
Childhood at your fingertips

Technology is changing lives, including the lives of young children. In the childhood of our generation, I remembered the memories of going up trees to dig bird nests, going into the water to fish, baking sweet potatoes in the fields, and so on, and the only electronic products that I could access at that time should be the TV set at home, and that was after school. From the moment children are born, their lives are filled with various electronic products, of which mobile phones are the most conspicuous.

Years ago, we couldn't imagine a two-year-old child lying on the bed wearing a wet diaper, biting a bottle in his mouth, holding his phone in one hand, and skillfully sliding on the screen with his chalk-like fingers in the other hand. Sometimes you call him, and he'll lift those godless and impatient eyes up to look at you and then go back to the screen, and sometimes you'll be okay with letting you shout and he won't pay attention to you. Twenty years ago, if the parents were not available, they were entrusted to the nature of the mountains and fields, and now the children are handed over to the product manager of the Internet company. The disadvantages of this kind of behavior are obvious, first of all, there is a lack of concentration, so a thing that takes fifty minutes to complete, many people are eager to spend five minutes to complete it ten times a time; secondly, it hurts the eyes, which is not much to say; and there is another point that we have never ignored, that is, to stifle the imagination, the child who has just arrived in this world, the young mind is not curious about the world, but the various emotions and ideas in the adult world.

Many parenting chicken soup and TV dramas will idealize this phenomenon simply blame adults, and naively preach to invest time and energy on children, and without any negative emotions, not to say whether it can be done, whether it is necessary to do it, as adults we all know that this is difficult, when your plan is refuted by the leader, when your body encounters an illness, when your bill is short, when your industry suffers from winter. At this time, it is necessary to play a perfect human device in front of children, which is like finding a vacuum on the earth, of course, it cannot be found in the natural environment, it only exists in the laboratory, and those who have received nine years of compulsory education know that we cannot survive in the vacuum.

I am not an education professional, as a layman who has been exposed to some children and has been a child, I would like to express my views.

The old saying has clouds, and words are taught by example. There is some truth to this statement today.

It is difficult for us to imagine an adult lying on the sofa or bed all day brushing his mobile phone, sleeping until noon every day, and then going to educate the child, through language to educate him on the core values of "diligence, bravery, hard work, and positivity", because Confucius's ancient precept of "do not want to do what you do not want, do not do to others" constrains him, many people have self-knowledge in this regard, so they can not do the teaching, they also restrained words. Of course, there are also some uninhibited people, after getting up at noon, looking at the red eyes of the mobile phone, angrily scolding the children. The same group of people will start to scold the child for rebellion after a few years, and it is difficult to say that the child's rebellion is not part of his credit.

But whether it is by word or deed, the premise is to deny the autonomy of the child as an individual, and to put the adult above the child's will. If you're overwhelmed by raising his tuition, can you crouch down and tell him the truth in a language he can understand, instead of looking up at his ignorant face and gambling things like smashing pots and selling iron? Maybe when you stop standing down and talking to him, but crouch down to talk to him in parallel, he acts as a mirror to let you see that you are not perfect, and one day he will tell you that in his mind your tall image is not because you are perfect.

Childhood at your fingertips

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