
People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

The harm of cigarettes to health can be described as well known, cigarettes can produce a large number of harmful substances after burning, these harmful substances can damage the health of human respiratory, cardiovascular and other systems, especially the impact on lung health is very large, can increase the risk of emphysema, lung cancer and other diseases, especially lung cancer, is likely to take people's lives, therefore, want to be healthy, quit smoking as soon as possible is necessary.

However, because tobacco contains some addictive substances, it is not easy for some old smokers to successfully quit smoking. For such people, if you want to reduce the harm caused by smoking to the body and protect your lungs, you should do the following things!

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

1. Do not smoke secondary cigarettes

In order to smoke less, many smokers light cigarettes and smoke them for only a while, leaving them to smoke again, in fact, this practice is not good for health.

After the cigarette is lit once, the cigarette butt has been burned black, if it is re-ignited, it releases more tar, which can cause greater harm to the lungs, so if the cigarette is not smoked at one time, the remaining one should be discarded and cannot be smoked again.

In addition, there are many types of cigarettes to choose from on the market, and it is recommended that smokers choose cigarettes with a relatively small tar content, which can also reduce the harm caused to the body.

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

2. Control the amount of smoking

For smokers who really cannot successfully quit smoking, attention should be paid to controlling the amount of smoking, in general, it is recommended that the number of cigarettes smoked per day does not exceed 5, and the less smoked the better, in order to achieve the purpose of alleviating smoking addiction;

After age, the number of cigarettes smoked should also decrease due to the decline in physical function, so that the damage to the lungs can be reduced.

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

3, drink more water, eat more food to clear the lungs

Cigarettes contain tar, nicotine and other substances can be soluble in water, so smokers can drink more water every day, which can alleviate the symptoms of lung discomfort. In addition, a large amount of smoking can cause a large amount of water loss in the body, affecting the function of various organs of the body, and drinking more water can improve this phenomenon.

Smokers should also eat more lung-clearing foods in their lives, such as pears, lilies, white fungus, radishes, cabbage, etc., in addition to supplementing more vitamins to improve the phenomenon of vitamin deficiency caused by smoking.

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

4. Exercise more

Insisting on exercise can not only enhance physical fitness, but also improve resistance and reduce the occurrence of various diseases.

It is recommended that smokers choose aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, and tai chi, which can enhance cardiopulmonary function, improve cough, breathing difficulties and other symptoms caused by smoking, and also help to prevent lung diseases.

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

5. Pay attention to physical examination

Smoking is very harmful to health, therefore, people who smoke regularly should also develop a good habit of regular physical examination, and take some effective measures under the guidance of doctors to prevent lung diseases and avoid lung damage.

In addition, regular physical examination can also find some lung lesions in time, so that the disease can be treated in time to avoid bringing greater harm to the lungs.

People who have difficulty quitting smoking can reduce the damage caused by smoking to the lungs through these 5 measures

Although smoking is harmful to health is common sense that everyone knows, but it is not easy to quit smoking completely, for people who are difficult to quit smoking, life can reduce the damage caused to the lungs through the above measures, such as reducing smoking, more exercise, drinking more water, etc., so as to minimize the occurrence of lung diseases, of course, if you want to be healthy, it is best to quit smoking in time.

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