
What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong. Cycle: 120 days Boot time: January 2022 Director: Huang Wei (Representative works:


What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong.

Period: 120 days

Start-up time: January 2022

Director: Huang Wei (Masterpiece: "Big River", "Goodbye To That Day")

Screenwriter: Hao Zhe

Producers: Ma Zhongjun, He Yang

Director system: Wu Weidong, Huang Xin

Chief Producer: Ma Zhongjun

Producer: Wei Lili, Chen Lu, Tan Jing

That's great! Looking forward to Zhang Yixing's new drama!

What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong. Cycle: 120 days Boot time: January 2022 Director: Huang Wei (Representative works:
What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong. Cycle: 120 days Boot time: January 2022 Director: Huang Wei (Representative works:
What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong. Cycle: 120 days Boot time: January 2022 Director: Huang Wei (Representative works:
What's New! The main actors and actresses of the TV series "North of the Firmament" are tentative; Zhang Yixing and Li Yitong. Cycle: 120 days Boot time: January 2022 Director: Huang Wei (Representative works:

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