
Do you feel like you have nutritional knowledge? 19 questions tested!

Do you feel like you have nutritional knowledge? 19 questions tested!

Friends, it's time to test your nutritional common sense reserves!

The following a total of 19 questions about nutrition, full of 100 points, let's see how many points you can get (welcome to share to the family group, than to see, who is the one who knows more about nutrition at home ~)

1. When should the range hood be turned on? (5 minutes)


Fire when you fire

B. Turn on when pouring oil

C. Open when stir-frying

2. The types of foods that have the greatest impact on acne are (5 points)

A. Foods that react to hyperglycemia

B. High sodium foods

C. High-calorie foods

3, acrylamide is a carcinogen, food containing it can not be eaten? (5 minutes)

A. It is a carcinogen, but it is too common

B. It is a carcinogen and cannot be eaten

C, not carcinogens, do not care

4, the average person eats fresh fruit every day, how many grams is the most appropriate? (5 minutes)


B, 350-500 g

C, depending on the mood, all right

5. What should be done immediately after a slight burn is (5 points)

A. Flowing water rush

B. Apply toothpaste

C. Apply chicken feathers

6. The highest content of vitamin C in the following foods is (5 points)

A. Fresh dates

B. Lemon

C. Watermelon

7, goat milk is better digestible than cow's milk (5 points)

A. Goat milk is better digested

B. Milk is better digested

C. Pretty much, right?

8. The upper limit of the average person's daily caffeine intake is (5 points)

A. 400 mg

B. 200 mg

C, 600 mg

9, the most nutritious in the broth is (5 points)


B. Soup

C. Oil floating on the surface of the soup

10. If you want to better absorb lycopene, how should tomatoes be eaten? (5 minutes)

A. Cooked

B. Eat raw

C. Eat without washing

11. When diarrhea occurs in the following foods, it is best not to eat (5 points)

A. Bananas

B. Coffee

C. Chicken

12, basa fish or dragon fish, which is better nutrition? (5 minutes)

A. Basha fish

B. Dragon fish

C. Almost

13. Among the following spices, what is more necessary to put in the refrigerator after opening is (5 points)

A. Soy sauce

B. Oyster sauce

C. Edible oil

14. In the best diet ranking in 2022, the following ranking is the first (5 points)

A. Ketogenic diet

B. Mediterranean diet

C. Diet

15, can leeks aphrodisiac (5 points)

A, somewhat useful, right?

B. No, you can't

C, aphrodisiac effect is very good

16. How many kcals do you need to consume if you want to lose 1 kg of fat? (5 minutes)




17. Is there any calorie in alcohol? (5 minutes)

A. Yes, but not high

B. No heat

C, yes, the heat is very high

18. The following fruits are not suitable for refrigeration (5 points)

A. Peaches

B. Strawberries

C. Bananas

19. Among the following behaviors, what can improve nutritional knowledge? (10 minutes)

A. Pay attention to the account of "Nutritionist Gu Zhongyi"

B. Often watch the popular science of "Nutritionist Gu Zhongyi"

C. The above is all right

Applause for doing the problem here!

Come and share how many points you've scored

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