
Female sales live car sales top half of the 4S store - the secret is...

Women's live car sales top half of the 4S store:

Business soared 3 times in three years Recently, Xiao Ying, a new car sales consultant from Tangshan, Hebei Province, used the short video platform to achieve a three-fold surge in performance. Xiaoying has been engaged in the automobile sales industry for more than ten years, and in 2018, in order to improve her sales ability, she began to record her learning content on Kuaishou, but she did not want this move to accidentally broaden her sales channels. Today, Xiaoying's monthly car sales on the short video platform are equivalent to half of the 4S store, with annual sales of more than 300 units.

Female sales live car sales top half of the 4S store - the secret is...
Female sales live car sales top half of the 4S store - the secret is...
Female sales live car sales top half of the 4S store - the secret is...

Speaking of Xiaoying's secret, the last sentence of the video tells the mystery:

It's easy to give up, it's cool to stick with it!

Article source: network, the article does not represent the views of this platform, for reference only.

Thanks to the original author, the copyright belongs to the original author, if it is infringed, please leave a message on the platform to delete.

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