of Beijing Aviation General Hospital.

Can Beijing Aviation General Hospital Production provide painless production? What is the hospital service environment? Can family members stay with the bed after childbirth? Next, the small editor of pineapple pregnancy will first take you to see how the pregnant mother who has given birth in the Aviation General Hospital evaluates this hospital.

Hospital impressions

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

Documentation conditions

1) Mother and Child Health Handbook.

2) B ultrasound can see fetal heartbust fetal buds, B ultrasound can be in the outer courtyard.

3) Aviation General Hospital seals the file according to the gestational week, and the file is not tight, and it is recommended to file within 8 weeks of pregnancy.

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

Documentation process

1) Hang up the gynecological number and make an appointment for 6 to 8 weeks of B ultrasound.

2) Handle the mother and child filing manual.

3) Go to the hospital for ultrasound examination according to the appointment date, and see the fetal heartbud.

4) Hang up the obstetric number, carry the mother and child health manual and B super single, and make an appointment to file. Open the checklist and do the check.

5) Hang up the obstetric number, carry all the examination reports and the mother and child health file manual, and officially handle the filing.

Documentation considerations

1) Blood needs to be drawn on an empty stomach during the file examination.

2) Pregnant women voluntarily participate in school courses, which are not mandatory in hospitals.

Archiving experiences shared by other pregnant mothers

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

About filing registration

1) You can make a reservation by phone or online on 114.

2) Beijing registration network can also make an appointment.

3) The first time to hang the gynecological number, the second time to hang the obstetric number.

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

Pregnant women's classroom

1) Pregnant women need to participate in the pregnant women's school after filing.

2) Pregnant women also need to carry the Beijing Maternal and Child Health Manual to the third obstetric clinic for online registration after filing, and the file for unregistered files is invalid.

3) Location of the School for Pregnant Women: Conference room on the eleventh floor.

Pregnancy obstetric examination form of Aviation General Hospital

Aviation General Hospital can provide Tang screening examination, non-invasive and sheep wear need to be referred to other hospitals to do.

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

Can Aviation General Hospital use painless doctour?

Aviation General Hospital can do painless, doula, if the mother-to-be intends to play painless, you need to hang up the pain department number in advance to make an appointment, at your own expense of 1500 to 2000 yuan. Caesarean section has a pain pump.

What is the hospital ward environment? Can family members stay with the bed after childbirth?

1) Postpartum ward: There are single, 3 and 6 people in the postpartum room, of which the VIP single room room costs 1200 yuan / night, 3 people room 50 yuan / day, there is a single guard, can not queue.

2) Postpartum accompaniment: Family members are allowed to accompany the bed or ask a hospital nurse after childbirth.

3) Paternity: There are 6 rooms and single rooms, single rooms can accompany the birth or accompany the birth, to queue.

4) Maternity kit: The hospital provides a maternity kit, including: 1 nursing pad, 1 abdominal belt, healthy baby treasure (biological umbilical cord), healthy baby treasure (fetal fat net), maternity pad towel (blood metering pad), maternity and baby clothing bag (baby clothes, maternity feeding shirt, baby cot cover, baby quilt)

5) Preparation for admission: toiletries, non-slip slippers, tableware, disposable toilet mats, etc.

What materials are needed for the filing of the Aviation General Hospital? 2022 Aviation General Hospital filing process strategy collation

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