
Sleep well and lose weight; if you don't sleep well, your heart will suffer! Do these things well and help you sleep better!

Sleep bad sad

Reporter Dong Chao

Sleep well and lose weight; if you don't sleep well, your heart will suffer! Do these things well and help you sleep better!
Sleep well and lose weight; if you don't sleep well, your heart will suffer! Do these things well and help you sleep better!


With the acceleration of the pace of life and the increase of social pressure,

and the use of electronic products such as mobile phones,

The problem of lack of sleep or sleep disturbances is becoming increasingly prominent.

According to the 2021 White Paper on Exercise and Sleep released by the China Sleep Research Association, about 300 million residents in the mainland have problems sleeping. Long-term lack of sleep will not only lead to a poor mental state of the whole person, but also many organs of the body will be damaged.

A recent study in the journal Scientific Reports found that middle-aged people have more sleep problems and a 1.5-fold increased risk of heart disease.





Is an important risk factor for heart disease

The study reviewed sleep data from nearly 7,000 Americans with an average age of 53, with subjects self-reporting sleep characteristics and a history of heart disease. Sleep health is multifaceted and complex.

The researchers analyzed 6 sleep indicators:

Sleep regularity, sleep satisfaction, alertness when awake, sleep duration, sleep efficiency, and sleep duration.

Studies have found that every poor indicator of sleep health is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. From a multidimensional analysis, the study found that for every additional indicator of poor sleep health reported by self-reporting, the risk of heart disease increased by 54%. For those who provided sleep data through self-reporting and research devices, the risk of heart disease associated with increased indicators of poor sleep health increased by 141 percent.

Previously, a meta-analysis (a scientific method used to collect and integrate all relevant research evidence on a research question) showed that people with short sleep periods had an increased risk of coronary heart disease onset and death by 14% and 16%, respectively, while people who slept long had an increased risk of coronary heart disease onset and death by 8% and 24%, respectively. In addition to sleep duration, people with poor sleep quality also have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease events.

In addition, a meta-analysis of 15 relevant prospective cohort studies by China Medical University confirmed that insomnia is closely related to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers found that among the four insomnia symptoms, difficulty falling asleep, sleep maintenance disorders (not being able to sleep until dawn) and fatigue after waking up from daily sleep in the morning could lead to a 27%, 11% and 18% increase in the risk of heart disease and stroke, respectively, but early awakening was not related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events.

Researchers point out that previous studies suggest that insomnia may lead to changes in metabolic and endocrine function, increased sympathetic activity, increased blood pressure, and elevated levels of inflammatory and inflammatory cytokines, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.


There are many mental and psychological problems

The study mentioned at the beginning of the article said that lack of sleep or poor sleep is an important risk factor for heart disease. Previous studies have mostly used a single indicator of sleep, usually focusing only on sleep duration, quality, or insomnia.

However, a combination of multidimensional sleep health indicators may be more predictive of heart disease than a single sleep indicator. For example, a person with any two sleep problems at the same time (short sleep and unsatisfactory sleep) may have a higher risk of heart disease than someone with only one sleep problem (shorter sleep time alone). Moreover, sleep problems are common in middle-aged people, and there are many sleep health problems.

Not only that, but poor sleep is also closely related to mental and psychological problems. A study conducted by the Key Laboratory of Birth Population Health of the Ministry of Education of Anhui Medical University on 30,000 primary and secondary school students found that various sleep habits are closely related to the psychological and behavioral problems of children and adolescents.

Studies have shown that compared to sleeping 8 to 9 hours a night:

Lower primary school students sleep less than 8 hours a night, increasing the risk of psychobehavioral problems;

Upper elementary students sleep less than 7 hours a night to increase the risk of psychobehavioral problems;

Middle and high school students slept less than 6 hours a night, and the risk of psychobehavioral problems increased by 153% and 141%, respectively.

In addition, the relationship between insomnia, depression and anxiety is intricate. Between 40% and 92% of insomnia symptoms are caused by psychiatric disorders. More than 70% of depressed patients have symptoms of insomnia. Insomnia is associated with anxiety in 20% to 30% of patients.

Sleep well and lose weight; if you don't sleep well, your heart will suffer! Do these things well and help you sleep better!



Can help improve sleep quality

Saying goes

Sleep well overnight, a hundred times more energetic;

It was difficult to sleep all night and I was exhausted.

Sleeping well is not only good for the heart, but also benefits the whole body, and recently, the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine published a clinical study showing that prolonged sleep time can effectively reduce energy intake. The participants' sleep time increased by only 1.2 hours per day, reduced calorie intake by 270 kcal, and lost almost 1 pound during the two-week intervention.

In other words, sleep enough to lose weight!!!

So, what if the quality of sleep is not high?

Previously, studies have shown that more exercise can improve sleep quality. According to a research report published in the journal Sports Medicine, a sub-journal of the British Medical Journal, compared with people with exercise levels + high sleep quality, the risk of all-cause death was increased by 57%, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease was increased by 67%, the risk of death from cancer was increased by 45%, and the risk of death from lung cancer was increased by 91%. For those with poorer sleep quality, more exercise may be a breakthrough, and the data compare: participants who reached the 600MET threshold (the higher the value indicated that the more intense the exercise of the project), the harmful association between poor sleep and death was mostly dissolved.

The National Sleep Foundation has given sleep guidance for different age groups:

Write it down in a small book!

Newborns sleep 14 to 17 hours a day,

Children aged 3 to 5 years sleep for 10 to 13 hours,

6-13-year-olds sleep 9-11 hours,

Teenagers aged 14 to 17 sleep for 8 to 10 hours,

Adults sleep 7 to 9 hours,

Elderly people over 65 years old sleep for 7 to 8 hours.

Recommendations for improving sleep quality:

Pay attention to improving the sleep environment, so that the sleeping environment is more comfortable, quiet, dark; people with sleep disorders should drink less tea and coffee, do not eat too greasy dinner, do not overeat, eat more carbohydrates at dinner, sleep will be better; appropriate exercise during the day, basking in the sun also helps sleep; try not to use electronic products one hour before going to bed, you can choose to listen to music, read books to replace brushing mobile phones.

The pictures in this article are from the Internet

Edit || Dong Chao Wan Tao

The duty director || Fan Hongbo

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