
How important is the body during pregnancy? If you want to control your weight, start with these 5 aspects

Pregnant women should pay attention to physical regulation, and through the correct way to maintain the state of health, the fetus will develop well. Most women will gain weight during pregnancy, which is a normal situation, and it is necessary to continuously provide nutrition to the fetus, and the diet should be well controlled, while ensuring health through reasonable sleep and appropriate exercise. So, how much weight is appropriate for pregnant women?

How important is the body during pregnancy? If you want to control your weight, start with these 5 aspects

The body is important and normal during pregnancy, and it cannot be excessively obese or weight-reduced, so as not to affect the health of the pregnant woman or the fetus. And some people do not know how much weight gain is the most appropriate, according to the standard weight calculation formula, combined with the height of women can understand that there is no pre-pregnancy weight control in the range of the most appropriate, and in the first three months after pregnancy weight growth control at 0.9 to 1.8 kg, three months after the weight growth rate is faster, each week about 0.45 kg, this is a normal growth trend, can be combined with diet, exercise and so on to control well.

How to control weight during pregnancy?

1. Exercise appropriately

There are many ways to keep your weight stable, such as exercising appropriately. Some people creep all day after pregnancy, afraid that too much activity will affect the fetus, but do not know the appropriate amount of exercise, choose the right exercise program for women's production, fetal health are helpful, at this time can not go to strenuous exercise, but the intensity of exercise can be carried out, promote calorie consumption, avoid getting too much energy in the process of eating to make the body fat, in order to better control weight.

How important is the body during pregnancy? If you want to control your weight, start with these 5 aspects

2. Proper work and rest

Regular work and rest, to ensure that there is enough rest time, helpful for endocrine regulation, but also to enhance their own resistance, delay aging. In addition, the human body is important to remain stable, need to keep their own metabolism normal, and there is enough rest time to enhance metabolism, basal metabolic rate increase, timely consumption after calorie production, weight stability, but also a way to control weight. If you often stay up late, it is not only easy to gain weight, but also detrimental to the health of women and fetuses.

3. Diet control

Diet to understand control is to maintain weight stability, some people overeating after pregnancy, think that the more you eat the more the fetus is healthier, do not know that excess weight will increase the difficulty of production, while affecting the health of the body. Although all kinds of nutrients can not be lacking, but also to control the amount, balanced diet nutrition, vegetables, melons and fruits and other correct ratios, in order to control the weight without nutritional deficiencies.

How important is the body during pregnancy? If you want to control your weight, start with these 5 aspects

4. Stabilize emotions

Maintaining a good mindset, stabilizing and controlling emotions, will find weight gain more normal. Some people are worried all day after pregnancy, negative emotions will indirectly affect the endocrine, and the heavy changes after endocrine disorders will also be abnormal. If you can maintain a good attitude and be in a happy mood every day, it will promote health and can also make the fetus develop better.

5. Regular weight measurement

Weight control should also be measured regularly to understand your own weight changes and whether your growth is normal according to your pregnancy cycle. Some people do not weigh regularly, only through the naked eye to observe, there will be errors, which has an impact on weight control. By weighing regularly, supplementing nutrition in time if the weight is not up to standard, excessive obesity and correct weight control can we increase weight healthily.

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