
The mechanics of Glory of Kings that you don't know, the broken army, the blood demon, and the violent passive calculation method are revealed

Text/Jing Haijun

In the Glory of Kings, there are various damage bonus skills, such as the broken army passive of the broken army, such as the fearless passive of the violent armor, and the furious passive of the blood demon's fury.

Each of these pieces of equipment has its own damage bonus skill, and their bonus effect is different. So the question arises: how should these different types of damage skills be calculated? What kind of techniques are there when it comes to calculating these skills?

Damage bonus skill analysis for Broken Army, Violent Armor, and Blood Demon Fury

What equipment or skills have damage bonuses? Let's take a look.

The passivity of the broken army

Since the passiveness of the Broken Army allows the user to get an additional 30% damage, as long as the opponent's health is less than 50%, the damage of the Broken Army user will be much higher.

For example, in the figure above, 305 is the regular output of Dianwei, while 396 is the damage after Irene's health is less than 50%, and 396 ÷ 305≈ 129.8% ≈ 130%.

The passivity of the Violent Armor

The dreaded passivity of the Violent Armor also increases damage, and after multiple damages, users of the Violent Armor can get up to 10% damage increase.

So the question is, if the Violent Armor and the Passive Of the Broken Army are triggered at the same time, what is the specific damage increase ratio? Let's test it.

Damage 1 in the image above is the damage after the broken army, this damage is 341; the damage 2 in the image above is the damage after the broken army and the opponent is less than half blood, this damage is 443; the damage 3 in the above figure is the damage below the broken army + violent armor + the opposite half blood damage, this damage is recorded as 504.

Damage 2÷ Damage 1 = 443÷ 341≈ 129.9% ≈ 130%. Since the panel damage of damage 3 and damage 1 and damage 2 are not the same (damage 3 is more than 30 points of physical attack), we need to prove it through calculations here.

Known: Dianwei's physical attack is 567-12 (12 is a passive boost after one kill), the physical wear is 3 points, and Irene's physical resistance is 326, let's find Irene's actual physical damage reduction ratio.

Irene's actual physical injury reduction ratio = (326-3) ÷ (326-3 +602) ×% ≈ 34.92%, according to Irene's actual physical injury reduction ratio we can calculate Dianwei's actual injury to him.

Dianwei's actual damage to Irene = 555 × (1-34.92%) ≈ 361.2, we count this damage as damage 4. After having Damage 3 and Damage 4, we'll want to know that the Passive Plus achievement of Broken Army and Violent Armor is simple.

Damage 3÷ Damage 4 = 504÷ 361.2≈ 139.5% ≈ 140%. The Passivity of the Broken Army increases the damage by 30%, and the Passivity of the Violent Armor increases the damage by 10%, which adds up to 40%.

Summary: When the Violent Armor and the Passivity of the Broken Army are triggered at the same time, the calculation method between the two is addition.

The passivity of the Blood Devil's Wrath

Unlike the damage boost effect of the Broken Army and the Violent Armor, users of the Blood Demon Fury can get two damage boosts:

One uses Blood Rage Active to directly increase physical attack damage by 80;

The other is the Rage Passive effect: when your health is less than 50%, blood rage passive damage is increased by 100% (4% extra health×2).

The relationship between physical attack power and the passive of the broken army is very easy to understand, and what I want to talk about here is the relationship between the passive anger and the passive of the broken army.

It is known that Irene's physical resistance is 326, Dianwei's extra health is increased to 1320, and physical wear is 64, based on these three values we can calculate the passive damage of the Blood Demon's Wrath to Irene.

Before the actual calculation, we still have to calculate Irene's actual physical impairment:

Irene's actual physical injury reduction ratio = (326-64) ÷ (326-64+602) ×% ≈ 30.32%.

So the actual damage of the Rage Passive = 1320×4% × (1-30.32%) ≈ 36.78.

The actual damage is indeed 36, and the test was successful. If you consider the passivity of the Broken Army, the additional damage that the Blood Demon Fury can cause should be 36×130% = 48.8.

What is more confusing is that after triggering the passive of the broken army, the additional damage caused by the Blood Demon Fury is only 46, the proportion of the increase is not 30%, but 27.8%, after many tests, the proportion is still the same, and I don't know what went wrong for the time being.

After having the basic ratio, let's calculate the effect of the simultaneous triggering of the furious passive and the broken army passive, and here I think there are two possibilities:

The first: Actual Damage = Panel Damage ×200% × 130% = Panel Damage ×260%

Second: Actual Damage = Panel Damage × (200% + 130%) = Panel Damage ×330%

If it is the first type, the actual damage = 36×2× 1.3 = 93.6; if it is the second type, the actual damage = 36× 3.3 = 118.8.

The measured damage is 94, which is close to the first, so the calculation between rage and passive is multiplication.

brief summary

After the actual calculation, we found that the passive of the broken army and the violent armor is an additive relationship when triggered at the same time, while the passive trigger of the broken army, the violent armor and the blood demon's anger is a multiplicative relationship, and the calculation method between the three is not the same.

Mind Expansion: The relationship between hero skills and equipment skills

In addition to the damage stack between equipment and equipment, there are similar situations between heroes and equipment.

Xiang Yu's skills

Xiang Yu's big move has an effect very similar to that of the Blood Demon's Fury: the lower Xiang Yu's health, the higher the damage caused by the big move, up to 2 times the base damage.

So the question is, how is the effect of Xiang Yu's big move calculated when it is triggered at the same time as the broken army passively?

After testing many times, I gave up, because Xiang Yu's big move always had a second to Irene when triggering the broken army passive, and the actual damage was superimposed, so that I had no way to verify the damage.

In such a situation, I thought of the Violent Armor that is also an additive relationship with the Broken Army Passive, let's take a look at how much the damage of Xiang Yu's big move increased after triggering the Violent Armor Passive.

When the Violent Armor Passive is not triggered, the damage of Xiang Yu's big move is 2139, and after triggering the Violent Armor passive, the damage of Xiang Yu's big move becomes 2385.


Based on the above data, we can draw the answer: the passive of the Violent Armor and the increased damage effect of Xiang Yu's big move are multiplicative relationships. Since the passivity of the violent armor is a multiplicative relationship, then the passivity of the broken army is naturally also a multiplicative relationship.

brief summary

Summarizing the relationship between the above four, I summarized a law:

The form of the Broken Army and the Violent Armor increasing the damage is a percentage, and the relationship between the two of them is the additive relationship; while the Furious Passivity of the Blood Demon Fury and the big move of Xiang Yu are actually 1 times the damage increase, so the relationship between them and the Broken Army and the Violent Armor is the multiplication relationship.

Above, I am a serious writing strategy of Jing Haijun, the jianghu is not big, we have a chance to see you again (like not to forget to click on Oh)!

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