
#Ice & Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony##Sportsmanship##Figure Skating##Food##dj## Feel #Winter Olympics As the 2022 Winter Olympics proceed from the opening ceremony, athletics, sports

author:Hou Mou, an enthusiastic citizen of Hebei

#Ice and Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony# #Sportsmanship # #Figure Skating # #Food ##dj# #Feel# When the Winter Olympics are in progress

The 2022 Winter Olympics will be wonderful from the opening ceremony, competitive events, sportsmanship, to the Food of the Olympic Village, and the DJ of the competition site.

The opening ceremony was simple, safe and wonderful, inseparable from the efforts of general director Zhang Yimou and countless volunteer staff. The opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics was affirmed and applauded by people from all over the world, and Takeshi Kitano said that it was great, much stronger than the last opening ceremony in Japan.

Some of the participating countries in the opening ceremony only have one or two people; some countries rarely snow, and it is the first time to train in the snow when they get to the arena, but there is no chance of training, the first time they see snow is a race; even snowmobiles and sleds are crowdfunded. Are they pathetic? No, they are great, and they dare to break through alone. The snowmobile overturned on the way, and everyone worked together to push the car to the finish line, respecting the race and not abandoning it, this is the spirit of sportsmanship, this is the Olympic spirit.

My favorite sport is figure skating, which is the perfect combination of skating and dancing. In a variety of carefully selected music, the pros danced in gorgeous Kausten spinning and dancing.

Regarding the food in the Olympic Village, South Korea said it was not delicious, and Japan immediately said that only South Korea thought it was not delicious, and everyone thought it was delicious. Chinese roast duck, dumplings, sweet and sour tenderloin, hemp balls out of the circle again, an athlete said delicious hemp balls, can eat a hundred in one breath, really cute. Even when I was worried about what to eat every day, I had the inspiration to cook.

This time, dj was very daring, and put Katyusha, volunteer march and other cheers during the competition.

Thanks to the high-definition high-speed camera, I finally hope that in the short skating and speed skating competition, everyone can focus on improving their professional ability, rather than hurting people, pushing people, and various small actions.

The next issue will give you popular science figure skating rules.

#Ice & Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony##Sportsmanship##Figure Skating##Food##dj## Feel #Winter Olympics As the 2022 Winter Olympics proceed from the opening ceremony, athletics, sports
#Ice & Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony##Sportsmanship##Figure Skating##Food##dj## Feel #Winter Olympics As the 2022 Winter Olympics proceed from the opening ceremony, athletics, sports
#Ice & Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony##Sportsmanship##Figure Skating##Food##dj## Feel #Winter Olympics As the 2022 Winter Olympics proceed from the opening ceremony, athletics, sports
#Ice & Snow 2022##Opening Ceremony##Sportsmanship##Figure Skating##Food##dj## Feel #Winter Olympics As the 2022 Winter Olympics proceed from the opening ceremony, athletics, sports

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