
Can I choose to do IVF twins?

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Can I choose to do IVF twins?

Everyone has a twin dream, and with the increase in the number of infertility people, on TV, on the Internet, etc., IVF technology has long been a household name. Having children is no longer such a difficult thing.

Others will say, "If you do IVF, you have 1 to give birth to 1, and if you want twins, you have twins, you can choose!" Spend money to conceive two babies at a time, save time, save money, wouldn't it be beautiful!

Can I choose to do IVF twins?

But the truth is, IVF is not something you can twin if you want twins! Moreover, multiple pregnancies will not only increase the risk of maternal delivery, but also affect the fetus, and today we will talk about this problem.

1Can I do IVF, single or twin can I choose any way?

Can I choose to do IVF twins?

Women of normal childbearing age usually only have one egg a month, and an embryo usually forms after conception, so there is less chance of having twins in natural pregnancy. Therefore, many infertile families hold the dream of having twins by doing test tubes. But to do IVF, first of all, you need to meet the indications for doing IVF, in line with infertility, there are clear indications, after examination and doctor evaluation need to do IVF will be carried out, obviously "for the birth of twins" is not an indication for IVF.

During ivy fertilization, doctors usually recommend the transfer of 1-2 embryos, which is an important reason for the emergence of fraternal twins in IVF. As for the transfer of two embryos will definitely be able to give birth to twins is wrong, this is a natural elimination process, the doctor can not guarantee that the transfer of several embryos can give birth to several children, the specific or depends on the specific implantation of the two embryos.

Even if you are pregnant with twins through IVF, it also depends on whether the physical conditions allow the birth of twins, otherwise it will endanger the health of the mother and will not be worth the loss, so it is not feasible to do IVF for the birth of twins.

Can I choose to do IVF twins?

Potential risks of 2 twin pregnancies

1. The probability of miscarriage in twin pregnancies increases, and the risk of premature birth and ectopic pregnancy increases;

2. The prevalence of pregnant mothers and fetuses increases, such as hypertension and diabetes during pregnancy, and it is easy to appear gestational anemia, which will induce a series of complications, such as fetal growth retardation, fetal intrauterine distress, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.;

3. For newborns, twin pregnancies are prone to increased risk of preterm infants, poor development, and birth defects.

Can I choose to do IVF twins?

Therefore, we still have to remind everyone that when doing IVF, we must objectively look at whether we can have twins, do not blindly pursue, we should start according to the actual situation, do not be too attached to the desire of "holding two at once", and having a healthy baby is our ultimate goal. Finally, I wish everyone a good pregnancy

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