
Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

Love is a kind of emotional mental activity, it is a matter of two people, when we love one person deeply, it is difficult to guarantee that the other party will love us with the same passion.

Love is different from other things, if we work hard in school or career, we will be able to get some gains, but it is difficult for us to pay for love, but it is difficult to get the same value in return.

In a wrong love relationship, bitter persistence, not only is not conducive to winning love, but also more likely to make themselves physically and mentally haggard, waste of a good youth.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

In psychology, there is a well-known "sunk cost effect", which refers to:

The time and energy that a person has devoted to something (or someone) in the past will become a burden in his heart, making him lose the ability to make rational judgments when he makes decisions in the future.

Applying the "sunk cost effect" to love, we can get such a conclusion: do not be too persistent in love, love the wrong person, and know how to stop the loss in time.

When encountering wrong love, only those who know how to let go of attachment and do not cling to the past can finally meet with the beautiful love that suits them.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

First, the inability to give up the wrong love is a person's tragedy.

Man is a sentient animal, when we like a person, we can't help but want to understand him, and with the accumulation of time, the feelings for him will deepen day by day.

However, love is not a solo dance of one person, but a two-way rush of two people, when we like a person and pay deep affection for it, we may not be able to get the other person's response.

Long-term effort, but not returned love, is the wrong love, clinging to a wrong love, not only will make themselves physically and mentally haggard, lose the courage to face life, but also make themselves waste good time in vain.

Clinging to a wrong love and being unable to get yourself out of it for a long time is a person's tragedy.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

Second, wrong love will make people physically and mentally frustrated and stagger the years.

The process of pursuing love is actually a process of self-growth, fortunate to meet good love, will make us more optimistic and confident, and if we meet the wrong love, we will also become self-confident, lose the courage to face life.

In a love relationship, if we pay for one person for a long time, but do not get the response of the other party's love, we are bound to feel lost and inferior, and feel that we do not have any admirable advantages.

At the same time, the time and energy we spend on this wrong love will also become a sunk cost in our hearts, making us fall into the strange circle of habitual payment, and it is difficult to extract from it.

Long-term indulgence in the wrong love can not extricate ourselves, not only will make us physically and mentally damaged, but also more likely to make us waste a good youth time, unable to summon up the courage to face a new life.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

Third, when encountering the wrong love, we must know how to stop the loss in time.

The "sunk cost effect" in psychology tells us that when facing the wrong love, if we do not know how to stop the loss in time, it will only make us fall deeper and deeper in this wrong love.

Clinging to a wrong love is not a wise act, this world is very big, only know how to give up the wrong love, it is possible to meet with the beautiful love that suits you unexpectedly.

Give up the wrong love, let yourself come out of the feeling of pain and inferiority, try to open your heart to face this new world, you will find that there are many excellent people in this world, you will always meet the person who is willing to give your heart.

In the face of wrong love, only by knowing how to stop losses in time can we meet the right love and have a new life.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

The "sunk cost effect" in psychology tells us that in a wrong love, we must know how to stop paying and stop losses in time, otherwise we will indulge in negative and pessimistic emotions, unable to extricate ourselves, and waste good time.

Letting go of the wrong love will make you become confident, letting go of the wrong love, you will make yourself have the opportunity to meet beautiful love, let go of the wrong love, you will make yourself regain the courage to face life.

Love the wrong person, only know how to stop the loss in time, in order to eliminate their own negative emotions, and meet with positive and beautiful love.

Psychology: Love the wrong person, you must know how to stop the loss in time

(Picture from the Internet, invasion and deletion)

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