
Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

For a long time, Wuling Hongguang has won the likes of many consumers with its low price and super practicality, and has become the "overlord" of the domestic low-end automobile market. Although the price of Wuling Hongguang is very cheap, it is very leather and durable, and we rarely hear the owner of Wuling Hongguang complain about where the vehicle is broken.

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

However, the news reports that open the car page, hundreds of thousands of luxury cars are often exposed to quality problems, engine oil leakage, brake failure and other problems emerge endlessly. Many people feel very incomprehensible, tens of thousands of dollars of van materials, workmanship are not as good as hundreds of thousands of luxury cars, why luxury cars continue to have problems, but thirty or forty thousand yuan of vans are so durable?

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

The van has a simple structure and stable quality

You should have heard the saying that the simpler something is, the less likely it is to go wrong. The cost of the van is very low, so the car market can not see the high-end configuration, intelligent configuration rarely appears on the van, and even some vans with air conditioning are installed in recent years.

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

The engine used on the van is also the technology that was eliminated before, but although the technology is old, the process is mature and stable, as long as there is no major traffic accident, the engine can continue to work.

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

In order to keep pace with the times, many luxury cars use a lot of advanced technology, and most of the engines are more explosive turbocharged engines. Although this engine has good power performance, it has a harsh working environment and is more troublesome to maintain. Once the operating temperature is too high, the engine may also burst the cylinder.

There are few electronic devices and a low failure rate

The "inner volume" of the luxury car industry is very serious, and everyone is comparing with each other, who uses new technology. When upgrading, everyone will try their best to promote their new technology. The new electronics can improve the intelligence and sense of technology of the vehicle, but the new configuration has poor stability and is prone to failure.

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

The van is a basic tool car, everyone will not care whether there is any new technology on the van, the main purpose of buying it is to hope that it can pull goods and pull people, as long as it can meet the owner's minimum expectations. A car that doesn't have much electronics makes it hard to get it to malfunction.

The parts are cheap, the maintenance costs can be borne by themselves, and the owners will not be too careful

The price of luxury cars is very expensive, at least four or five hundred thousand per car, and some cars even millions. The more expensive the car, the higher the maintenance cost, and it takes five or six figures to repair the car once, even if the owner has money at home, he feels sad. Therefore, the owner is very concerned about the condition of his car, and once the problem with the vehicle is not properly solved, the owner will go to the complaint website to complain.

Luxury cars have been driving for several years, why are the 40,000 vans still strong? The reason is heartwarming

The price of the van is only thirty or forty thousand yuan, a part may only be a few dozen dollars, there are many small problems, the owner directly ignored, do not have to spend money on maintenance. For such a cheap and low maintenance car, everyone's tolerance is also higher, and the owner is not willing to worry about a small matter.


Hundreds of thousands of luxury cars often fail, but 30,000 or 40,000 vans have not been overhauled for decades, not because the luxury car manufacturing technology is not good, nor because the quality control of the luxury car is not in place. It is because there are too many electronic devices on luxury cars, and a lot of new technologies are used, resulting in poor stability of the vehicle.

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