
King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

Today I recommend a hero to you, I hope it will be helpful to everyone

Recently, the operation in Glory of Kings has become more and more simple, and many novice players in the game can also quickly score points in the game with very special heroes. But I personally believe that the shooter in the team is still particularly important at this stage. After all, the advantage of hand length can only be perfectly displayed on the shooter's body.

And it is worth mentioning that as long as the team with the shooter wins the team battle, then after the team battle is over, it can at least push one more defensive tower than the lineup without the shooter, which means that they can seize more opportunities.

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

However, there are now two very bad news, the official test in the experience suit is officially launched in the official service, and both adjustments in these two tests are aimed at many shooters. The first is the adjustment of the meat-hitting wild knife, which weakens the magic damage of the meat-hitting wild knife and reduces the enemy's ability to move.

This is completely aimed at Irene, a hero, so that Irene can no longer be as powerful as before, able to use the wild knife to make herself develop rapidly, and cause a sustained slowdown and burning effect on the enemy.

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

So after this adjustment, if you want to use Irene again in the game, you must honestly use the previous rage. It may seem like a big problem, but after all, there are many shooters in the game who are better than Irene the Rage. At least now, the furious Irene couldn't even suppress Gongsun Li

The second adjustment is the weakening of Sun Shangxiang, who has been working hard to eliminate this effect since Sun Shangxiang ate the version of the dividend. The first is to find that Sun Shangxiang showed a very strong killing ability in the game, and then immediately lowered the damage in the official service, so that Sun Shangxiang's enhanced attack was weakened by about 10%.

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

Nowadays, Sun Shangxiang, the hero, has shown a very high ability in the game, so after a series of tests in the experience suit, it was recently officially launched in the game. This adjustment is aimed at Sun Shangxiang's second skill, which can increase his penetration after hitting the enemy, from 25% to 15%, which is equivalent to a reduction of half. This also made Sun Shangxiang's combination skills lose their previous attack power, and it was difficult to kill the enemy with his own set of combination skills.

Therefore, in the face of many shooters with very high damage and can instantly kill enemy heroes, the only shooter who has been giving the official headache has finally erupted into a very powerful combat effectiveness, and at this stage he can be said to be a must-choose hero for high-end games.

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

Marco polo

First of all, Marco Polo has a powerful true injury, which is a presence that many shooters can't match. Having this presence means that he can add an extra piece of equipment in the game that increases damage. Secondly, Marco Polo's special outfit and gameplay have not been officially adjusted, after all, the planner based on the hero's particularity has no way to start

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

The second is that Marco Polo's life-saving ability and flexibility are unstoppable, and the general public thinks that Marco Polo has only one displacement, which is actually a wrong idea. Marco Polo's big move still has a certain displacement ability, and even Marco Polo's big move has a wall-piercing function, which gives Marco Polo a certain advantage in dealing powerful damage and escaping to the enemy.

Finally, Marco Polo has a powerful ability to explore grass, and when the enemy approaches, a circle of light will light up around him to indicate an enemy invasion. All Marco Polo needs to do then is run away with his powerful damage or skill.

King: The only hope of the shooter to appear, the damage is higher than Sun Shangxiang, and the life-saving ability is huge

Personal summary

Now that the two t0 shooters are officially weakened, the only remaining t0 hero will definitely explode in the game and show a strong ability to dominate. Moreover, I personally feel that Marco Polo has a real injury, and its injury does not belong to Sun Shangxiang at all. Therefore, in the face of marco polo's phenomenon that will be raging in the game, I personally feel that in the next adjustment, the hero Marco Polo will be weakened. So now all we need to do is to abandon the two heroes Sun Shangxiang and Irene, and vigorously use Marco Polo in the game.

The above is the content of this issue, if there is an error thank you for pointing it out, if there is an idea or opinion, please leave a message in the comment area or chat with me privately

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