
Follow | no less than 1 hour a day! The latest requirements for this course in Tianjin Kindergarten!

At the beginning of this year, the Municipal Education Commission issued a guide to sports activities for preschool education in Tianjin. The guidelines clarify the content and requirements, forms and implementation suggestions of preschool education sports activities for teachers to refer to and choose to use when implementing physical education and guiding families to carry out sports activities. These include:

Adhere to outdoor sports activities of not less than 1 hour a day, and insist on the change of seasons. Indoor sports activities are carried out in the event of bad weather such as smog.

Avoid specialized strength or endurance exercises. For skill activities such as shooting balls and jumping rope, do not ask for too many, let alone mechanical training.

It is necessary to combine the characteristics of children's ages to choose suitable traditional sports games, such as hopscotch, jumping leather bands, rolling iron rings, etc.

Follow | no less than 1 hour a day! The latest requirements for this course in Tianjin Kindergarten!

Recommendations for the implementation of sports activities

Play is the basic activity of kindergarten, physical activities should fully respect the law of children's growth and development, through a variety of play activities to achieve the development goals of physical movement. Sports activities are accompanied by the formation of children's cognitive, emotional and motor skills, give full play to children's initiative and creativity, and pay attention to the healthy development of psychology while paying attention to physical development.

(1) Ensure the time for outdoor sports activities and persist in carrying out outdoor sports activities

Follow | no less than 1 hour a day! The latest requirements for this course in Tianjin Kindergarten!

(2) In sports activities, it is necessary to strengthen the safety protection and safety guidance of young children

When carrying out children's sports activities, we must comprehensively and conscientiously do a good job in the safety protection of young children, and do a good job of corresponding safety guidance and education according to the needs of the activities and the individual differences of young children.

The first is to check the safety of sports venues, sports equipment and materials, check the safety of children's clothing, and carry out safety education for young children in combination with the content of activities.

The second is to strengthen the protection of young children, and adjust the sports equipment, sports content and exercise volume at any time according to the activity status of young children to meet the needs of children's activities and prevent children from being injured.

The third is to guide young children to learn to protect themselves in sports and cultivate children's self-protection ability.

(3) Carry out vivid and interesting sports and game activities according to the characteristics of children's ages, and realize games as the basic activities

It is necessary to combine the age characteristics of young children to create appropriate play situations, attract children to actively participate, and complete educational goals through a relaxed and pleasant activity process; carry out children's self-selected and free play activities to mobilize children's interest and enthusiasm in participating in physical exercise.

(4) Provide an open, autonomous and diverse environment and materials to make physical activities more challenging and support children's active sports

Carrying out a variety of sports activities, venues, equipment, etc. is the guarantee to support the smooth progress of sports activities. Make full use of the existing environment, combined with children's athletic ability to provide different levels of materials, effectively support children's active movement.

First, there are a wide variety of sports materials to meet the needs of children's upper limbs, lower limbs, trunks and multi-parts of the body.

Second, the number of materials is sufficient to meet the needs of children's activity selection, and to provide children with the opportunity to practice and experience full movement practice.

The third is to provide different levels of environment and materials to meet the needs of children with different athletic abilities; to provide support for the use of low-structure materials used by young children, and to achieve multi-play with one thing through imagination, creation, and autonomous use of materials, providing appropriate support for children with different athletic abilities.

Through the environment and materials to support children's movement, promote the development of children's athletic ability to varying degrees.

Follow | no less than 1 hour a day! The latest requirements for this course in Tianjin Kindergarten!

(5) Provide support for children with different levels of motor development, and build a stage for the development of children's athletic ability

Teachers should not only understand the relationship between physical fitness, physical fitness and motor development, mobilize the enthusiasm of children's sports, but also provide effective support in combination with the observation of children's movement, stimulate children's desire to learn, and build a step for the development of children's athletic ability.

The first is to grasp the development characteristics of children's basic movements, and study and analyze basic movements


The second is to provide correct and beautiful demonstration movements, using short and accurate language prompts or passwords to explain the movements.

The third is to observe and analyze the movement of young children and provide timely help to young children.

The fourth is to pay attention to the individual differences of young children and provide different protection and help for young children.

(6) In sports activities, attention should be paid to the sports hygiene of young children

When choosing physical activities suitable for young children, we should pay attention to the appropriateness of the size of children's exercise, pay attention to the differences in children's abilities and individual differences, and ensure that children will not cause physical and psychological harm when exercising.

First, rationally arrange the exercise load to ensure that children actively and fully exercise. It is necessary to follow a scientific and reasonable rhythm of exercise, that is, warm-up, main activities, relaxation and sorting, so that children are in a constant state of movement in each link, physical and emotional activities are more active, and effectively promote the development of children's motor ability.

The second is to pay attention to observing the movement of young children, and adjust the amount of exercise at any time according to the child's face, sweat, heart rate, breathing state, movement quality, mental state and other aspects.

The third is to avoid specialized strength or endurance exercises. For skill activities such as shooting balls and jumping rope, do not ask for too many, let alone mechanical training.

(7) Attach importance to the organic combination of sports activities and education in other fields

Young children develop as a whole, and there are other areas of learning and development involved in young children's physical activities. It is necessary to combine sports activities with education in other fields, and cultivate children's learning qualities such as being proactive, not afraid of difficulties, daring to explore and try, as well as the awareness and ability to cooperate and abide by rules in sports activities.

(8) Guide families to carry out rich and diverse children's sports activities

The family is the basic social environment of children's early life, and the family plays an important role in promoting children to develop the habit of exercise. Kindergartens should introduce the goals, contents and requirements of children's physical activities to parents through various forms, guide parents to often play outdoor sports and games with children in daily life, enhance parent-child feelings, enrich and expand children's sports experience, develop physical fitness, and improve athletic ability.

(9) Make full use of daily life to develop children's movements and physical fitness

Sports interest and habits are a good way of life, every link in children's life contains opportunities for movement learning and physical development, reasonable grasp will produce natural and significant effects in this process.

In daily life, remind young children to maintain correct standing, sitting, and walking postures, and pay attention to children's posture. Make full use of daily life to develop children's athletic ability, encourage children to walk more, take less cars, go up and down stairs, backpacks, etc. Repeatedly experience, learn, practice and practice in daily life to help young children develop the habit of loving sports.

(10) Carry out a rich variety of traditional sports games

It is necessary to combine the age characteristics of young children to choose suitable traditional sports games, such as hopscotch, jumping leather bands, rolling iron rings, etc., to enrich the content of children's sports games, enhance physical fitness, and cultivate children's awareness and ability to cooperate with each other. Teachers can co-adapt or create sports games with young children, injecting traditional sports games into the requirements of the new era.

Follow | no less than 1 hour a day! The latest requirements for this course in Tianjin Kindergarten!

Sports activity content and requirements for young children of all ages

3-4 years old

1. Interested in sports activities and likes to participate in various physical exercises.

2. Be able to walk a distance along a straight line on the ground or on a narrow low object.

3. Be able to listen to the signal to walk or run naturally in the specified direction, and avoid the collision of others when scattered.

4. Be able to jump forward steadily with both feet or one foot continuously.

5. Will throw themselves to catch a large leather ball.

6. Be able to drill through obstacles of a certain height, and be able to climb forward naturally and in coordination with your hands and knees.

7. Can grasp the bar with both hands and hang it in the air for about 10 seconds.

8. Will follow the music beat to walk the circle team.

9. Can do imitation exercises and simple freehand exercises such as passwords, nursery rhymes, music beats, etc.

10. Willing to try to use a variety of sports equipment and materials, and participate in the collection of small sports equipment and materials.

4-5 years old

1. Love sports, can actively participate in physical exercise.

2. Be able to walk a distance smoothly on narrower low objects.

3. Will listen to the signal to walk rhythmically.

4. Be able to play chase, dodge and run games with others.

5. Can jump forward continuously with one foot, can help the running span to skip a certain distance, or jump over an object of a certain height.

6. Hit a larger target with a shoulder swing throw.

7. Learn to shoot the ball.

8. Can drill through a certain diameter, height of the bow door or circle, etc.

9. Can crawl in a variety of ways such as creeping and knee dangling.

10. Be able to climb up and down on the climbing frame in a coordinated manner.

11. Can grasp the bar with both hands and hang it in the air for about 15 seconds.

12. Can listen to signals for simple formation transformations.

13. Learn to do simple freehand exercises and light instrument exercises, with coordinated, powerful and in place.

14. Learn to use sports materials and equipment correctly to exercise, like to try and explore the gameplay of certain sports equipment and materials, and can pack sports equipment in an orderly manner.

5-6 years old

1. Take the initiative to participate in sports activities, adhere to exercise, and initially develop the habit of exercising.

2. Be able to walk more smoothly on slopes, swing bridges and objects with certain intervals.

3. Be able to listen to passwords or follow the rhythm, take a uniform and mentally learn to walk neatly in pairs, and learn different forms of walking.

4. Can listen to the signal to run fast, chase run.

5. Can jump forward continuously with one foot for a certain distance.

6. Can continuously jump rope.

7. Be able to dodge balls rolled over by others or throw sandbags.

8. Can shoot the ball continuously.

9. Be able to safely climb climbing frames, nets, etc. with both hands and feet.

10. Be able to coordinate and sensitively drill through obstacles.

11. Can grasp the bar with both hands and hang it in the air for about 20 seconds.

12. Can listen to the signal to practice the formation of the queue, and will walk left and right.

13. Can do freehand exercises and light instrument exercises according to the command or musical rhythm, correct posture, strong coordination of movements, and full of spirit.

14. Be able to actively try different ways of playing various sports equipment and sports materials, and use them correctly and creatively. Be able to actively clean up and organize equipment and materials.

Transferred from | Tianjin Municipal Education Commission website

Source: Tianjin Broadcasting

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