
Car owners need to pay attention: from April 1 this year, the new "3+3" regulations will be fully implemented

Observations have found that modern people's demand for cars is no smaller than that of real estate. First of all, the car is divided into multiple grades, and the cheapest used car can be on the road for a few thousand yuan. It is completely affordable for ordinary people, unlike the down payment of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in a house. Second, citizens' incomes increase and they have the conditions to create a better way of life for themselves and their families. The car can not only be transported, but also sheltered from the wind and rain. Finally, today's transportation is well developed, and only cars are supported by long-range. Therefore, for office workers who work farther away, the best means of transportation is the car.

Car owners need to pay attention: from April 1 this year, the new "3+3" regulations will be fully implemented

Based on the above points, more and more people are buying cars, and the roads are gradually becoming crowded. With the development of the economy, coupled with the promotion of new energy vehicles, there is reason to believe that the scale of automobiles will continue to increase in the future. In order to ensure smooth traffic and the safety of car owners, relevant agencies are constantly improving and upgrading traffic rules.

A number of new traffic regulations have been introduced

At present, there is new news, there is a car family need to pay attention to, from April 1, the "3 + 3" new regulations will be fully implemented! Seeing this news, I think many people do not understand the "3 + 3", in fact, the new regulations are mainly to upgrade and adjust the 6 traffic rules.

Car owners need to pay attention: from April 1 this year, the new "3+3" regulations will be fully implemented

Let's talk about the first 3 items. The first is for temporary licences. Under the new regulations, new car owners do not need to queue up at the vehicle management office to apply for a temporary license plate on the road, they can directly apply at the 4S shop where they bought the car, and then they can directly drive the new car away. However, it should be noted that the temporary license cannot be used for a long time, the period is 15 days, and if you go on the road after this incident, you will receive the corresponding penalty.

The second is the popularity of electronic documents, including car purchase contracts, insurance policies, driving licenses, driving licenses, etc., now have electronic versions, everyone can directly take out the mobile phone to inquire when traveling or handling business. In the past, when there was no electronic version of the certificate, the owners of the car had to put all the materials in one place after buying the car, and they had to carry the driving license or driver's license with them when they went out, in case they encountered traffic police inspection. If the documents are not available, the replacement procedure is also more complicated. Now, the electronic version of the certificate is popular, as long as there is a mobile phone, everything can be done.

Car owners need to pay attention: from April 1 this year, the new "3+3" regulations will be fully implemented

A person with several cars has to apply for several license plates, in the past it was not allowed to exchange the use of each other on the road, a car can only stipulate the use of one license plate. However, now that the management system is perfect, the owner's name and license plate can be replaced with each other. However, most car owners do not use this service, after all, not everyone can afford to buy multiple cars. Although you can buy a car with a loan, or even zero down payment, the later repayment and maintenance expenses are not low. Cars are for the most part just means of transportation, and they are consumables, so there is no need to buy more than one.

Analyze the last 3 again, mainly around the driver's license test and the annual inspection of the motorcycle. In the impression of many people, taking the driver's license is a very difficult thing, and it is necessary to pass 4 rounds of the test to get a driver's license. In the past, there was a drawback to obtaining a driver's license, that is, where to register, you had to learn and take the exam, so many people who worked outside the home had to take leave to go back. If the driver's license test is successful, it will take more than a month, and if it does not go well, it will take two or three months to make up the exam, and it is obviously unrealistic to take such a long leave.

In order to solve this problem, the new regulations have been adjusted to support the national examination. For example, if you participated in subject one and two in Beijing, and later transferred to Shanghai for work reasons, you can continue to take subject three and four in Shanghai. In addition, the AB driver's license has also been reformed to allow off-site testing, but not out of the province.

Car owners need to pay attention: from April 1 this year, the new "3+3" regulations will be fully implemented

At this stage, the annual inspection of motorcycles also supports off-site, which provides convenience for most motorcycle owners. Some people will buy motorcycles in third- and fourth-tier cities to save money, and according to the old regulations, they will have to return to third- and fourth-tier cities for annual inspection in the later stage, which is very troublesome.

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