
Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

【Today's Cover】

On the 20th, the scenery of Huangshan Mountain, which was covered with snow, was magnificent. Source: Visual China

Message stations

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Image source: @Xinhua News Agency

●On the 21st, the Chinese sports delegation of the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games was established in Beijing. This is the sixth time that China has organized a delegation to participate in the Winter Paralympic Games, and it is also the largest delegation, the largest number of athletes and the most complete number of participating projects since China participated in the Winter Paralympic Games. The Beijing Winter Paralympic Games will be held from March 4 to 13, and the Chinese sports delegation will participate in all 6 major events and 73 minor events. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Image source: CCTV

●On the 20th, CNOOC Yancheng "Green Energy Port" completed the pouring of all the concrete pouring of the pile and entered the main construction stage of the six liquefied natural gas storage tanks with the world's largest single tank capacity. As the foundation of the storage tank, the pile is an important part of the storage tank structure, and the diameter of the single pile of the 6 piles poured this time is 100.6 meters, and the total pouring square is 70,860 cubic meters, which is equivalent to the capacity of 30 standard Olympic competition pools. (Source: CCTV)

Pure technology

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Courtesy of Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

●On the 21st, the important zoonotic disease and severe exotic disease team of the Harbin Veterinary Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences found that diltiazem can effectively inhibit the infection of the new crown virus in the cells and lungs of mice. Studies have shown that as a first-line drug widely used in the treatment of ischemic heart disease and hypertension, diltiazem has the potential of a new crown prevention and treatment drug. The results were published in PLOS Pathogens on the 17th. (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

βC1 enhances DME activity in vitro and in vivo. Courtesy of the Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Recently, the Institute of Plant Protection of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, crop pathogenic biological function genome research innovation team and other scientific research units in the United Nations, for the first time found that plant viruses can activate plant DNA active demethylation mechanism to escape plant DNA methylation-mediated defense responses, the relevant research results published online in Nature Communications (Nature Communications). (Source: Science and Technology Daily)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Image source: Visual China

●Recently, researchers Xu Jun, deng feng, qi guodong and other scientific research team members of the Institute of Precision Measurement Science and Technology Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with Professor Graham Hutchins of Cardiff University in the United Kingdom, developed a gold (Au)-supported ZSM-5 zeolite molecular sieve (Au/ZSM-5) catalyst, and used the catalyst to achieve selective oxidation of methane under mild conditions. This research is of great value for the conversion and utilization of methane. (Source: XinhuaNet)

New discoveries

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

Elliptical secondary impact craters. Image credit: KENT SUNDELL/CASPER COLLEGE

Recently, the team of thomas Kenkmann, a geologist at the University of Freiburg in Germany, discovered 31 smaller craters, each no larger than the width of a football field. This is the first time secondary impact craters have been found on Earth, which may have been formed by boulders thrown by the impact and falling 200 kilometers away from the crater. The findings were published in the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America. (Source: China Science Daily)

Look at the world

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

People wear masks as they walk the streets of Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan, on Jan. 21. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaoyu

● According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao" report, the latest research results of the University of Tokyo in Japan show that the new coronavirus Omi kerong BA.2 variant strain not only spreads faster, but may also cause severe illness, and may even circumvent some antibodies produced by the vaccine, and is also resistant to some therapeutic drugs. (Source: China News Network)

Science and technology morning news is coming 丨2022-2-22

People line up for testing at a COVID-19 testing site in San Francisco, USA, on Jan. 19. Photo by Li Jianguo, Xinhua News Agency

● According to the New York Times reported on the 20th, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not disclose most of the new crown epidemic data and information it collected. When the CDC released the first data on the enhanced effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine against adults under the age of 65, it omitted the 18- to 49-year-old population, which makes up a large proportion of adults under the age of 65. So when U.S. federal health agencies sought advice from outside experts, experts had to rely on data from Israel to make recommendations for COVID-19 vaccinations. (Source: CCTV News Client)

Editor: Zhang Qiqi

Review: Yue Liang

Final Judge: He Yi

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